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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. As if he would need a PP to travel. Or if every billionaire doesn't have a few million stashed somewhere for 'emergencies' More than a few countries he could hop a private jet to, with no extradition w/ USA. Or keep things tied up in court on appeals for 10 ish years. He is 77, so I don't think he's worried about anything.
  2. Personally, I think that's actually good advice. Although, could have added, if you have health issues, or self medicating your stress, trials & tribulations with some other stimulant (alcohol) you may want to give ganga a try ... ???? As an alternative
  3. Agree, it's a service, for convenience & hopefully quality control. If you can use, fine, if not, fine also. Maybe you can buy same for less, but is it delivered for free, and 10 % off. If I was buying said product, I'd probably go with them, PrikPot, as limited availability where I am, and would cost about the same, or much more if I had to actually 'go' shopping. Petrol costing more than the buds, since closest 'shop' is 100 kms away, and price at 500-600 anyway.
  4. Does state 'model' prisoners, so suspect they are all 'volunteers' and nobody being forced to do anything. Spin as you might with silly comparisons to slave labor, that may or may not exist elsewhere, depending what MSM outlet you believe. Personally I feel all prisoners, if not a risk to society, should be on some sort of 'chain gang', without the chains, and doing public works. Prison is punishment, not holiday. And it may give them a skill, and actually some minor sort of rehabilitation. If the labor part sucks, then more motivation not to be a repeat resident. A win win all around.
  5. If the NY law / restriction is ruled invalid, it will only affect NY. As that is what they will be ruling on. They may add some opinions along with their ruling, which may or may not give an indication of how any future appeals will be ruled by the SCOTUS. USA being a Republic, and states having the right of self rule, as long as it doesn't go against the Constitution. Fine line between 'right to bear' and what restriction can be placed on that right. If that line is erased, in NY, then folks in other states may feel the urge to follow suit, and sue for any local or state restrictions to be invalidated, IF, they even have those restrictions. Most do not. I didn't research or read the exact appeal they are ruling on, but suspect it is about the "premise residence" permits on Statin Is for handguns. If so, then the ruling will probably consider that restriction invalid, as technically, it restricts the 'right to bear arms' or, they could rule 'suck it up, and buy a shotgun', as you still can bear arms, just not a handgun without a permit. I would suspect, if that is what will be ruled on, they'll invalidate the restriction, as a bit silly really. A firearm is a firearm, does is really matter whether handgun or long gun.
  6. Shared, small, dirty, unsanitary, toilets gross, and insufficient numbers for number of occupants. Daughter was grossed out by a couple, and she's pretty tolerant. Cheaper, but not much of a value, compared to sharing off campus, which is actually walking distance to campus at most Unis. Very basic accommodations, most no cooking allowed. Condo having or allowing everything one needs. If not in condo, then on site, each floor, such as clothes washing machines, large frig, kitchenette. Much better security and parking if owning a car. For small amount of extra monthly cost, simply makes everyday living less hassle and more enjoyable.
  7. Not sure about that, as they seemed to come out of most situations, unscathed, if comparing to their immediate neighbors, and so many other countries of the world. Most importantly, it's a county that can feed itself, and really has no outside threats. Not many countries can state that. I think aligning with China is much more favorable than the USA. All the USA wants to do is make everything more expensive here. Use Thai's airbases if and when starting trouble in the region, which would put a giant target on Thailand's populous around said airbases. China is a win win. USA is a lose lose. When has the USA ever stuck around once the going got tough.
  8. I don't think it is wrong, for anywhere, for any citation. Gov't or workplace. As long as they are qualified, or can learn the job, task at hand quickly, why not hire someone you know & trust.
  9. Unless out of metro areas, I'd suspect very few, as they have spot checks, way too often. Unlike the USA, where I was rarely insured or had vehicle legally inspected, here I do as expected, legally. Here, I've had all new cars, keeping less than 7 yrs, so very road worthy, where back in the mother land, drove a few POS that wouldn't pass inspection, mostly tire wise. Got the 'legal' inspections there, back door wise, simply for convenience, not because cars were unsafe. Oddly, in a country where I could easily get away with being 'illegal', I follow the laws more than I ever did in the USA. OK, I will drive against traffic on the scooter occasionally, along with that speed limit. 30 or 60 kph, that's just ridiculously slow.
  10. I'll be law abiding in the future, as been very lucky the past couple years, since they announced the 120 kph speed limit. Not reading the fine print, when road safe enough, I cruised 100+ to 115 ish. Never received a camera citation. In the future I'll be maxing out at 90 ish. Not for any legal reason, just EV's range is better at lower speeds. Beside last couple trips up to Krung Thep, with a few exceptions, not many stretches I could exceed 90 kph anyway. Slower, by a bit, but safer and more relaxing ride at lower speeds. Reality, on 300 kms trip, if half is at 90 instead of 115, it will only take .36 hrs longer, if all things equal. Last week took 4 hrs, so 4.5 in the future. If that saves me the need for a 30 minute stop to top up the battery, then nothing lost.
  11. Nah, I'd prefer China ????
  12. Yep ... put that one right next to the threat of if not paying, your vehicle registration won't be renewed. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30356768
  13. Tourist forget, they are the guests, so respect the dogs' turf. It's their home, we are the intruders. It's not their fault you can speak dog: "Yo dude, can I get some of that sandwich ?" "NO....do you see any cats here. I've been watching this area all day for you and you're not going to throw me a morsel." "Hey, you want stand in front of that door some more, I could use a bit more AC, as I just chased that rat away before you got here" "You're welcome, are those BBQ chips or Xtra spicy?"
  14. Don't think you need to worry about that. Supply & demand will keep them there long after all of us are gone.
  15. That was always the original plan, for medicinal, and to enjoy at home if wanting. I believe the bans are coming into play, as they under estimated the 'appeal & usage' that is being expressed, and wish to nip it early on. Guess they learned from the past, people fail miserably at self monitoring themselves. There is no reason for ganga at learning institutions, or on the job, or the roads when operating any kind of equipment. The only thing silly is, they have to point it out to supposedly responsible people. Find it a bit ironic, people finally get it 'legalize' but now complaining. Guessing some officials are regretting they even went down this road, and didn't keep it script only for medicinal reasons. If not careful, they may just do that.
  16. Search YT, filter time - 1 month ... see vids of.
  17. Drink the wine, keep the bottles.
  18. OP wasn't very specific, and that site repeats the 'graph' I posted above, with 4 versions of. #1 for those with $1 mill in assets + $500k invest in Thai government bonds, foreign direct investment, or Thai property. That's a lot of liquidity to tie up, that could be working for you elsewhere. People don't get to be millionaires, by being that stupid. Here's official version from BOI: https://www.boi.go.th/upload/LTR_62a01c0d2c314.pdf
  19. That's got to be some really old info if the poison AZT is on the list. Quick search and available to Thais, or work permit holders. Very quick search. Also thinking if gals or whoever working in Patts, on 'gold' plan, may have to return to home province where they are registered for treatment/meds.
  20. I'd be surprised if they can't, and think it's just a cost factor.
  21. I did say 'my' head. Many would not choose my life's choices either. But TBH, I could think of a few better places to base myself, if back in that 1 % bracket.
  22. News Flash .... TIT ... Buddhist don't kill living things for no reason. Many westerners would agree, killing something isn't always the humane way of things. Could the situation be handled better, probably. Some uncommon common sense: ... Educate yourself on dog behavior; aggressive vs excited ... if dogs around, not a good time to open the picnic basket, or show food ... if too excited for your comfort, share food, and back out of area ... NEVER run from or turn back on any dog ... if you think you can't get to a safe area away from dog / surf, go in the surf ... choose your location wisely, first come, first served or have a stick handy. No need to use, they see, they know ... where I'm at, I welcome the soi dogs, as they keep the very aggressive monkeys at bay ???? Happy Chillin'
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