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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Forewarned and yet ... https://www.npr.org/2023/06/23/1183975136/james-cameron-titanic-titan-sub
  2. The only thing that really works for mozzies, is DEET ... No thanks.
  3. Seems to be a slow paced easy ride. Going to need to spend too much time on hwy#4 though, for my liking.
  4. Rainy season finally arrived, so out the door for couple O&As. About 10ish days. When home, daily average 30+kWh most of the time. A short stretch, 6ish days, and about 20kWh a day. While O&A, produced about 5.5kWh, and consumed about 4.5kWh a day, to keep 2 frigs and couple lights on.
  5. @Baz Erckens Just embarrassing, and I'm not even a sextourist. Every city, everywhere .... worldwide, ask the all knowing taxi driver = TH tuk tuk driver in Surin
  6. Don't know about Patts or if on this site, but Stats R Us: https://www.thairsc.com/ some breakdowns Immigrant workers (assuming) not faring very well:
  7. I'm sticking with the oldies but goodies: Straight/Heterosexual Gay BiSexual Do we need any more ? Although, saying that, I do prefer PanSexual, all inclusive, and I've learned, 'never to say never' ... as that expression is against my religion; Raëlism In your mind, and mind only, if you want to 'trans' into something else, feel free, but you're still a male or female @ birth & now, no matter what you think, but imagine you want to be afterward. On Topic, as always ???? the doc will only care if you are a male or female, the same thing that's on you admission/registration form. Keep it simple.
  8. So that would be a bit redundant, unless there is a new definition of 'gender' I'm not aware of. I'm old school, and tire of people changing the meaning or applying words incorrectly to fit their spin. Somehow, people just seem to accept and or force it onto others. It really is getting silly. Gender is the sex (male/female) at birth. You don't get to choose your gender. What is your gender/sex at birth ... means the same thing. Origin is from Latin - Genus. Again, people, in 1980s & 90s, decided to use it differently. About same time someone invented or decided to use 'cis' in conjunction with gender. The silliness remains. What new words will people attempt to force us to use in the future.
  9. I've had a med oops now & then, one just last year, but not dumb enough not to have a comfy oops fund. We are talking about (supposedly) adult, responsible people. Seriously, the moment his ins co denied his claim, he should have quit being an alky, and started saving that money. He pension isn't really that far away, but easy to drink up your savings when an alky. Especially if you don't drink at home. An alky can easily spend 500-2000 baht a day, depending what & where he, she or it drinks. I could easily live on 500 baht a day if I had to, all in. No excuse for adults, choosing to live in a foreign country, should be running out of money. That he has no family or friends that would be willing to help, well .... nuff said. After heart operation, he continues to be an alky. Kind of sums it up.
  10. Can't say I ever quit, obviously, but some really long non-smoking intervals, from 30 days to 6 months to 10 yrs. Mainly didn't smoke, as refuse to pay silly prices for something that really doesn't matter to me. When I did smoke quite a bit, it was free, as I had a small franchise ???? I would buy & sell enough to friends, to simply smoke for free. Buy a 1/4 pound, sell 4 ounces, smoke one .... repeat. Rarely bought weed just to smoke, as such a waste of money at the silly prices people, inclusive, sold it for. Price gouging, as I knew what bulk pricing was. One hell of a mark up, for 1/4 lb, lb, kg to sell ounces or less. When I bought it, it was gone the next day, as I simply sold 3 ozs for the price of the 1/4 lb, so my oz was free. Some weeks or months, I had to buy a lb, to keep up with my smoking ???? Always the same though, sell 3/4 of whatever, and keep 1/4 for myself. Restock when needed. Never profit oriented sales, so cheapest in town, and simply didn't waste my money to smoke weed. That's just stupid. Knowing so many people, in that 'trade' and if wanting to, could have retired in a few years, selling a variety of products. Too moral, along with, no desire to do a long stretch in prison. Weed is a pretty victimless crime. The other stuff, people get addicted to, nah, can't do it, as they will find a way to get money to buy, and didn't want nothing to do with those folks.
  11. Yea, I'm not getting the ones that charge by the hour, especially @ their silly 7kWh rate. I see another, 22kWh @ ฿60 per hour, slow, but actually works out to be inexpensive, if actually 22kwh received @ ฿2.7272/kWh. OK if at the mall or somewhere needing or wanting to be. But not on the road, as can top up from 25ish % in 45 minutes at faster CS (50-75kWh), and much faster if stopping at around the 80% mark. That last 15-20% slows things down a bit. Add another 5-7 mins if completely balancing the cells, though most don't and stop as soon as it hits 100%. I notice most (if in the car) MG CS will hit 100%, then takes another 6 ish mins to complete, assume balancing the cells. Other CS simply stop at 100%. And the computed range in 'eco' mode will be 359 kms instead of 360 ????
  12. I did, but you don't address your comment to me. Use to have 3-7+/- joints twisted up in the early morning for the day. Smoke one for brekkie, break, lunch, break, pre & post dinner, later on, before sleep. For at least 5 ish years, 16-21 yrs old. Quit 30 day before entering US Army. Started again, daily use, quit again for 30 days before applying for jobs requiring piss test. Then just quit ... for years. Never a withdrawal symptom at anytime quitting. Didn't start again in Thailand till about about 10 yrs ago, and only 1 ounce purchased, lasted me 1 year +. Now have too much to smoke, and I really don't even bother with it. Once a month. Not really in to it any more. It's there if wanting, rare. But for 5-10 yrs, early on, almost daily use, with intermittent breaks, by choice, when needed, and no 'withdrawal symptoms' Simply accept the fact from experienced pot heads, it's not addictive.
  13. Binding or not, if he choses to keep leaving, especially with an uncooperating ex, so not much you can do about it.
  14. Add to the fact, it's probably a great excuse for their life's failures. "I was addicted to weed, screwed my life up" ... ???? NO ... you're just a loser, who happen to smoke weed every now & then.
  15. I don't think we've paid over ฿7.5 / kWh. I always use negative figures of ฿8 / kWh when posting about CS cost, so nobody is surprised when paying. Same with home charging, and use ฿5/kWh, though yet to pay more than ฿3.8, since monthly usage is so small, if any, or payment needed. ฿8/kWh is good to use when O&A, and yet to be charged that. Using MG CS, EV Station PluZ or PEA Volta vendors. PlugShare is good accurate site Charge Loma app, is good to have also.
  16. Nice stash ... I like it OMG ... not a Nazi flag ... basstards
  17. Only the most backward countries still care about folks living an alternative lifestyle. Even in the USA, anal sex, or a good BJ, is still illegal in some states, but nobody cares or would bother enforcing such a law. Although a wife might use it as grounds for a divorce, and royally screw in the butt with that little tidbit of the law. Even though she really enjoyed it at the time, at divorce court, it's .... "OMG, you wouldn't believe what he used to make me do, isn't sodomy illegal" ... "I've been the victim the whole marriage" ... "I want the house, car, kids, and most of your income" Oh Krap ....
  18. For me ... Just the opposite, since using every day & stopping when wanting to, and why I 'know' it's not addictive. Habit forming, probably, and no different than my morning coffee ritual, but not physically addictive, and you won't have physical withdrawal symptoms if going 'cold turkey' from smoking ganga.
  19. I can't think of a conversation I've had or situation I will have, where I need to use cis for anything, or any of the other new silly words/pronouns. I don't know any of my friends or family living an alternative lifestyle, that use or would want me to use any of these silly words. None of us cares about our 'gender' or 'sexuality', or having it the topic of discussion. It's all pretty obvious. We live our lives. Do I really need new words to label people ? Pop over to friends house, both 40ish yrs old, both same sex at birth, never married or divorced from previous opposite sex marriage, 1 bedroom ... do I really need or care for a new word to label them. Jim & John or Laura & Lisa will do just fine. Anything else is obvious, or I simply don't care or need to know. Any new friends, and their lifestyle will become obvious, sooner or later, unless they feel the need to tell me right away, to weed out the bigots. That's fine and also understandable. When where and how do y'all even have conversation or need for these new words ? If not for AN, I'd never notice or discuss the silliness. On topic, a doc needs to know one thing, your birth sex, and you don't have to tell them, as it's pretty damn obvious. If I go to the doc for yearly check up, they won't be ordering a mamma gram or send me to GYN for any extra inspection. They won't be looking for or trying to check my wife's prostate either. They'll save that prostate exam for me, and both hands better not be on my shoulders or waist when doing the exam ... not unless taking me out for dinner & drinks first ...
  20. If that photo was the dogs home most of their life, then no big surprise. Along with killing the neighbor's dog ... no early warning there. Bad owners = bad dogs Keep my in a small cage, and I'd be P'd when I got out also.
  21. Sounds a bit straight to me. Female at birth attracted to males. Simply enjoys crossdressing.
  22. Oh well ... shame he wasted all that money on alcohol and Ins. premiums. Live & not learn, seems to be too common.
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