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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Car buying in AU sucks, and glad I'm not there. As I've stated more than a few times. EVs, even without the gov't incentive, are cheaper than the quality equivalent Japanese imports here. Quite the bargain with the govt incentives. Top end modes of 'made in TH' Japanese badged entry level cars here are about same or tad less cost to buy in as some superior spec'd EVs. Now with the incentives. Although I'd spend that wee bit more, without the incentive to have a quality car, instead of what is offered in the ICE Japanese branded 'made in TH' selection here. They really are inferior.
  2. And yet, I can get 90 kms out of mine (E-MB), and 50+ out of ebike (full power), 100+ using PAS. 2nd part is mute subject, since EV owners charge at home. I've never needed one of the 5 or so local CS in my area.
  3. For those interested in Hydrogen as a fuel, 'Electic Viking' has more than a few YT vids, both pros & cons discussed: https://www.youtube.com/@electricviking/search?query=hydrogen My favorite:
  4. Maybe EV owners just like the better performance from their same priced to buy cars over their polluting ICEs counter parts, they use to have. And saving money along the way without adding to the local air pollution. Sounds like a win win for everyone to me. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy spending less for my transport. And when I'm on the MB, I sure wish everyone had an EV, as the ICE exhaust is disgusting. Just my opinion, UP2U which you prefer. But there are no, OK, very few real reasons not to own an EV, just baseless excuses.
  5. If you drain your battery everyday, then an EV wouldn't be for you, unless fast charging. I've never 'needed' my 7.4kWh wall charger at home. Consider I only use solar, so that's how practical the granny charger is, if using properly. We don't drive that much locally, and have the E-MB, to use if car is charging and weather is OK. Dog prefers that anyway. 6 hrs of good sunlight, and puts 13+ kWh in the car. Good for ~100 kms. My normal daily driving is <15 kms a day. I could always use the wall charger overnight, if I wasn't a spiteful customer of PEA.
  6. Already have some models, some concept stage, and at least 1 available now, and more coming next year, but very expensive. That's some high tech expensive panels, since so little exposure area. "The Lightyear 0 (formerly the Lightyear One) is an all-solar-electric car by Lightyear. Production was originally scheduled to start in 2021, with a starting price of €250,000 incl. VAT (US$296,000). The first units were delivered in December 2022." Something a bit more practical, and cheaper hopefully, next year. Not for the big family ???? More for the nomadic, lite traveler.
  7. Shouldn't make statements like that, your ignorance is showing. Granny/emergency charger draws no more than powerful kitchen appliance, or a krappy shower water heater, 2300w. Our water heaters are 3500w. The one in Udon Thani was 8000w.
  8. Is there electric at the house ? ???? You'd do the same as I do, doing now actually, simply plug in the car.... at home. As most EV owners do. Only need a CS when further than 150 kms from the house. Of course if you can't charge at home, then maybe an EV isn't for you. How often do working families take 150+ kms trips away from the house per week, month or year. Some never, some once or twice a year if lucky. Me, retired and take about 20+, and in no hurry to go anywhere. Enjoy my leisurely lifestyle. Back in USA, when a 'working class hero' I would have loved to have an EV. Never ventured more than 150 kms from home. Simply hopped a plane if going out of Philly / tri-state area. Now the silly cost of maintaining an ICE in the USA, OH YEA, EV is the way to go.
  9. Most of my driving is in & around PKK, and also don't eat at PTTs, or waste time topping up there, At home, 99% of charging, I get out of car, plug in .... unplug, get in car & go. Less time than you waiting for the attendant to come over and ask what kind & how much at the petrol station. And then having paying for that privilege ???? I did the exact same things, when I owned the ICE version, so absolutely nothing has changed when I'm O&A. Always have a game plan before leaving the house, and it always seems to change in route. And stopping for a P or a munch, that's mandatory. You're not one of the 700 kms / 10 hr drive guys that makes the family P in jar with no stops ... ???? If the little sh!ts keep asking 'are we there yet?' Tell them to get out & walk, if they think it will be faster ????
  10. No viral threat or pollution level has yet motivated me to wear a mask. Think I'd find a better place to live if mask wearing was even close to mandatory. Mask is simply too uncomfortable to wear, especially if wearing properly for me to ever bother. Pollution, as bad as it was, wasn't a motivating reason for me to move S of Hua Hin, from Udon Thani.
  11. That's changing rapidly, where possible. Big oil/fossil fuel conglomerates are losing their grip on those that make the decisions. Harder to get re-elected when choosing to support ever increasing priced energy sources vs supporting cheaper renewable energy sources & development. It's a work (very slow) in progress ????
  12. Nah, I avoid chemicals on my body, or clothing. For my sake, and the dog's, as she don't need to be sniffing that krap. If an animal is smart enough to avoid it, or die from it, I think I'll pass using it.
  13. Car dependent, but for us (MG ZS), that's good for ~3 ish hrs/~250 kms of driving, with 100 kms reserve. Our BEV battery is probably considered small now @ 46.3kWh usable of 50.3kWh of storage. Newer cars coming out with 60-70-80kWh batteries. ZS will accept 74kWh at CS, MG 4 will accept 117kWh. So very car dependent. Really depends where we're going. If wanting, I can go to daughters house in Krung Thep (Victory Monument area) from PKK (A. Muang), without charging on the way. 285 kms and still have 75 ish kms reserve when arriving. Shy of a 4 hour drive. We always stop on the way though, as usually hungry & need a P break, along with the dog, needing. Also avoids the need to top up at Krung Thep, not that we couldn't at the mall we'll probably visit. Surprisingly, it's actually easier to find a CS than E85, when we had the ICE version. Though since E85 & 91 are priced about the same now, I wouldn't bother with E85 if still having the ICE ZS. Our recent O&A, we topped up when near a CS when out for the day, simply playing tourist or eating. Didn't take any extra time or special trip to do so. While going from province to province, about the same. Stopping for food or P break was the priority, not topping up. We simply picked the larger PTTs with a CS, which are the better PTTs anyway, as more food options. We don't do long haul driving, rare, but easy enough as more than enough CS along the way. Pick and choose at your leisure, minimal to no planning really needed. I personally wouldn't go more than 300 kms, JIC, CS is inop. But that's easily 3-4 hrs of driving, and I alone, definitely need a break. Wife & dog will want to stop sooner. If you are constantly time restricted when on the road, or don't enjoy the journey as much as the destination, then an EV probably isn't for you. Need to be where ever ASAP, with no/minimal stops, then EV probably isn't for you. For us, the journey is as enjoyable as the destination.
  14. Life is really going to suck for you, as the world goes cashless transactions.
  15. Some posts do highlight who actually lives here or actually visited TH recently, instead of trying to read like they are regular visitor and actually know things.
  16. Or keeps the mozzies off the back of your neck. Little bastards were chewing my A$$ up last week, and I actually put the collar of my shirt up, while out snapping photos. Had to opt for trainers & sock vs open sandals, long pants & long sleeved shirt. Don't they realize it's hot out and they make thing annoying.
  17. That's a bit of a stretch, unless at home, then technically, takes less time to top up, that's if you had a petrol pump at home. 30 seconds to plug in & 30 seconds to unplug ... if you're old and slow. And so much cheaper, or free with excess solar at the house. On the road, it comes down to 'time management', and yes, it takes 30-45 minutes to top up. But as mentioned a hundred times by many, that break after driving 3+ hrs is very welcome. I save anything needed to be done while on the fly / O&A for those charging times. Check for hotel & restaurants that we're headed to. Fine tune the research, as now know if staying in the area, or moving on. If all done, then could always troll AN, since haven't peeked for 3+ hours, or catch up on family & friends on FB. Maybe edit those photos I stopped and took at that viewpoint. Was that a bird ? Car is usually done topped up or 80% before we are. Just stopping to smell the coffee, and maybe some cheesecake, or that double pork burger, or some Kha Moo, if hungry ... works for us. Along with being, so much cheaper than petrol. YMMV On topic, the hydrogen thingy does seem to be a viable option to replace that disgusting diesel fuel for long haul trucking industry, but that's about it. Totally impractical/redundant pollutant as a personal transport fuel.
  18. Took the MG ZS EV in for 10k kms check up (free), and was done before I was done the coffee in the break room ???? Wife looking at 'inspection schedule' nothing but 'I'/inspect inspect inspect. Asked when is the first 'R' ... ... 30k kms, replace AC filter ???? Do have one complaint though, and didn't notice when entering the MG dealer. They moved the cappuccino machine out into the showroom. Along with much better un-packaged treats; brownies, cupcakes & pastry. Only noticed since I browsed the showroom before leaving. Anyone ready to buy, really needs to pop into a MG dealer, some damn fine offerings. The one gal did bring me in some pastry (damn tasty) without asking. Yes, I'm that handsome. Only thing in the breakroom was Nescafe instant ... vile stuff & packaged sugar thingys. Along with water, sugar drinks & noodles, for those wanting a snack, while waiting for their ICEs to get serviced. Good thing I brought Moccona with me, as been in so many MG breakrooms, I forget which ones have machines or provide non-Nescafe instant. Got to be prepared for the worst case scenarios in life.
  19. Same here, thought it was a misprint also, 'blackout/blacklisted'. So bored this AM, I finally opened the thread. So this is what's on TV. No wonder I stopped watching about 50 years ago.
  20. Both, obviously when hungry, I'll eat, but will eat also, just for the enjoyment of it. I've cut back on the boredom or enjoyment eating, or should say, tried to merge the 2, hungry & enjoyment eating at the same time. The non essential eating doesn't burn off like it use to, so need to pay attention.
  21. If I, the wife gets 20 yrs out of our EV, she'll be more than happy. They make perfect sense to us, and IF you had one, you'd probably understand why. Experience usually is a better judge of things, over barstool gossip.
  22. Old, un-Vax'd & un-Masked ... still alive ???? ... oh yea, and most important ... healthy immune system....IMHO Had symptoms, once, for a day, and probably been exposed to. more than once, I would think, with millions infected. Been in crowded market, MRT/BTS, hospital. Daughter had it a couple times, 1 verified, and vax'd. ???? I'll go with personal experience ... instead of 'that science'. I find it best to ignore the Govt & Snake Oil salespersons ... again Just my own personal opinion ... UP2U & YMMV
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