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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Something I am always conscious of......what could be built next to you? Daughter was thrilled to buy an apartment in London over looking a small park......I didn't say anything at the time, no point. Two years later her view is of the balconies of a seven story condo.
  2. Got to admit I read that somewhere.....Nov 1 restaurants.....Dec 1 bars......but no idea where though.
  3. Inside the confines of their bubble........ I don't see anyone who would pass as a millionaire in the absolute dives I go to.....555
  4. You mean just increase the bonus they have been benefitting from........... since for ever?
  5. Why would you buy one of the cheaper tickets when you could buy one of the more expensive 'lucky' numbers........more chance of winning surely with a lucky number?
  6. Good idea......by moving the date they have at least managed to ensure everyone crosses Thailand off their Christmas and New Year holiday list......Phew!
  7. As alternative to a 5* hotel in Bangkok, full board, you are not selling it to me......555
  8. I was considering the same, but in the UK........the cost (in the UK) soon put paid to that idea.
  9. You will never get TV members to give up the whine.
  10. .......and doesn't the UK now accept Sinovac and Sinopharm dolly mixtures? or will from Nov 22.
  11. He will need a Porche 911 minimum, to keep up.
  12. I invariable get within 100m of Sukhumvit.... some how lose it...and end up taking another hour to find it and be on the wrong side. I hope someone who knows what they are about can help you.....555
  13. It'll be interesting to see which news outlets post this little gem......nothing on the BP at the moment?
  14. The trouble with these island destinations is traveling elsewhere ........you have the cost of a (usually expensive) flight to even begin your journey.
  15. They range from rough and ready to quite cosmopolitan ........at least a couple on soi 4 and two on soi 11. Prices a little on the high side (for me) and for some reason happy hour seems to have disappeared. I would try the new one on soi 11 first.......walk down soi 11 from Nana BTS to where there is an odd T junction at the then end.
  16. Best get those Kawasaki 1000cc motor bikes warmed up and ready crash.
  17. Very nice, new one end of soi 11 near Hyde 11. They opened the week before the last lockdown......!!!!!
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