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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Actually more people ARE killed by deer via auto accidents, than school shootings / innocents, every year. Average 200 killed in accidents caused by deer. Posted earlier, so search deer if wanting to verify source. I can't be bother to constantly repost same links. Y'all just have to accept the fact, that Yanks like their guns, for whatever reason, and being able to own them, simply will NEVER change, in our lifetime at least. Aren't you all the same people that state there are too many nutters out there in the USA with guns, and it's a very dangerous place. But yet, want to deprive people from those very people you say make it a dangerous place. Just a wee bit hypocritical.
  2. Nothing has changed, and people wish to be prepared against tyrants, and protect their family and homes, against all the criminals that don't follow any laws. Doesn't hurt if you enjoy a little venison now & then, as makes some nice sausage. Cheaper than killing one with your car.
  3. Ignore both of those, as Dr Strange had me nodding off. and Umbrella Academy, did a silly 'timeline' change, opened with a dance routine E01, Then went super woke, with Ellen/Elliot Page's character, starting with long 'wig', then change to short man's haircut and a new name, Victor. Along with explaining it to a few character in E02. As if once wasn't enough. You're an actress, just play the female role. It's not the Page show / TV series. Hope you don't plan on only doing male roles in the future, as you can kiss your acting career bye bye. Scratch S03, and a shame, as S1 & 2 were kind of entertainer.
  4. "considering I got to Pattaya in a hour" Were the wheels touching the ground ? Patts beach to Silom is 130-150 kms away. BKK airport to Patts is 120 kms.
  5. "considering I got to Pattaya in a hour" Were the wheels touching the ground ? Patts beach to Silom is 130-150 kms away.
  6. High inflation seem to be across the board ... worldwide. So all things being equal, not much of a change.
  7. Not a big fan of apps. 1 less on my phone works for me ... ???? Local office is usually empty, or 1-2 people in the Q When house is done, we'll just have auto pay via bank account, as out & about quite often. Have done that with other house.
  8. If paying in person, just take an old bill, they scan it tell how much current month is. Have done it a few times.
  9. I personally wouldn't live above where we are now (1 hr S of Hua Hin), as the air pollution almost half the year is a bit of a turn off. Mae Fah Luang University, if the one you mean, is a lovely campus indeed. We / daughter, check it out a few years back.
  10. Nice neighborhood ???? You have a basement ? That's a rarity.
  11. "Does rinsing canned beans remove sodium? All brands and all varieties of canned beans tested demonstrated reductions in sodium content per serving after draining and draining and rinsing. Across all canned bean varieties and brands tested, the mean reduction in sodium content per serving resulting from draining and rinsing was 41%." https://beaninstitute.com/to-rinse-or-not-to-rinse/#:~:text=Many people wonder if they,drain and rinse canned beans.
  12. I believe most folks, IMHO, are under the impression, the US citizens want to change the 2nd Amendment or maybe, stack the SCOTUS. That's apparently wrong, or it would have been done already. Can't even get semi auto weapons banned. Yanks like their guns.
  13. Dried beans are better, but there's nothing wrong with canned beans. If concerned about additives, salt, sugar, etc, as if not adding yourself when cooking, simply rinse them off. Frozen are better, and I do buy many veggies frozen, corn, carrots, peas, and some fruits. Fruits & veggies here are poor quality sometimes, and don't last long. If going the fresh / dried bean route, then definitely invest in a pressure cooker.
  14. I do .... not going happen. Impeaching is hard enough, convicting even harder. Nothing states a Justice can't change his / her mind after appointment. And many have. Justice Samuel Chase in 1805 was impeached, and the Senate acquitted him: https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/faq_general.aspx#:~:text=The only Justice to be,was acquitted by the Senate.
  15. Stacking the SCOTUS isn't going to happen in our lifetime, or this century. It would take 2/3 of the vote, to pass an Amendment in Congress to change it. Per Article V, the states can force Congress to 'propose' an Amendment, but that has never been successful. Oh well .... ???? "The Constitution places the power to determine the number of Justices in the hands of Congress. The first Judiciary Act, passed in 1789, set the number of Justices at six, one Chief Justice and five Associates. Over the years Congress has passed various acts to change this number, fluctuating from a low of five to a high of ten. The Judiciary Act of 1869 fixed the number of Justices at nine and no subsequent change to the number of Justices has occurred." https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/faq_general.aspx 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to stack the SCOTUS and failed. Hasn't been tried since.
  16. edited, inconsistent numbers found
  17. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/23/supreme-court-strikes-down-new-york-gun-law-along-ideological-lines-00041691#:~:text=The Supreme Court has ruled,permits for almost any reason.
  18. Or because ... "The film was mostly shot in Bangkok, Thailand, and at the time, several hundred male students from the International (American) School of Bangkok (ISB) were recruited as extras to perform in the multitude of shots showing American GI's throughout the film. As a courtesy, Robin Williams actually came to ISB and put on a stand up routine for all students in the 10th grade and above." https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093105/trivia/
  19. Don't know, guessing not though, and more hassle and expense to register, than fines you'd ever accumulate, if any.
  20. Considering some of the older vehicles, and very questionable ones out in the sticks, I wouldn't be concerned. They drive tractors on the road out there. Not a fan of quads (bikes) myself, maybe a buggy instead. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2787771148196289/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A4e2c0312-4458-49e5-a533-c880980d267a https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1613693205680851/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A4e2c0312-4458-49e5-a533-c880980d267a
  21. That my e-scooter, and no, I don't use the 'box' that came with it, and why I had to use the promo photo. Does give me the option to be a Panda delivery driver if things get hard .... Scooter, though now has light colored, cloth seat covers. Damn thing (black) heat up fast
  22. I'M NOT A DOC ... But if legally produced, .2% is doubtful to affect much IMHO. THC is now physically addicting, AFAIK, and from experience of smoking a whole sh!tload, and going cold turkey a few times. Never a physical issue, quite the opposite, and felt good. Socially addicting, yea. Why not source natural foods that help cause drowsiness: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/9-foods-to-help-you-sleep https://www.sleepassociation.org/about-sleep/top-10-foods-help-sleep/ Repeat food wise, but some other tips: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nutrition/food-and-drink-promote-good-nights-sleep What to, but just as important, what NOT TO eat, indulge in: https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/ss/slideshow-sleep-foods
  23. Never understood any eco friendly idea of cutting trees down ... for ANYTHING, especially as a substitute for plastic product / bags. And talk as they will, I'll never believe trees can be replenished as fast as they are cut & used up. Production of tree sourced products is not always an eco friendly process.
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