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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Don't know where most of Thailand is, but it's rained everywhere we've been recently, while out & about, and also at home/PKK. That would be; Surat Thani, Phang-Nga, Phuket & Chumphon. Few riverside accommodations, and rivers running high, as not dry bank between river level & vegetation. It's rained every day at home, and why we waited to leave, so garden would be watered. Easy to tell be the production peaks & valley in the solar system's app graph. Same drought/food warnings almost yearly, and yet to run out of water anywhere we've lived or visited in TH. EDIT ... dog needed to P, and it's pissin' down rain now...Chumphon.
  2. Actually thought about getting a couple hens, then I guess I need a rooster also. Not for any pricing, but for freshness. Still may, though may be too much hassle and attract snakes or rats, and then snakes. They are cheap enough, 2 egg brekkie dish, adds all of 10 baht to the meal and a great source of protein. An aside, wife went to some vendor/farm, for mulch-ish product for garden, and somehow we left with 60 eggs ... FREE. Gal had way too many apparently ????
  3. Don't know where most of Thailand is, but it's rained everywhere we've been recently, while out & about, and also at home/PKK. That would be; Surat Thani, Phang-Nga, Phuket & Chumphon. Few riverside accommodations, and rivers running high, as not dry bank between river level & vegetation. It's rained every day at home, and why we waited to leave, so garden would be watered. Easy to tell be the production peaks & valley in the solar system's app graph. Same drought/food warnings almost yearly, and yet to run out of water anywhere we've lived or visited in TH.
  4. Agree, though can be a challenge, to find what, where, level of accommodations you want, and a value, or not. Some places I wouldn't let my dog stay, let alone us. Simple enough ... as long as you know how to search, cross reference and where to look. Since OP is asking a very basic question, easily answered on the internet, then I suspect, traveling with a dog may be a hassle for them.
  5. Many listed as 'pet friendly' are not, as are many that will accept dogs, though stating 'pets not allowed'. Simply takes a bit of calling around. The ones on booking sites, you can Google their name, and get a ph# from Gmaps or FB, then call direct to ask if & how much, if they charge. Good to travel with a dog bed, even if you don't use it, and a must, is a top sheet to cover the bedsheets/blanket of the bed. Wife also sweeps up the dog fur before we leave, sometimes leaving the room nicer than when we arrived ... ???? Please be a responsible owner, as it helps all of us pet owners, with hotel's acceptance in the future. Ibis is our go to, in metro & popular holiday spots. Usually a fair value, not the best, but we quite like them. Do advice you travel with a dog, as they usually reserve 1 floor for pet owners. Saves them changing your room at check in, when noticed you have a dog. Makes things smoother for all. They do require a refundable deposit at check in. Ibis 'Styles' are hit & miss as pet friendly, more miss than hit. No matter where, always call to verify info on sites. Usually same or cheaper pricing ... our experience anyway ... YMMV. Verify the room you want, not all rooms are available for pets. And usually a more expensive room. A way to charge, when there is no 'pet charge'. Oh yea ... the 'pet friendly' site sucks, as does the other ones. So inaccurate, we don't even peek at them. Same with Gmap filter for 'pet friendly', most are not. You really do need to make contact before arriving. Thai wife is a plus, When calling to ask if a 'pets not allowed' hotel will allow. Don't give them a chance to say NO... Talk fast ... "Hello, we travel with a pet, and has bed and we sweep up before checking out ... Do you accept pets ?" Sounding responsible helps sway their thoughts ???? HAPPY TRAVELS
  6. Guess it just goes to show, looks & money isn't the driving force woman are looking for. I'm just OK, reality wise, on looks & money, though I think I'm handsome & rich. Cars while single in TH, certainly wouldn't impress anyone. My Thai language skills are barely passable, though pointing and saying, 'how much & I want', will get me by, shopping. Don't, won't do P4P ... but damn, I've had a blast here when single. Go figure ???? HINT: try listening, more than talking
  7. trump ... is it really necessary to bring him into most of your posts.
  8. 'more political son' ... is that even possible ...????
  9. As mentioned, don't think TH has a restriction, but airlines may. Short snort dogs don't do well in hot & humid, so you may want to consider that. Also, as you'll find if traveling with a dog around TH, it's not pet friendly. Pet friendly hotels can be a challenge to find, and added cost, if not down right expensive. Along with the lack of 'green areas' for them. Throw in the soi dogs, and it's not a friendly environment. We travel with our dog, and she's bored as all hell, as usually in the room or the car. If metro area, looking for a place, green area for her to do her business is next to impossible, along with soi dogs. If rural ... you have soi dogs again, unsecured house dogs/pets, then snakes to contend with. I actually had to walk our dog on leash in the yard, at times, or recon the yard first, due to snakes. I know a few that lost their best friend to snakes here. Actually my biggest concern, worry with her.
  10. Good luck matching the income of a high end prostitute, even with a university degree. If I had only known just out of HS, at 18 yrs old ????
  11. I'm very old, and or unhealthy ... getting a respiratory disease, and dying from, wouldn't be a surprise. Though I guess ignorance is bliss for some. On Topic ... DF ... cover up, and mozzy repellent spray (DEET) is in order, if having a mozzy (Aedes species) problem in your area. covid been argued to death elsewhere ... PEACE OUT
  12. But would still be legally binding in a civil court, depending what is actually in your 'documents'. In TH, except for private hospital offered from employment, everyone is already, if wanting, on the universal healthcare plan, so not like one needs you partner's health bennies. Along with Soc Sec, the pittance that is given in TH, wouldn't be missed if you didn't even get your own. Are there really that many rights that come with marriage, especially in TH. Any other rights, employment, education, whether on the books or not, are easily ignored, unless you filed a suit for discrimination, and that's worldwide.
  13. Not TH, but apparently it's a thing in USA, at libraries ... or so I read. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_Queen_Story_Hour Only thing I have against kids attending such things, they are very impressionable, and may like the attention the 'performers, speakers' get, and think it would be fun ... until it isn't. Could mess with someone's head in years to follow.
  14. I believe they have just as many civil rights as every one else, except with the benefit or punishment of marriage, within same sex couples. I wish I wasn't allowed to be married the first 3 times, as would have been a blessing. Why young or any person wants to legally complicate their lives with marriage is a head scratcher. Any other 'living partnership' can be documented by mutual agreement, and will stand up in any court, if needed. Only thing I think is missing, and not necessarily a 'right', would be medical coverage of 'unmarried' life partner. But companies are doing this without legal marriage, at least the last one I worked for. That's if your company even gives you, the worker, health bennys.
  15. You may want to catch up on the death stats, by age, and contributing factors, and you'll see where my claim comes from. That's common knowledge by now.
  16. A covid death is usually a high risk, older or unhealthy person, and death isn't much of a surprise. DF doesn't discriminate as much, or mostly kill the old & unhealthy. Along with, nasty symptoms just for having, and last about 2 weeks, if not the 'hemorrhage' strain, which can be fatal. To put it in perspective, I'd welcome 5 or 10 more cases of covid, vs 1 more case of DF, and I am high risk, due to age. Take covid any day over DF.
  17. @ezzra Yea, if already told a 70% blockage, then he has most of the info he needs. Did he get quoted a price he can't afford, and as stated, which hosp.? What was that price, and for what ? Blockage at 1 spot or 2 or 3, requiring 3 stents maybe, or something more major ?
  18. too late ... obviously you don't live here, or don't go outside much. I really can't think of a better place for the alphabet crowd to live, other than TH. 'Coming Out' ... waving one's freak flag is so accepted here, it's not even noticed. Pride Month, IMHO, is a bit silly here, and surely just a money maker for the special interest groups. Bring awareness to who, as people stopped living in caves here 1000s of years ago.
  19. Unhealthy & old people die all the time from respiratory diseases. Dengue is a bit different, and kicks your butt much more than the flu like, if any symptoms of covid. Especially the covid strains going around of late. Which I think I had, covid, and a runny nose for all of 1 day. DF kicked my butt for about 2 weeks. Barring of course, you're not the extremely unlucky, and it kills you. Guess that goes for both ailments. On that, mozzies been chewing my butt up this week, but the little, almost 'no see 'ems' not the ones usually credited for carrying DF.
  20. Don't know about Patts, but he can expect to pay around 200k+/- for a stent placement at govt hospital. Not really a high tech, high risk procedure, and chance are, same doc will do there & private hospitals in the area. If that's his only issue.
  21. Don't know if already mentioned, but I think it comes down to their religious/Buddhist teaching, of live & let live. Considering the draconic Christian & Islam faiths, not surprising things are a bit better here for all things, including alternative lifestyles from those other 2 religions consider normal. A very good thing, freedom to exercise your lifestyle, whatever you chose that to be ????
  22. That certain explains your one sided bias on the subject. Trans can only be left and have 1 opinion, and Dem, and not rich ... got it. Any other label you care to throw out there ? That 'rich' coming from a supposedly open minded person.
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