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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. My first thought as well. You might get therapy, advice on mitigation........but treatment? I have tinnitus in both ears, but have more or less got used to it unless I see an article like this. Noisy aircons in Thailand help!
  2. I understood them to be barred from last September, but if that is not the case the tax is horrendous. I also have visions of pitching up at the dockside and getting the response....."What car?"
  3. Now you've have got me into trouble. Asked the wife what Ham Yai means and she wants to check all my messages.
  4. The cheque is in the post....give me a bell when it lands.......555
  5. Ford had a model named the Greyhound, and Willies-Overland debuted a car named the Whippet .........any help?
  6. Generally I think people are happiest when they are striving to achieve something, but not struggling. Having a goal focuses the mind......the extremes of having everything come to you or simply struggling to make ends meet results in unhappiness. Having said that I would agree with Diana Does that it is better to be rich and unhappy rather than poor and unhappy.
  7. You have persuaded me!!! Bit the bullet as well, managed to get Q class for 42K, one way BKK to UK. Might have to do economy coming back.....555
  8. Maybe the term......"beyond all reasonable doubt" ......added to their finding would carry some weight and be convincing for many people.
  9. She who must be obeyed says this is a regular event. The upper echelons see big money being made, but their share isn't reaching them. There is a big purge (good optics), cops are moved out and more subservient ones installed who make sure the funds go to the 'right' people.
  10. Just the consequences of a free market economy where supply is structured to meet demand I guess. If the supply or the demand is missing nothing is going to happen.
  11. Mid February, the 'mountains' around us disappear from view. The difference in the view between then and say September is staggering. I am 99% convinced Thais see this smog and believe it is in the distance, not a clue they are actually living it.
  12. In the absence of my restraining influence in life, the wife, I would find it impossible to resist going in all guns blazing.
  13. A few people have had similar thoughts....but as someone mentioned, if he is happy with his lot, all he has to do is cover his costs and be able to buy food and he can just stay where he is!!!
  14. To be honest those thoughts have slowly formed over the last few days. Sad to be in this position and for what?.....a total moron with no empathy.
  15. Already had that conversation.....and it is genuinely on the cards. She has another plot of about 20 rai, but there are no services and unlikely to be for a couple of years. If I had my way I would stop this build and wait for the other plot to become viable.
  16. Number 1 is not a good start for the UK. "The Saj" indicated 100,000 new infections per day, possibly, this winter.
  17. You have to feel for the police....on one hand they are trying screw as much money as possible out of the bar owners and on the other you have officialdom telling them to do their job properly. That is a recipe for stress.
  18. Why do people complain about the AQ? The situation is being monitored very closely and it has been for years.
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