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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Definitely, and I'd take that over any ICE at that price point, if you can find any that inexpensive. Low cost to operate & maintain, all and added plus, adding to the value.
  2. I prefer silence ... Or (not in any order) EC, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Buddy Guy, Led Zep, Van Halen (Balance), Jeff Beck, Morphine, Grand Funk, Rod Stewart, Frank Zappa, SRV, Dr John, Robert Cray, Kinks, Lauper, Madonna, Audience, Santana, Scaggs, Segar, Lang, Sheppard, Trower, Temptations, John Prine, Randy Newman, Harry Nilsson, Henley, Joel, Jethro Tull, Najee, Beatles, Lennon, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Marienthal, Koz, Grover Washington. Little Feat, MeatLoaf, Ozzy, Rafferty, Paul Rogers, Reed, Walsh, WinWood, Miller, Voice of Baceprot, Wagakki Band
  3. As do the Dems, as it seem to be a mandatory running platform. Stop making it sound like one party is better than the other, they aren't ... IMHO
  4. Correct ... and a good thing IMHO As long as criminals have access to them, you may want one if in the USA And I won't debate, been done already.
  5. Technically, true 'assault weapons' don't cause any deaths, at least not for almost 100 yrs. Think 1930 was one of the last incidents using. People confuse 'assault' with 'semi automatic' weapons. And yes, handguns kill considerably more than long rifles. I've posted the FBI stat links way too many times go bother. Just search forum for 'FBI' surely the threads will pop up.
  6. Leave the ol' guy alone. He's only got 2 more yrs to go, and besides, he's doing a fine job ... ... for expats If he runs, no way he's getting elected if he gets the Dem nod. Especially if he keeps Cackles as his VP, as nobody wants to see her as Pres. Well, maybe expats again.
  7. Almost all of Europe & SEA (WW2) ... is a bit different than the simple regime change of UA, that many were unhappy with, and prefer to not be part of any more. Along with inhabitants of the districts wanting out, mostly having Russian heritage. Many possibly not even happy to be part of the UA at all for the past 30ish yrs, since that other referendum & independence. As always, who to believe. Been lied to too many time by my govt, so I don't believe anything, and again, it's a regional issue. But meddling in other's affairs is hugely profitable. Morality has nothing to do with it ... IMHO Believe what you want.
  8. I can say the same about anything coming from UN or NATO. Still looking for them WMD ? You'll never know the truth, and it's a UA, Crimea, RU issue. Shouldn't even affect the rest of the world, and yet, how much did petrol cost or electric prices rise since last year or so. How many energy/fossil fuel/oil companies reported record profits. hmm ... go figure
  9. For a mere 20 (?) baht, beats walking in the pollution, heat & humidity, if that's your only convenant transport.
  10. If not mistaken, black smoke should never come out or any vehicle, if properly maintained. Old or misadjusted injectors. Some just need cleaning and have an easy fix, with an additive to prevent, but, that would cut into profits. What does the driver care for, the smoke is behind him. Diesel should have been banned decades ago, as a direct link to negative health issues.
  11. They're usually the ones spewing the black smoke, diesel fueled ICEs.
  12. And yet, most in Crimea happily left the UA behind and have no desire to return ... IMHO ... from what I've read. Crimea
  13. Unless diesel, which many pickups are. I Patts was forward thinking, they'd simply set up a revolving looping monorail/tram route along beach road (all of) and half of 2nd Road, and limit those sections to the tram, bicycle, ebikes/scooter & walking. NO ICE vehicles. Couple large parking garages outside the main, w/ shuttle service to the tram. Obviously city planning is not their forte'.
  14. Hat Yai World Tour seems to simply be the name of a transport company, (van & buses), with many routes, local & interprovince, and name may have no reference to the 'destination' or route of Hat Yai to/from Phuket. Van & driver could easily be base in and never leave Phuket. Funny when someone with local knowledge comments on and possibly gets it wrong.
  15. That's a fine line. Good investigating reporter usually don't get it wrong. Don't think they exist any more, just a good headline brings in the money.
  16. Was thinking bulbul, but not with the ring around the eye. You are correct though, probably an insect eater and not exactly young and may recover quickly. Any obvious injury ? A snap of its underside may help. The insect eater is all one needs to know. Water would be the priority for it, and maybe get some mealy worms and crush 'em up for it. May want to put some small stones/gravel down for it also, as some birds use to help with digestion. Maybe a juvenile Taiga Flycatcher.
  17. Removing 'quotas' will be rights regained, not stripped. "All men & women are created equal" And please, name a MSM news outlet that hasn't spread false info. You might want to google, before naming. Try '(outlet name) + controversy'
  18. Moved on long time ago. Too experienced at divorce. That was #3 or 4 marriages ???????? 4th is a charm, as they say, been living together 17+yrs, married 9 of those, I think. Obviously, I don't give out marital advice.
  19. Thankfully the younger generation is moving away from that silliness. I only know 2 that ended in divorce, mine and a bud of mine. All the rest still going strong. Some have their problems (worldwide) but still together. Considering the divorce rate in USA is something like 50% for first timers, things are good here.
  20. Take care of your cast iron, and they'll last forever
  21. Well now, I feel better about my lack of proofreading. Learn something new everyday ... "wog1 noun OFFENSIVE BRITISH a person who is not white." What did he say ... "2 great nations separated by a common language"
  22. I would have never guessed that, and still haven't a clue ????
  23. Yes, use of A$$ will get you cancelled by your pot & kettles. It's a PC world out there and in the kitchen.
  24. Actually cast iron (surprisingly) is not the best, as it was explained to me by a techie knowing such things. Sounded right to me, his explanation. Aside from scratching the hell out of the glass top surface. @jil Any pan with iron, which you can test w/magnet should work, and most will have a designation when buying if able to use with induction. And NO, those temps, are low, and shouldn't damage the pan or coating. Throw that thing out, as you don't want to ingest teflon coating. Which is actually supposed to be hard to do, from any half decent pan, unless coating is compromised. We have heavy bottom iron/SS pans for the induction cooker. Nice collection of cast irons, but we don't use on the induction cooker. More as they would scratch the hell out of it, but I'll take my buddy's advice about them messing with the mechanics of the cooker, also. Only have the 1 teflon pan, and only use on gas burner at low temps. Not really a fan of teflon as most are krap, unless expensive, and don't last long. Thrown too many away, unlike cast or SS, and have never needed to discard them. This does not address the issue I was told about, but if going to use cast iron, then read this: https://cookeryspace.com/does-cast-iron-work-on-induction-cooktops/ One plus about induction, you can easily control the temp, though not so easy if using cast iron.
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