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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'm guessing, but is this a loan from a private individual, as I can't see how any bank/CC would let her extend 140k of borrowing, without cutting her off after a few missed payments. Either way, she obviously going to ignore the notice, and should tell you everything you need to know, in case you had thoughts of helping her out.
  2. That's a bit more info, though with this statement: "She's working in a hotel in Phuket and says she can't be bothered to travel so far to attend court!" Any advice would be irrelevant. "Presumably the court will find 100% in favour of the credit company if she doesn't appear." ... that's a given. Unknown if they can garnish her income, if they can even get access to it. Guessing she doesn't have assets, and since in civil court, I wouldn't worry too much myself. Don't know if they do the 'debtor prison' thing here, though wouldn't be surprised. Not much you can assist with, since she seems to not care. Would think any negotiation for lower (half maybe) debt, would be a bit harder after court judgement ... or not. They really would rather get paid something, and if sold to agency, they might have picked it up on the cheap, and 50% might still be a profit for them. Legal fee just upped their overhead, so maybe not. My experience, debt collection was beyond 'time limit', and once pointed out to the debt collector, (obviously court not involved) that they had no legal standing, the letters & phone calls ceased to the debtor. Actually debtor been offered & approved for CCs since.
  3. I see some replies forget ... TIT Little info in OP for anyone to advise. ... secured or unsecured loans, or CC ... how long ago was last payment/contact with debt holder Those 2 have to be answered for any useful advice. BritManToo seems to be the only one with knowledge, aside from myself, though mine longer than 5 yrs ago, and 'time limit to collect' was 2 yrs. I think They'll send letters & phone (if having ph#), but unless 'officially' summoned to court, by the court, not much to worry about, except current credit rating.
  4. hmm ... how could the first news-blip be so far off the mark. Mind boggling ... ... nuff said, as don't think I'm allowed to say much more ????
  5. Sooner or later, you run out of other people's money. Those that contribute the most (such as myself when in USA), will eventual think they had enough, and simply leave the country. Taking their future tax revenue with them.
  6. Been here long enough, and sampled most things enough, to know which dishes, may or may not come out of the kitchen way too spicy. Why I travel with my own Cayenne pepper. If ordering one of those dishes, I state 'mai phet, mai chili', as I'll spice it up myself. Cayenne chili pepper is half the Scoville rating of Thai chili, and aside from frying my taste buds, it's gentiler on my stomach & production of acids.
  7. Not a fan of nanny states, but when administering meds & procedures, to kids or adults, then some oversight is needed. Sadly, with some things, people need protection from themselves.
  8. CC companies send out summons to appear in court ? I suspect not, though not a lawyer. How old is the debt, makes a huge difference, and when was last 'official' payment or contact w/CC company. Also a legal binding aspect of any collection. TIT ... ignore what other countries do. They have a legal debt collection system, and it is time sensitive. 2 yrs for unsecured debt, or was, a few yrs ago, unless changed.
  9. TBH, I don't live in FL, if I did, since not having kids, wouldn't affect me. Since I agree with what I've read about it (very little, just on AN), then I really don't care who proposed it, or signed into law. Guessing a speech of DeSantis, agreeing with or pushing the same. Don't need to hear him say what you and others tell me he is saying. Wasted enough time on this topic/thread. It's a lovely day outside, and the dog is staring at me. Must be time to go to the park, as coffee is finished anyway. Hopefully another day of rain, and prep for another O&A ... back to Phuket tomorrow. My priorities, not goy healthcare in FL ... ???? THANKS, have a good one also.
  10. Didn't and not going to watch it, but the title is enough for me to agree. I'm tired of the 'woke mindset', 'cancel culture', 'me too', 'believe every woman' agenda. Left/right/rep/dem, labels of this & that. Special interest groups, don't interest me, they aren't special. Stop with the labels, and division, and people might actually start having conversations, get along, and sort their differences out, and be more accepting to new, different ideas. Shouting 'my way is the only way' simply never worked. If someone says I represent this group. I stop listening. Have a nice day.
  11. Put in place by the representatives of the voters, not DeSantis. He simply didn't veto them. I doubt very much if there will be a mass exodus of the gay community, as they are accepted and live normally like everyone else. Just more of the vocal minority wanting attention. If they don't agree, shut up, and just file a lawsuit, and let the courts sort it out. They do themselves a disservice with their constant, 'we're oppressed' routine. 'Look at us, we have rights also' Same rights of everyone else. Don't like it, do something within the system, that's your right also, but please, shut up already ... it's annoying.
  12. I like all kinds of 'cultural' entertainment, and have attended so many types, multiple times. I do miss art museums, live plays & concerts, though pricing was starting to get ridiculous, and that was 24 yrs ago. Ballet, never & no thanks. Opera, no thanks, especially since no subtitles ???? as I don't speak Italian. So what's point. Not a fan of silent movies, which is what it would equate to. Jazz is cool, though I don't care for some of the 'classic', older stuff. Many other jazz styles that are excellent: for sax, Grover, Najee, Sanborn, even Kenny G. Other non Jazz artists have dabbled in Jazz, ex: Jeff Beck and so many more, with their take of it. Jazz is very varied style, most don't know about or have listened to. Caribbean for example, way too cool. TH does lack the culture I prefer, along with not very diverse. Every museum, temple, almost always the same same, not different. After a couple times, why bother kicks in.
  13. Does seem to be top secret. Remember Udon Thani released the number of 'long term' visa issued/extended for the province, and came in at 5000+/-, or so reported. That before they no longer accepted income statements, and of course, didn't included the back to back border hoppers, as a way of staying long term. Many of both those categories, I suspect, no longer stay in TH long term.
  14. Every right, but why ? Obvious to me ... but hey, I'm not anti CH ? They aren't there to 'keep the peace', more to disturb it ... IMHO
  15. FL being the 2nd largest 'gay favored state' by population (not per capita) it seems most of the silent 'majority' are quite happy there. Most folks that think FL isn't gay friendly, have never been to Ft. Lauderdale area, Miami area or the Keys. Along with all the other areas of FL I've been to, east & west coast. Ignorance is Bliss
  16. I think that list is Yanks only, not all expats.
  17. Stricter regulation = proper medical care by professionals, same with all medical services and distribution of pharmaceuticals and health care. Nothing being restricted to adults. Regulations work, usually and in theory. Building, motor vehicles, firearms and yes, healthcare. Minors shouldn't have unregulated healthcare, till mature enough to make those decisions ... IMHO, and apparently those people, parents, who vote for the representatives the make that laws. Not to be dictated by special interest groups. It's called democracy ... what Floridians wants, they get. End of .... Don't like it, vote or move elsewhere.
  18. An aerial shot would have been better. Was the US ship even moving, or how fast. Near collision - 150 meters ? USA is playing a dangerous, provoking game. How would the US react to an Carrier Strike Group off Wash. DC's coast. There is no need for them to be there, except to provoke the Chinese. USA & UN doesn't even recognize Taiwan as a country, and only a 12 countries do, and have diplomatic relationships with Taiwan. Those 12 countries are; Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Paraguay, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Eswatini and Tuvalu.
  19. I rarely, if ever do buffets, precooked food. Last hotel stay, I opted for the brekkie buffet, too cheap & easy not to. Of course, most of the hot & cold was at room temp, even though in heated or iced serving trays. Digging down deep didn't help much. One item tasted quite good, so waited to be refilled. Damn if it didn't come out of the kitchen less hot than what was already left over ... W T F
  20. Reading the article, not restricted, just better regulated for adults, and probably equals more expensive. Many may not want to spend that much, hence why some 'companies' without docs, or better profit margin, if complying, decide to stop providing services. Supply, demand & profitability would be more of the issue, not restricted by law.
  21. I've made 4 purchases (not PrikPot), though kudos to them for finally offering some quality at us 'poor man's wallet' folks. Have to say, all 4 purchases were impressive. Only 1 from 'licensed' online seller, at ฿89+50 S&H, so not inexpensive, but wanted something (Thai Stick/Squirrel Tail) to compare to. It was a nice bud, well presented. Would guess equal quality (very good) to what PrikPot is offering at 1/3 the price, abet, more weight. 50gr would last me quite time, as an infrequent indulger. Other 3 purchases, from FB, as expected, less expensive, unlicensed, roll of the dice, but turned out to be very good also. All consistent quality. Thai Stick/Squirrel Tail, Green Crack, Red String. Again, very happy with the consistent quality of my purchases, and would expect PrikPot to be in line with those, with good customer service and pricing. A nice option to the more expensive pretty buds, at higher prices.
  22. Did someone say batteries ... ... I might know a thing or 2 about them
  23. The article contradicts itself, the headliner, mentioning panels being recyclable. Now and probably more so in the future. From another news-blip/op-ed: "Fortunately, 95 per cent of a solar panel can be recycled, whilst 80 per cent of crystalline silicon can be recovered via a refined process. A spokesperson for the Department of Climate Change, Energy, and Environment, and Water says the government is working with stakeholders to design a solar system waste scheme.' https://www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-news/australia-grapples-with-anticipated-solar-panel-waste/#:~:text=Fortunately%2C 95 per cent of,a solar system waste scheme It's only a problem if not recycled. For TH ... That appears to apply to everything. All the recyclables collected here, and small portion is actually recycled. Simply ends up burned, to the landfill, or worst, dumped at sea. Only 1, AFAIK, trash to energy plants here. That's just silly, poor governing, and worldwide. As with everything, almost, products aren't the problem ... ... people are.
  24. With all the problems, reported here about the UK & EVs, is this a case of the UK falling behind again. Maybe they can blame that on Brexit also: "Sweden Hits 62% Plugin EV Market Share In May, Tesla Model Y High" https://cleantechnica.com/2023/06/03/sweden-hits-62-plugin-ev-market-share-in-may-tesla-model-y-high/amp/ "Norwegian new vehicle emissions plunge as plug-in electrics hit stunning 91% market share" https://thedriven.io/2023/06/02/norwegian-new-vehicle-emissions-plunge-as-plug-in-electrics-hit-stunning-91-market-share/
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