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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Maybe he got a good price on a van, from company that went belly up and didn't repaint before selling. Can't imagine anyone going to/from Phuket for a Hat Yai River tour. Van, taxi drivers on Phuket, definitely rank up there as the worst. It's been out of control for so long. Their violence against any competition is well known, and 1000 baht fines aren't working. Sadly so many of these drivers tarnish the good ones. My issue with all the transport drivers, besides they reckless driving, they take up all the minimal parking that is available. Lines of taxis taking up all the parking. Because of that, we rarely left the resort last month to go along the beaches. Which was fine, though did miss visiting a couple ol' favorite restaurants. But found a couple new. Kind of kills the self drive domestic tourist market, not that they care, as stated, it does seem they want the ignorant novice tourist and no interest in repeat customers.
  2. "The menu was put together by executive chef Francisco “Paco” Ruano, a renowned culinary figure whose own establishment, Restaurante Alcalde in Guadalajara, was named one of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America." Ojo Tacos 3 week old review: "We got the Taco Tuesday offer ( 3 tacos of your choice + 1 drink) for 690 THB. They also gave us this complimentary baby corn with cheese app which hit the spot too." Taco Tuesday
  3. Actually I think that would make a small impact on the mass shootings....IMHO The gang bangers will still be shooting indiscriminately into crowds. Drug turf wars will persist, and they aren't buying the firearms from FFL dealers.
  4. Nothing wrong with govt cheese, we ate quite a bit in the 60s & 70s. Lots of grilled cheese sandwiches ????
  5. Some great roads to cycle on. I'm a firm believer of riding against traffic, with added caution, some don't expect it, so care needed at any cross traffic/driveways.. Much safer than riding with traffic, as I think, most get run down from behind. At least my way, you may see it coming and avoid.
  6. Don't know about all that, but the simplistic reason, same sex couple simply have more disposable cash. Usual 2 incomes, and NO kids. Not having kids myself, till retired, I can relate to the extra pocket money, and how I holiday'd much more than my married co-workers, and considering we worked for an airlines, that' a bit telling. Don't know what the hell this means, and a bit irrelevant: "Most critically, LGBTQ travel spend goes to suppliers and destinations that recognize their unique buying preferences, and offer them differentiated value." What is unique about spending money ?
  7. Crossing yes, but you can't avoid using hwy 4, and looked at their map, and definitely minimal use of. For me, it's the wrong time (smog) of year to be exercising in it. Even a slow paced ride, your suckin' to much unhealthy air. AQIs that time of year, 75-150, along with PM2.5 being 5-10X of healthy levels. Nothing major for a week+ of out and about, but also easily avoided.
  8. What would that be ? edit: self answered On the other part, are they, countries, actually getting more gay (to shorten things up) tourist, or simply more are out of the closet ? I guess in reality, impossible to tell, unless a survey of gay travelers over a long period of time. Obviously if 2 same sex traveling together request a 1 bed hotel room, and face arrest for doing so, then not going to be on the list of tourist places to visit.
  9. Was there a question in the OP that I missed ???? To the title, being single or married ... same worldwide, chose wisely if going the 'legal' route. As stated, not all marry bargirls, not that that is a bad thing. And why would they want to return to that environment, as would think they'd be happy to be away from it. I certainly wouldn't take my wife to a 'bar girl' establishment, or actually any bar, unless going to meet friends. And certainly not a bar that caters to P4P. I'm not a fan myself.
  10. Looking good ???? I just stuck with the basics, pork, salsa, lettuce & spritz of lime juice. More 'Mexican' aside from the flat bread ???? Trying to cut back on the full on dairy additions; cheese, sour cream ???? That stuff ain't burning off like it use to, and too lazy to exercise any more than I do now ????
  11. Most tacos served outside of Mexico, don't resemble anything from in country. Not saying they're any better or worse, depend who's making, but I wouldn't label them 'Mexican'. And corn is the standard in Mexico, unless in a tourist area, then you'll find the 'Tex-Mex' version of tacos. Tortillas are fine, but I make my taco-ish thingy with flatbread. I like more substance to bite into. Made some last week, with a pork tenderloin, damn tasty also. Washed down with Mochitos ????
  12. Are you sure about the diagnosis, as tendons have a better chance of healing by themselves over time. Ligaments may or may not need surgery. Don't know about Samui, but there's a teaching Vet Hosp at Hua Hin that might be an option. Wee bit closer for you if driving. Have used ourselves, but for nothing high tech/surgery. Kasetsart University Veterinary Teaching Hosp
  13. HH isn't that much drier. 60-80% year round, at least. I'd would just run the ACs on dehumidifier mode. Cheaper than replacing everything, although, you need someone to check in every now & then, as a power outage will screw that plan up. Good inverter AC or stand alone dehumidifier really shouldn't draw that much electric. Couple million baht condo, and you're concerned about maybe a 1k to 1.5k baht a month electric bill ? How big is the condo ? When we're not home, the house draws <5kwh a day, keeping 2 frigs running.
  14. Hopefully that will mean a decrease/end to terrorist activities. Hope so, as planning trip down that way soon, I think. Was never really concerned about safety, just not a fan of constant, bottle necked check points.
  15. Yes, let's keep it that way. Tell them Tao & Samui are the best year round and that's where they should go for Gulf beaches ... ????
  16. When playing Chimney Sweep, I hated slate or wood slat roofs. Scared the hell out of me, especially if wet. I did one house on the Main Line, had 5 chimneys, and I looked like a cargo rigger, with rope strung all over the roof and to me ???? Bert would be proud. On topic ... Thankfully not used here and rolled steel is becoming more common. Definitely the practical way to go. Stronger, cheaper, lighter with less steel needed to support, unless installing solar on it.
  17. Possibly very accurate numbers, as I was surprised how crowded Phuket was a couple weeks ago. If we ever return, it will be just a R&R visit, hanging out at the resort, and not bother with exploring out of curiosity. Might leave the resort to visit Sunday Market in Old Town, but that's about it. Lack of parking & price gouging, along with crowded beaches was simply too much of a turn off for us.
  18. Entertainment TV at it's worst. As if 2016/20 wasn't embarrassing enough. Trump is correct though, ratings will go through the roof when he's involved. $$$ ... I can see them paying candidates to attend in the future, same as sports figures, whether they were planning on playing/winning or not. Golf is a fine example. Gladiators to the Colosseum ... nothing has changed in couple thousand years. People wonder why the world is in the state that it is.
  19. If going to forgive loans, it has to be everyone's, not just one type. Not just borrowers either, or one sector of customers. If giving $$$ away, you need to give it to everyone, who paid taxes, as it's their money.
  20. Yes, there's days when it produced shy of 50kWh, and could easily power 2 neighbors. In that aspect, it's mind boggling how MEA/PEA, won't work with home owners with solar systems. That's a lot of energy going to waste, as we don't export any more, since having a digital meter. Exported 8 days total I think, during our first 2 weeks, and during rainy season, best production day while doing was 49kWh, and on a krappy day, as the peaks & valley show:
  21. Well done. On daughter adopting us, no paperwork was asked of me, except my PP. (A. Muang, PKK). Actually surprised how easy it was.
  22. To add to my reply, since I had a triplex rental property, I'd refuse renting to someone, if it would disrupt the calm of my current tenants. One of my renters was gay / bisexual, so I certainly wouldn't rent to an anti-gay person looking to lease an open apartment if I had one. That falls under common sense, law or no law. On the reverse, if having 2 anti gay renters, I certainly wouldn't rent to a gay person, if 3rd apartment was open. For the same reason, though I can't imagine me renting to anyone anti gay, if I know beforehand. Not a fan of bigots of any type.
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