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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Yes, I’ve seen that suggested….going to give it a try with a decongestant .
  2. No….last jab was for flu …..Oct 2023…I think
  3. No wax…or very doubtful…..I did as a doctor about two months ago to check…..said both ears were clear.
  4. Thanks for that. Not been swimming for a while…..had tinnitus for years now…..worked in heavy industry…..but the sounds I now have in this deaf ear are weird.
  5. I’m assuming that’s the case….but in the inner ear…..nothing in the outer ear….no feeling of an infection…..yet!
  6. Had a dose of ‘man flu’ which has left me totally deaf in my good ear…….lasted for 10 days so far….can’t hear zip, nada. Anyone experience this? Did it clear up by itself? Did you see a doctor? What advice/treatment were you given? Did you try any home remedies? I’m travelling at the moment and getting proper medical advice/care is not an easy option.
  7. Excellent.....well done....robbing bar steward.
  8. ...it must get hot inside those plastic bags.
  9. That is the big draw back.....best to get a seat where you can't see the driver or you'll never relax.....also, best to travel when the traffic is heavy 9am/3pm....so they the idiots can't get a head of steam up
  10. Scam...Army pension plus state pension does not leave anyone poor. He looks like an ex-officer so the pension would be substantial.
  11. Not a fan of Apple, but you can't beat Airpod pros G2......buy some silicon rubber covers to prevent them falling out.....I've never had any problems with Bluetooth? The noise cancelling is mind blowing.
  12. Good luck with that......🤭 Anutin is starting to look like a bull dog chewing a wasp.
  13. That is high.....we have a three bed house and run one or two units almost 24/7........average bill March/April, the big hitters, 3,500B.
  14. Living in Isaan we now catch a first class coach from Chaiyaphum.....excellent service, dirt cheap and very relaxing.....We'll never drive into BKK again....and visit about every 6/8 weeks.
  15. This has me really worried....someone could catch me watching Emmerdale.
  16. Just transfer it using the likes of Wise?
  17. Well if I were the driver….I'd blame the mentally ill guy.
  18. I think you missed my point…...in a prostitution establishment…..so in a hotel, no crime??????
  19. Yes….Scot is a give away.
  20. ...that is weird and leads to a massive loop hole in the law????
  21. Baloo needs to grow a pair.
  22. Same here, 50 and 24.....when we met 18 years ago.
  23. 10,000 baht.....pffft....get a grip.
  24. Who the hell, in their right mind, in their 40s/50s/60s would want to find someone of their own age?

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