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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Different brother, and we were all motor heads, OK, just the one was, but all 4 of us were mechanically inclined and could fix anything back then. Just preferred to buy better to avoid the need. But sooner or late, sh!t wears out, emphasis on wears out. Unless MG or Jag ... then wore out prematurely, as they found out. Everyone should know how to swap out, alternator, water pump, starter. Well, back then anyway, as easy. I've swapped motors, trans, rears, and really not much I couldn't do. If needed, as too poor to pay someone else to do, and did a better job. Necessary talents when buying from 2nd market. Too lazy now, so just buy new. I can't remember the last time I changed the oil in a car ???? 30 or 40 yrs ago maybe ???? Brother with Jag, he was a true motor head, building '55' & '56' Chevys, worthy of street racing, and his teen hobby. 426 Hemi, 411 rear, thrush shifter ... you know, the basics.
  2. Please enlighten, Check that ... just figured it out myself.
  3. You'll love the PAS mode, you'd be pedaling stress free. they be huffing & puffing after a while. How does he do it. Should have 3 modes ... simply off, you're pedaling ... PAS (pedal assist system) ... sensor will note you're pedaling, speed of, and monitor motor speed to assist. ... full electric, using 'thumb' accelerator, simply push down & hold down, instead of twisting. Same on my controls. Don't pedal, just enjoy the ride. Save that, and the battery, for the return leg. No need to do anything, except turn on if not just pedaling. When on, when pedaling, it will sense that, and assist. Just use throttle for full electric.
  4. Besides being on a completely different lot, across from the house.
  5. More off the tourist's path, and IF in the neighborhood. 2 waterfalls, easily accessible, no trekking necessary, 1 being roadside. Along the way to/from Ranong, roadside, good for a stretch of the legs, and some chicken & rice if vendor still there. Nothing special, but if on Hwy #4, you'll be driving right by it. On a curve and actually easy to miss:: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Punyaban+Waterfall/@10.0648375,98.6695783,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPkrjN4NistwgA62AYTG7aUFf_AcOCGL7LNXzyt!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPkrjN4NistwgA62AYTG7aUFf_AcOCGL7LNXzyt%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m17!1m8!2m7!1swaterfall!3m5!2sRanong!3s0x305645e5447ac1b1:0x10223bc2c364cd0!4m2!1d98.704075!2d10.0112745!3m7!1s0x305647a210df287f:0xff0dfe866b417df4!8m2!3d10.0653024!4d98.6700257!10e5!15sCgl3YXRlcmZhbGxaCyIJd2F0ZXJmYWxskgESdG91cmlzdF9hdHRyYWN0aW9umgEkQ2hkRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU5TYVRWaGVHMVJSUkFC4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11ry8mkdr5?entry=ttu This one, closer to home, Prachuap Khiri Khan. My snaps: https://photos.google.com/search/_p0xac298c1c1995ccbe_Namtok Sai Khu and a bit off Hwy #4, mere 10kms, short stroll from parking, no fee: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Namtok+Sai+Khu/@11.2481594,99.335083,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNkyuoESA0yTh1thU3jov0Uc1bokv5SQvc2NnOo!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNkyuoESA0yTh1thU3jov0Uc1bokv5SQvc2NnOo%3Dw114-h86-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m12!1m3!2m2!1swaterfall!6e1!3m7!1s0x30fed705f5f4d4c9:0xac298c1c1995ccbe!8m2!3d11.248322!4d99.334004!10e5!15sCgl3YXRlcmZhbGxaCyIJd2F0ZXJmYWxskgESdG91cmlzdF9hdHRyYWN0aW9umgEjQ2haRFNVaE5NRzluUzBWSlEwRm5TVU5vTUhKTWVWVkJFQUXgAQA!16s%2Fg%2F11b67qtwk1?entry=ttu
  6. I went for the 'click bait' title thread ???? Haven't sat on a bar stool myself for a long time, and can't even remember finishing 2 lg beers (490ml) at the house. Love a good beer but chasing after an alcohol buzz doesn't interest me any more. Love the terraced farming, and was on way to see some at Mae Chaem area: https://changpuakmagazine.com/en-article/Pa-Pong-Piang-/417037/ Which required cutting through Doi Inthanon NP. At check point, stated Mai Chaem destination and waved through, fee free. Knew of the terraced rice field & waterfalls at the park, but didn't realize both are basically roadside. Ended up staying a couple days, and since very early covid, the rangers didn't make the rounds to see who's staying without paying park fee. Unscripted stay, but checked 'terraced farming' off the list, for now, along with couple decent falls taking no effort to see. Surely better (next time), but that was too convenient & comfy stay. My snaps: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jrTCunVpXhpjA1tW7 Not exactly 'off the beaten track' / unknown places, more the purpose of the thread, but if in the neighborhood. https://www.google.co.th/maps/search/waterfall/@18.5373195,98.4742083,13.04z/data=!4m7!2m6!3m5!2sGHVJ%2B424+Sirithan+Waterfall,+Ban+Luang,+Chom+Thong+District,+Chiang+Mai+50160!3s0x30dbac7308fcebbb:0x672f8c9543094cc3!4m2!1d98.5800835!2d18.5427521?entry=ttu We stayed here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mae+Klang/@18.5458276,98.4960512,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPghMLOvJz4ZDua1diqfTJma2N_rWo47ZNlR-60!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPghMLOvJz4ZDua1diqfTJma2N_rWo47ZNlR-60%3Dw200-h86-k-no!7i6104!8i2621!4m7!3m6!1s0x30dbaa3ead621785:0xe524eae22522a098!8m2!3d18.5458276!4d98.4960512!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11bwfxh3qc?entry=ttu
  7. All these supposed motor heads that enjoy 'driving', feel of the road (bumps), the rumble & sound of engine, the shifting, the experience, really need to test out an EV ... for the actual performance. Impressive, and I'm very hard to impress when it comes to vehicles, speed & performance. EVs are awesome. Stop living in the past
  8. Very nice ???? Thanks 'Phu Chi Fa' is on my 'pop in for a peek' list come July, after the family visit at Nong Bua Lamphu. Taking note of the others, THANKS again ???? Hopefully this will turn into very interesting thread, Need to bookmark. Off to the park with the dog, will need to had a few favorite spots myself later.
  9. Ours has 1 motor, and we've been on some pretty steep inclines, and no issues at all. MG ZS ... 177PS of power and 280Nm of torque, seems more than enough for normal use.
  10. That seems to happen a lot ???? Hub vs mid, I avoided the mounting of, but aside from that, it's really easy, just take your time, swapping out parts. Mine (Schwinn) all slid off/on fairly easy I still haven't mounted the PAS module, as didn't think I'd use, plus don't have a 'crank' tool. Regret that, though have another bike for exercise, and may actually start using ???? May peek at it/PAS again, see if I can mount without tool. Once done, just take it easy cruising, and don't max out on your speed, as your bike probably isn't made for 40ish kph or more. My suspension & brakes (non disc) definitely aren't, so I keep around 25-30 kph, if not less. Also attracts less attention, as passing PoPo on the road isn't the best look.
  11. Comparing old house/AC draw (non inverter), and new house/AC draw (heavy duty inverter), then yes, major difference and immediately noticed. Both house builds identical, AAC block, insulated roof/ceiling, and well shaded with roof extension. Mitsubishi fan, as they've never failed me in 20+ yrs.
  12. Nice choice of components. I went the easy route, hub motor for my conversion. Assumed you watched a YT vid or 2 on converting. If not, see below. Good Luck
  13. ฿400k, that's a bit steep price for 5kw system, and guessing only 10kwh of ESS. Slow ROI, but if monthly bills run now about ฿3k for electric, worth it in long run. If staying there in house that long, living that long, or wife/partner will carry on after you move on to next dimension. Our bills were 3-5k, and then with the EVs, about 3k a month in petrol, we'll recoup ROI fairly quick. I may even live long enough, but wife will enjoy the payoffs long after I'm gone. Only 10 months in, but happy with our system, and may want to give our installer a ring/email. Tell him LA said 'Hi' ... he's buying the beer next time. He's scheduled to put in 2 other systems for AN members. PM sent, as not sure if allowed to link info, and don't want yet another post of mine deleted.
  14. Do y'all get O&A (out & about), exploring TH, if only your own or neighboring provinces ? Even I got O&A the first 2 years here, when not owning a car, via public trans, bus & train. Which I wouldn't recommend unless needed, as not the most comfy. I accidently Google 'Chiang Rai', and a slideshow pops up in top of search results, and as it played, I realized; seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it. Nice feature of Gsearch. https://www.google.com/search?q=Chiang+Rai&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 We're good for more than a few times a year, just to break to boredom, and see something new: a view, a new coffee shop w/view, a beach, a valley from above. I get bored easily. Save local exploring for 'smog' season, as not too bad locally, or head to less popular/unknown places due south. Then out the door during rainy season to popular, or smog'd in places/north of us, when not rainy season. Did all the history (& touristy), Khmer ruins, Wat'd out after 20, though some unique; wood, marble, different architect, or location, that view again. They seem to be gifted primo locations. Beaches beaches & beaches, aside for the popular ones. Any favorites, feel free to post (not soi 6), and hopefully with a Gmap link, as always open to suggestions. HAPPY TRAVELS
  15. No problem if not damaged, body wise. Dry it out, clean it up, off to the 2nd hand dealers. No different than 'rain flooded' vehicles. Chickie friend of mine, I taught o drive on a lakeside drunken/drugged night, decided 1 lesson was enough. Next thing I know, the car (engine submerged) was in the lake. Pulled it out, the car, cleaned it up, and it ran for couple more years, till another friend bought it.
  16. From an 'unlinkable' news-blip elsewhere: "After paying $250,000 per person for the trip, the participants would be trained in scientific research and spend eight days at sea. The experience was billed as offering “a chance to step outside of everyday life and discover something truly extraordinary.” The summer 2023 expedition was supposed to be the first of three, with two more planned for June 2024" Looks to be a 'tethered' craft, so if lost at sea, something major happened obviously.
  17. "Titanic tourist submarine holding up to 5 people goes missing in Atlantic Ocean – live updates" https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/submarine-missing-titanic-tourist-updates-b2360261.html
  18. Changing branch, I wish, as they closed mine. Though I didn't have to do anything. Just use the other, now only branch in the Amphur. Didn't close or open new accounts, nothing changed. Soc Sec DD kept coming, no interruption.
  19. If I was to go by roof area, the previous house would be 450 ish m². Though we only actually lived in 160 m². Rest was covered storage, patios, carport & covered pool, along with all the water tanks/covered. Even the present house is probably knocking o 400 m², if including the greenhouse on adjacent lot, as 45+m². Not much of the 400 m² lot isn't roofed over ???? Though we basically only use 106 m², not counting the laundry & storage, even though part of the house itself. Yea, we downsized, as too much to take care of. Hate living for the house. On Topic ... as always, for those building, can't be stressed enough, extended roofs and lots of wall shading. Pays for itself, less AC needed. Need to figure that extra in the budget. Very first house build, , 2000, only cost about 350k, but cost another 450k, upgrading, to make up for my ignorance of the sun & shading. Lots of extras from original build.
  20. Anyone who asks, I tell them not to bother coming to TH, and if so, only during rainy season, which kills any beach holiday, as seas too rough. Brother is coming over next year, early May. Hope the rains start earlier than they did this year. Doing Nam first and I told him not even to bother with TH, since going there. I'm fairly positive, he's going to hate both countries. Both way below his 'level' to travel. SEA is one giant economically depressed area, and no way will he mentally be able to adjust to it in a short few weeks. I still haven't got a clue what the attraction is for returning visitors, except P4P.
  21. I charge my MG ZS with excess solar at home. 46.3 usable kWh bank of 50,3kWh. Never needed the grid, and the solar system was NOT planned to accommodate an EV, as we had just bought an ICE car. Drove around yesterday & today, using 10%, and took 2 ish hours to top back up at around noon. Your post makes no sense, considerating of different solar panel sizes, 300+ to 600+w panels. To many variables to be credible.
  22. They needed better attractions before covid, though TBH, haven't a clue what they would be. I was attracted to the 3rd world with modern things vibe. Still enjoy the older quaint areas. The Asian flare part of it, was interesting, as not really exposed to in the USA, since wasn't a big fan of big metro's 'ChinaTowns'. Only time I actually travelled for attractions, was museums, a few in USA, & Amsterdam. My travels interests were always nature, and water sports. For TH now, it's not so much giving tourist a reason to come here, but to not give them a reason to avoid. They really need to address the pollution; air, sewer/seas, and trashed everywhere. It boggles my mine, people come here at all during high/burn season, unless going south, and getting worse down there.
  23. Yes, for me, it's walled in floor area, nothing outside (veranda, porch, carport, exposed Thai kitchen if having). TH, I notice a lot consider it, anything under roof, no matter ir covers, and if 2 story, simply 2X, no matter if veranda, porches or balconies are under roof.
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