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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Do we 'need' these for anything in particular?
  2. No shortage of Thai police....over 200,000. UK for comparison has 123,00. The problem is the RTP who, by and large, commit crimes, whereas in the UK the police solve crimes.
  3. I always find the first reading is way high 136/90.........if I take the average of the next three it drops to 120/80......very odd.
  4. Not keen on any of the bigger, 'organized' bars. Prefer the smaller, probably illegal, street bars. Hooters strikes me as the worst, if that helps. Soulless.
  5. This is pretty much endemic. I would be more comfortable trying to win 20,000 baht for reporting arrogant Westerners not wearing masks. Four Americans walked into our hotel lobby today....no masks.....the poor guy on the door asked them politely to put masks on. They just laughed at him. Walked from soi 2 to soi 8 and saw another six farangs walking along no masks.
  6. Humans have experimented endlessly to find cures and treatments.........the ones that are generally found to work are called medicines.
  7. Not personally seen any of the big clubs open around Nana open, but there are plenty of bars operating. Soi 7 was rammed last Saturday.
  8. BTR was the Company.....MD at the time was Owen Green.....doubt either still exist!!
  9. I take it you mean applied for within Thailand for a visitors visas to the UK?.........not that long from memory......maybe a week, assuming all the paperwork is in order? Happy to be corrected.
  10. In response to no one in particular, I do find the sentence structure rather ambiguous. As an aside a Union in the USA won huge compensation case on appeal ...........their whole argument swung on the placement of a comma in one sentence!!!
  11. Just got back from Soi 8, playing pool all afternoon, and felt a bit left out
  12. Where 2 doses of a vaccine are required for a full course, you can: mix 2 different types of vaccine from the above list, where is the booster bit?
  13. With bars, clubs, night clubs and go-go bars closed and no alcohol on sale till after the New Year they certainly need to do something....there will be very few tourists that's for sure.
  14. OMG..........nightmare! Did you have PSA tests?
  15. Did not know that! Are you then supposed to reapply and retest?
  16. OMG....all that time wasted....16 years.....555
  17. Is it an alpha blocker that you take?
  18. I have a sneaky suspicion some people might lie........so assuming they did, what could the interested party do to find out where you were in the world? You say ask for proof? If I am in Thailand for a year, but say I was in the UK, other than demanding your passport I can't see that what they would do to disprove what you say? As I say, this is of genuine, if only passing, interest.
  19. A James Bond fan from Hamburg would not be allowed the plate HH-JB 007 because leading digits 0 (or even double-0) are not possible; however, he might strive for HH-J 8007 or HH-OO 7, imitating digits by letters or vice versa. (Wiki) I wonder how he wangled it?
  20. I wonder that.....and you also see so few specialized number plates.....or I didn't notice them particularly. It was at Dusseldorf airport.....so guessing BO is Bottrop?
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