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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Hijacking the thread.....soz.....what do people use to fix 'hollow' tiles? Just had the local village idiot do about 90 sq m and half are hollow sounding.
  2. Now if this were hosted on various pavements (sidewalks), then yes......but in a sterile conference type environment...NO...so not what two week tourists are looking for.
  3. Can you imagine going there with the wife and kids........... thinking this is an accurate description?
  4. Don't tell me............his wife was driving the pickup?
  5. I see they let a skinny Russian women off first.....presumably for the photo op.
  6. Good to know they are giving it all some serious consideration........oh I'll decide on the fate of the nation on the day??????
  7. Yes.......... a word beginning.....not a sentence beginning....correct?
  8. Agree......but it is standard practice the world over, particularly in rightwing rags, to identify nationalities in this way....it keeps things stirred up/on the boil.
  9. That's only 2.5 million each.....surprised they would even be bothered to get out of bed for that amount.
  10. Gone down a different road, I used silicon swimmer's ear plugs and windproof glasses.......they make a huge difference...........not to the fly situation, I just can't hear what the wife is saying.
  11. If only he had had a gun......he could have made a proper job of it.
  12. "...up in the air..."........very good
  13. Blue on blue (or red on red?)......bring it on
  14. I'd rather they were investigating an institution aimed at the indoctrination of young minds than a shop selling joints.
  15. Oh....so it is only extreme violence and incidents like this that bother you?......the constant, unwanted, sexual harassment, say, of young women in the streets of London...you're fine with???????
  16. They would be hot totty if you lived in Middlesbrough.
  17. Every single headline related to crime seems to have a word beginning with C in it.
  18. 'As if' the pigs at the top are going to allow the MFP to happen............all animals are equal, but some (mainly the pigs already at the trough) are more equal than others.
  19. Mmmmm? Expansion maybe?
  20. Jeez H C.......are they worried there aren't enough here already?

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