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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. MG Extender ... shouldn't be a surprise from me. Though do spec shop, before spending that ฿฿฿. Never really shopped for a truck, as no need for one, but do like the look of the MG. Not a big fan of add-ons I'll never use either. And the base model is about as stripped down as you can go, I think, for full size pick up. ฿549,000 ... that's inexpensive transport ???? Based on Maxus T60/70 and been around for awhile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxus_T60
  2. Yes, I know there are the rare cases of nature having an oops. Tough call for parents & docs, and hope they make the right one at the time. If only one complete set of sex organs then easy call, if both ... good luck. Start counting chromosomes. Xs & Ys ... there are no Zs people. Only in your mind, and please keep it to yourselves. The rest of us don't care. I think I'll parade around the resort tomorrow ... 'I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man'
  3. @petermik Buy the 4 way thingy, as so much easier to use, when needing to.
  4. You want that charcoal smoky flavor, just add liquid smoke to meat or while pan frying, or how ever you cook it. Google is your friend... smoke
  5. They shouldn't be touching or picking up sea life ... BUT ... reality, they aren't really going to hurt it, unless forcefully removing it from what it's attached to, if it's attached to anything at the time. Go to most aquariums, and they'll usually have at 'touch tank' of starfish & cucumbers, urchins and whatever, can't be hurt or hurt the kids. ... nuff said More selective national shaming & prosecutions ... try not polluting and dumping your trash in the seas first, if TH cars so much.
  6. cisgender ... another word invented (1955), with popular use in 1970. To me, means absolutely nothing. I refuse to even acknowledge this silly new word. I am a male H. sapien ... call me that, or use my name. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Suborder: Haplorhini Infraorder: Simiiformes Family: Hominidae Subfamily: Homininae Tribe: Hominini Genus: Homo Species: H. sapiens 2 types and only 2 types; male & female one usually has a penis, and the other can give birth to offspring Do with what you want after you're born, but you are either or; male or female. A male will never give birth, and female will never have a penis or testicles.
  7. Give her POA, this will enable her to fill out & sign your SS pulse check (7162) every year.
  8. Google 'The Phraya Gold Rum' for good Thai rum, though only sold internationally. May be able to get it at King Power.
  9. Have a link for it, as I happen to be in the area. Search and can't find anything...EXCEPT ... No Name Bar, changed to Triple B Bar, and now 'closed permanently' TIA
  10. I'm not buying it. Public hospitals here don't have time to waste, as too understaffed to care what you identify yourself as. More special interest BS ... ... IMHO
  11. I doubt if there is any law, reference to OP's. I'll blur plates if in my photos, if I post somewhere, rare. Just a courtesy, as wouldn't want my numbers posted. Though I'm sure I've probably posted mine one somewhere. Legally, in the USA anyway (I know, TIT), but in the public domain, there is no right of privacy, usually.
  12. Guessing OP doesn't have, or he wouldn't be asking about CoR.
  13. Just proof of residence form (CoR) from IO, which apparently has been for & answered by OP, so needs the DLT letter. First I ever heard of that also.
  14. Definitely didn't read all the posts, so probably mentioned, but it only takes one/yours, an open & free thinking mind to break the cycle. My parents were extremely prejudice, and it didn't take much thought at all to be the opposite. I actually remember going completely against their 'programming' at about 5 yrs old. That's mind boggling, that I did at that age, and something that sticks in my memory. One reason why I've always had very few close friends. In that aspect, it's a very sad world we live in.
  15. At Krung Thep now, and popped over to Chatuchak market (not my choice), but noticed, most not wearing masks. Not surprising, since guessing, most are tourist. The interesting part, few vendors were wearing mask, almost non-existent. Since Thais don't really shop there (tourist trap that it is), they don't seem to bother. Apparently not bothering, since they realize, the customer base doesn't care, at a guess. As I state often, same locally, market vendors not wearing masks, or incorrected, setting up, early opening, and not until the customers show up, then the mask get put on. Thais still about 50/50 locally in crowded areas/market, but again, wearing incorrectly. MRT, majority wearing, though surprised many locals, I think, not wearing, since not on the downtown lines. More were wearing, boarding the carriages at the popular stops. More crowded also.
  16. Don't think anyone needs experience to know, Patts diving is probably krap. I personally wouldn't even bother with Tao, as yet to see a vid that would encourage me to go there. The Gulf is extremely iffy, vis wise, most days.
  17. I'll add that to the list of things that have come out from the CDC the past few years, that took away any small credibility they might have had. If people only knew how silly they sounded when saying ganga is addictive ????
  18. Every one that indulged that I know, and that's a lot of people. Compare those to the drunks & dopers I knew, sadly to many of those, and it's pretty obvious which stimulant is addictive.
  19. Everyone I know that did have a drug problem, started with alcohol. And non, had a ganga drug problem. Usually meth/crack were the problem drugs, after alcohol, dulled their intellectual thinking enough for them to try those. Poor decisions when drunk ... then hooked. But not on ganga. Matter fact, most drug addict avoid ganga, as brings them down off their drug of choice. Again .... experience wins over BS.
  20. Wow, a new definition for 'disorder' possibly like addition. That's embarrassing, almost like a credible health organization, wanting to create something that doesn't exist ... so they can treat it ... $$$$ "Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.18 People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults" That's the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time, trying to sound very 'medical' I can't stop taking photos ... I'm going to start rehab next week. On Topic ... I got a sh!tload here, and I don't even bother smoking it. Maybe once a month. About the same 'addition' I've had for the past 40+ yrs. Days past, I'd smoke 3-10 joints a day. Stop for 30 days, no withdrawal symptoms at all, and apply for the job that required a piss test.
  21. 7 days, that's a rushed trip. especially if you're going to sticking to the river part of the way. You may want to reconsider that.
  22. I don't know about explosion, unless something stored where they hang out. But fire ... yes. Imagine a nest built over an electrical junction, and or any exposed wires. "Pigeons build nests far from predators, so they may build them on rooftops or even chimneys. Nesting materials like twigs, grass clippings, straws, etc., are extremely flammable so they can quickly catch fire. Moreover, the fire can be worse if the area is full of bird droppings as bird droppings are also flammable." BOOM
  23. You got that right, I used to work at Newark airport, (1980/81) and lived way down off exit 8 / Hightstown. Which turned out really advantageous most days, as was able to fly to work out of Princeton. A double win, as the employee parking lot was on the other side of the highway, and had to allow 30-45 minutes, if you missed the first shuttle over. I think around exit 10 or 11, it started and the stench was repulsive. Don't now how people lived there. Remember reading the headline at Princeton airport early in the morning, "John Lennon Shot & Killed". Along with being at work, and announcing on the PA at the gate, Reagan had just been shot. Didn't quite hit the news channel at the airport ... talk about a hushed silence.
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