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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. @Scouse123 When does it NOT become time to put money aside in a separate account and self insure ? Never had health ins Never really needed health ins Never expected a health ins co. to be then when needed .... nuff said No better time than NOW
  2. Fluent Thai and have to ask on a forum ... hmm
  3. If just for knocking around town, DECO offers new MB starting at <฿30k. You won't be going far or fast (top end), but doesn't get any cheaper to buy & own new. Some with removable batteries if needing. DECO
  4. OP could always just go live at a wat, free room & board for faking to be a member, till retirement kicks in. Just save enough of current funds for flight home and max Imm overstay fine. If caught overstaying, then free room & board again, till deported, buying that same ticket home.
  5. Depends on how raised, and their ambitions. My daughter is a bit money hungry, as wanting to retire ASAP, same with her partner. Shooting for retiring @ 45 yrs old. Could care less about selfies, as doesn't have the time or waste money bothering to post, where or what she eats or travels to.
  6. And yet, I got the highest COLAs on my SS, which is based on inflation ... go figure.
  7. Try an ultrasound, though, depending on your wt/ht, do you really need to know how much. Just assume you have a fatty liver, and adjust your diet. It's not rocket science
  8. That's an easy mistake; ... Ukraine ... Iraq They both have the letters I, R & A
  9. THANKS People really should visit a place before commenting about what they don't know. Some cables still there, but nothing like you see elsewhere in TH. 360° Street view
  10. Also been there, and some time ago (Feb 2021) and also during Sunday Market. It is quite nive area, and that soi particularly. Almost popped in there a couple weeks ago. Kind of wish I did now, as doubt if I'll be returning. Kwang Mojito is on that soi, and best Mojitos in TH. Spent a bit of time there last visit. Damn friendly and keeps pouring, whether paying or not ???? Kwang Mojito
  11. If not for the threads on AN, I probably would be in 'Ignorant Bliss' about it all. NO, I had to open the damn thread ... ???? I simply love reading about the imaginary oppressed ... ????
  12. I actually had to Google it, for this thread, as I had forgotten what it meant. Which I also did, quite some time before, reading a news-blip, and had to google to find out what it meant. In between, since don't use or see often, forgot it's meaning. Might stick this time, or not.
  13. I guess you've never been to a alternative lifestyle bar, or know many gay people. They are not like the stereotypes portrayed on TV series, or the tourist attraction Katoeys or OTT (look at me) ones found in TH. You'd really be surprise how 'normal' they look, and OMG, they walk amongst us. Truck driver's, all union trade workers, teachers, stock broker's, and every profession. Until making eye contact and talking to them, you'd never have a clue, and only if they want you to.
  14. Not really, and where we disagree. Not in my dictionary for use .. ever. Just because someone else 'legitimizes' it, doesn't make it so, in my world. That goes with so many other things. May even be redefined in years to come, or added to the 'slur' words, banned everywhere. Agendas have a tendency to do that. This new, current agenda, I'll never get on board with, as completely silly & unnecessary. It's only purpose is divisionary, and people are falling for it. Kind of sad really. People and sexuality, preference hasn't changed since the beginning of humans strolling around on this rock. Don't need new words, or any really, to describe what has always been. People enjoying theirs and other's bodies. Do we really need more subcategories of; H. sapien ... male ... female
  15. Apples & oranges. New words for something that just doesn't change; male, female. I don't need or want any new words or changed definitions of what I was already taught.
  16. So are they considered 'out of bankruptycy' or at least enough to start refunding all those covid tickets people purchased. Or am I not up to speed on news of refunds ? Anyone out there still waiting, though may not help with all the new fare increases.
  17. Actually the markings seem sensible to me, especially at night, where you may not see a dark object curbside. Whether object allowed or not is a different issue, but since there, might as well make it well known.
  18. Depends where & who is selling the system. I priced our system vs USA (Philly tri-state area) and USA was 2-3X more expensive. Will agree, no incentive here/TH, quite the opposite, and if ever getting buy back, quite the silly low rate. Powers in charge, still not ready to give up their grip on controlling the energy supply in TH.
  19. Whether on meth or ganga ... the reason he killed, GOD (the evil one) told him to. So meth & ganga is apparently irrelevant to the story. But agree with others, since highlighted, someone has an agenda against ganga being legal. Could it be those who used to sell it illegally, since now it's cheap and accessible ... hmm. Or those that benefited from the illegality of it, processed the criminals of. It is in the news, so ignorant people will believe it. Kind of reminds me of (& off topic), of dying with covid vs from covid. How everyone bought into that BS. As with all news, future headlines will be dictated by who's in control of the news, and control of the products being sold for profits. Money will always win, not common sense. That's up to us to filter the BS... and new science ???? people will start spewing. Good Luck with all that. Again, experience wins over BS.
  20. Assuming it included traffic violations, which would make sense. An no different than say, the USA, (only 1 familiar with), with their record keeping. Usually summary, misdemeanor arrest/convictions are only kept locally, if that, for reference if future arrests happen. Felonies should be in a data base. Along with DUIs, and or MVA causing injury or death, as in some USA states. Some stay permanent, others drop off after 3-5-10 yrs. Other arrests and or convictions, you can get expunged, if deemed possible and 'fair' to do. I've done that, but make no mistake, your record probably never disappears, no matter what 'they' tell you. As my expunged records miraculously showed up afterwards, since apparently FBI doesn't not follow the rule of law, and cooperate. Along with passing that info along to US Immigrations. I know for a fact happens, from experience. Would imagine the same happens here in TH, and simply another case of the govt, telling you what they thinK you should know, and not the reality of what they do.
  21. I find nothing scientific about all these new, and quite confusing new words, classifications, pronouns. Call yourself what you want, but don't expect me to keep up, understand, or use anything different that I wasn't taught in school over 50 years ago. Don't get offended if I don't comply to your silliness.
  22. Another day, another O&A, another coffee shop, another nice view:
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