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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Seems obvious, there was some kind of miscommunication, as photos are only needed for marriage visa, not retirement visa.
  2. With a price tag of ~฿1.3M to ฿1.5M in the UK, NL, DE for their low spec'd compact car, I think they need to lower the price a lot more. https://ev-database.org/car/1285/Fiat-500e-Hatchback-42-kWh
  3. My take away from the article is it's not the car that is the issue, it's how it's energized. 'huge amount of energy to make the EV' 'charging from a fossil fueled grid' Is that the car's fault ... NO Fossil fuel industry has controlled the grid development for ... well, forever. That's got to change. Solar, wind, hydro, thermal energy is all available but not utilized. That's the problem, not the EVs. Energizing a country without fossil fuel is possible, and being done, by only a few. Why isn't every country getting at least half their energy from non fossil fuel sources. % of energy from renewable by country: 22% of the countries get >50% 8% of the countries get >75 % Only 4 countries get 100% That's out of 214 countries & territories, and it's embarrassing which ones are not using more renewables. That's simply unacceptable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_renewable_electricity_production
  4. I don't, and IMHO, think they've turned people off with their annoying silliness. Haven't learned anything new, except how annoying and self centered special interest groups are. I actually think I'm less open minded about the issue now than when I was a teen and in my 20s. 30s & 40s I was too busy living, 50s & 60s, just annoying, and I'd have to have kids in a western school. Frankly think they've done themselves a dis-service. Before, most people I know could care less, now, many despise them and don't want to be around them, or their propaganda near their children. A complete reversal.
  5. Flat or round, spending billions of $$$ to take photos and explore place we'll never visit is a waste. Especially when that could be spent saving lives right here. Simply by providing clean drinking water, food, energy, vaccines and basic meds/antibiotics to the millions that don't have it. Have a long ways to go, so stop wasting money.
  6. He had just walked around to the dark side, after that grilled cheese sandwich. Nap time ...
  7. Not my experience in TH, and yet to be surprised, I think, of any IO asking for something other than what the TH Imm site stated I needed. Actually less, most cases, especially the 'support Thai national' visa, though that was done in USA, and I mailed it in from here, via USA address ???? That's the Hua Hin, Udon Thani, Nong Khai & Ranong offices. No surprises, not extras asked for. YMMV
  8. What's not to love ... all the food groups & alcohol ???? Thankfully another western concept, they didn't copy. USA 7-11 were terrible & overpriced except for the few, 'get you in' staples.
  9. You mean Terminator wasn't a documentary, and time travel doesn't exist ... ... oh krap
  10. Holy Buddha ... you're 80+, and in the surf, against the red flag warning ???? Lesson learned I hope. Red flags are out for a reason. If you haven't, you really need to research rip currents. At your age, you may want to stick an inflatable in your pocket, small and east to blow up if you find yourself in that situation again. Rips can occur at anytime of the year, just more so now. And don't let calm surf fool you. If there's waves, and one small section is calm, it's because that's a rip. I was walking in knee deep water, as it was rough, do didn't go in. Not paying attention, and damn if a wave didn't knock me on my butt. Too funny, except I lost a good pair of scripted sunglasses. You think Kata is bad, I had a hard time walking out of the surf at Karon, and it wasn't even rough. It just pulled on me. Now I try to swim at ebb tide or incoming tide, never out going tide unless all is calm.
  11. I haven't had that visa in many years, but from the TH Imm site, reads as nothing has changed. Got mine at USA consulate, and extended here/Nong Khai and or Udon Thani, TH, guessing about 3 yrs worth of extensions till I hit 50.
  12. As I thought, but wanted to verify, before posting. Not sure about an appointment to vacant seat, but would guess same applies. https://www.senate.gov/senators/qualifications_termsofservice.htm So he would have to pick from a very small pool of qualified black female candidates, considering the demographic of, and hopefully have some type of legal/lawyer/public office experience already. Off topic ... it's amazing Hollywood can find enough black actors to fill roles to satisfy the woke folks, considering again, the demographics. Local, experienced talent pool, let alone expecting someone to fly in to do a reading, if agent even knows of the opening. No wonder most movies are barely a 5/10 rating. California, against the perception of being woke, is one prejudice state IMHO, with RE prices & high taxes. Remember when racist white folks preferred to live in such places, high prices/rent/tax to avoid living with others ???? Seems not much has changed since I was born, 1950s ... keeping us on the other side of the tracks ... so sad.
  13. Just think if people read the links I posted, I could probably not need to follow up on my posts. From link posted above: Aside from all that .... I'm posting from personal experience ... ... as I already stated, and apparently, nothing has changed since. YMMV
  14. California demographic is <6% black, I was being generous. From wiki ... Would he really pick someone outside of the state, to represent the state. Bad enough he would go black only ... ???? And we didn't even figure in, eliminated the black males ... if a 50/50 spit ... leaves how many the 100 ???? 3 out of 100, discarded 97 others ???? Just think if I owned a company, and placed a 'Help Wanted' advert: 'only White men need apply' ... ... let that sink in. Be 10 lawyers at my door serving me lawsuit papers. BLM protests and I'd probably have to move out of town.
  15. I know a few Yanks here, with kids, on SS, and they get that extra check or checks for the kids, up to their SS limit.
  16. Let's get pass name on birth certificate, then worry about the rest. If mother not cooperative, then I'd just walk away. Too long & stressful legal battle, where winning is iffy. You'd never get full custody, and joint custody, would be at her whim anyway, and made difficult, easily. Wee one simply needs to be registered as US citizen, then listed as a dependent of father.: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/us-citizenship/Acquisition-US-Citizenship-Child-Born-Abroad.html
  17. In Newson's case, stating you put a black person in a position, you just eliminated 94% of the other candidates, per capita (2018). 100 candidates, and you don't bother looking at 94, because of skin color... ... seriously UP2U how you qualify people on race or gender first, but wouldn't be my priority in choosing.
  18. Or laundering money from other income 'sources' ????
  19. @craftyone Ignore the naysayers: https://thaievisa.go.th/non-immigrant-o
  20. It was for me ... and she has incentive to list him as the father. Only if she denies he's the father, would make it difficult ... IMHO YMMV
  21. Sure, why not ???? Not that I have any need for more battery, motor, options, or willing to pay more for them ???? But more choices is always a good thing. On choices, seeing more & more EVs everyday, that it's not even a thing. Average about 10 a day, which is a lot, and considering the population of the amphur, and the little amount of time I'm out and about locally in the heat. These were a bit different today, and a first sighting: ... a few Tesla in the area spotted, only 1 plugged in ???? This has been parked surfside, couple locations, locally, for about a week. First time I noticed the e-scooters for getting around once where ever ????
  22. KhunLA

    New menu

    Not exactly a bad thing, as cuts their overhead, helping to keep the new prices a bit lower, since not having to order new menus every 6 months. Not like they can be recycled ... save the planet & all ????
  23. What strain of Thai weed is Foi Thong ? (edited ... found answer) From elsewhere:
  24. How fast are people driving through 'town', Patong, at speeds fast enough to sustain multiple injuries, aside from knocking on a few MB & cars. And a supposedly professional driver at that ... ????
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