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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I was teasing.....he told me check out all banks before moving to Thailand
  2. She really missed a trick......could have been photoed smoking L&M Greens at the same time and made a packet......may as well if it all has no impact on consumer choice.
  3. I was prescribed Dou Dart.....but read up that IF you are running the risk of cancer of the prostate it can trigger a more aggressive type tumor to develop!!!!
  4. Lord Kelvin (26 June 1824 – 17 December 1907) addressed the British Association for the Advancement of Science with these words: “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now". (Not a fair quote, but you get the idea) However, he also said..... in 1902 ..... “Neither the balloon, nor the aeroplane, nor the gliding machine will be a practical success”.
  5. Just been reading up on it.....saving their fire power, as you say, losing the moral high ground, offers a propaganda opportunity to bolster support from ordinary, undecided, Russians, turns this from an assault on Ukraine to a war between Russia and Ukraine etc.......maybe should have read up on it before posting....555
  6. What gets me is they are still there, is it 11am to 5pm?, when you can't even buy the damned stuff.....555
  7. I would suspect she is no more than airhead and didn't even think this through....and as for her business manager........since when did they think about anything other than screwing an extra dollar out of their clients......
  8. We could have seen American troops fighting alongside the Russians or WW3 taking off with the orange blimp in charge.
  9. Yes...that was my exact thought......then maybe back to a database search for passenger lists......just ain't going to happen.
  10. Evgeny Tomikhin: Are there any similarities between Russia and Thailand? I think the main similarities are good kind-hearted people and the rich national cuisine......ambassador and comedian.
  11. Does that drain into a soak away or into an onward drain of some sort?
  12. There is (or was) a real hottie on Sukhumvit soi 11.......she does/did a roaring trade.....packed every night. I am pretty sure the low-cut T-shirt was not for ventilation
  13. By three days they mean (strictly) 72 hours from the original departure time...not date.......that is how I read it.
  14. Very true....I would have no great sympathy for the guy who stole the pick up if he died.......but that would put you in the frame, possibly, for murder.
  15. I'd more concerned about your peeping-Tom.
  16. If you had a recent downpour it will be toads.......going at it nineteen to the dozen.
  17. He should have surveyed the various branches surely....... before moving near one?
  18. Yes.........I understand there are concerns, as there are in the UK, regarding 'fake' marriages to gain visas...........but even I am not stupid enough to try and fake a marriage for 16 years.
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