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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. The boss bought the land some 10 years ago and allowed her family to farm it until she decided to build, no idea of the cost. The house is just the start of her plans to develop the plot, few 'resort' rooms, coffee shop, food, bar etc. All at risk now from this **** and his sound system. .
  2. Sadly, there are elements of that already.......I can see it/feel it in myself and I am desperately trying to stop that train of thought. It is crying shame because all my interactions with the "Thai family" and locals generally, have been amazingly positive..........aarrrgghhh.
  3. OMG....you are so right......it would fester inside like a cancer......I am determined not to end up in a situation that eats away at me.
  4. There only thing I would add is that corruption could lie at the heart of so much that is wrong. It cripples businesses and innovation and slowly destroys a nation.....look at Thailand. Look at Nigeria....they should all be living like the Arabs do in the Gulf!!.
  5. She knows in her heart that I will not/cannot live there under these circumstances.......to be honest I would defy anyone to live there for more than a few days. She said the other day her main desire in building this place was for me to have somewhere to relax!!!. Another thought I had was to vacate (or not move in in the first place) and invite her immediate family to live there (dangerous I know) so people see it is a 'Thai' house.....her father is an ex-Head of Village and he must be able to bring some pressure to bear.
  6. As we eliminate the more diplomatic steps this list distills many of the suggestions/options made. Hate it to come to this, but I can see it happening when all else fails.
  7. 100% and similar advice given...keep out of it....play it cool/unconcerned......definitely the way to play it for now.
  8. Oh boy......I love this bit......"maybe you can move back to BKK and live alone".....what would I give??? If I thought for one moment she would allow that I would be in 7th heaven.....555 I have, however, told her I will not live there if the situation remains unresolved......I genuinely could not cope mentally .
  9. Yes a few comments along these lines, but he starts up under a friend's name or moves 100m away or.........just fraught with loopholes at the end of the day. Cheers.
  10. Thanks for that, certainly food for thought.......I will certainly bear it in mind, although I will find that approach a real uphill struggle because of my nature!!. However, you are probably correct in the softly, softly catchy monkey approach. Cheers. Thanks for your time and effort.
  11. I thought probate was the entire process of dealing with all of someone's estate regardless of there being a legal will or not. Probate can't be avoided or missed out.....it is the process followed after death.
  12. Thailand announced Friday's rules for its quarantine-free reopening to visitors from 45 countries......better
  13. So now you can stay out even later doing nothing and not going anywhere......the big sell is on.
  14. If you are forced to stay in the UK for 21 days, best make sure you are jabbed up to the hilt!!
  15. Thought that might be the case.........seems a little unfair on the disinherited party. I thought there might be some mechanism that ensures they are at least informed of the change or even (can of worms) have to consent to the change. If someone has a wife who cares for them for years, promises they will inherit and then they find out the deceased person's estate has been to left to Battersea Dogs Home.........!!!!
  16. I would never let any of my kids near a dog...regardless of their nature.....and when I had dogs (after the kids left home) I would never allow my dogs anywhere near someone else's child....again, regardless of their nature. Some risks are never worth taking.
  17. Yes....will have to wait for the wife she will know..... store in Khlong Toei, Thannon Rama IV Road.......they have all the kit....will get back to you.
  18. I wonder if the initial rumpus is a matter of sorting out who is who in the pecking order? Once everyone knows their place they will settle down.........although I did have a dog once and its sole aim in life was to kill every other dog on the face of the earth.....nightmare.
  19. Haven't read the thread so I might be repeating stuff. I have perennial hormonal rhinitis .......which is hay fever x10, 24/7. I can sit and fill a tea cup in with the stuff dribbling out of my nose every 5 minutes....however...... If I combine Loratadine (taken just before I go to bed) with Beconase (taken first thing in the morning) life is worth living. If I only take one or the other the hay fever comes back within a week and stays for another week. Last thing, if you find a regime that works for your hay fever starting in October.....start to medicate start of September.
  20. With you on that.....love Bangkok......and I am not a "city person" particularly.
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