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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Remember ... "Always believe the woman" Not me ... I didn't believe anyone ????
  2. Wow ... you have baht buses ? We have MB taxis & MB w/side cart taxis, in town, though they hang out at the market & train station, and rare to see roaming. Also ... More than a few kms from our house, and nothing here. Do I need a car ... no Don't even need the MB or ebike/pedal bike. Just convenience. All EVs so not contributing to local air pollution, and can understand poster distain for it, especially diesel, as feel that fuel should have been banned decades ago. People need transport, some not a luxury to have. Unless living in metro area, or TH version of 15 minute city, which there are many of, but if not, then transport is a must. This house, not so much, but last 2 house builds, transport was a must, unless kid 'learning', and that's a stretch, at local 'go nowhere in life' school, and us eating the bare minimum to survive, from the local market, a stretch, for lack of better word ... ???? Or waiting and hoping the pick up vendors drive by.
  3. You definitely won't recognize the place. It actually has piped water and flush toilets ... ????
  4. Tough call, since I haven't been any where except TH for over 20 years. From past travels, though after 25 years they would probably not be that enjoyable now, for myself. Key West Bimini, Bahamas, Caymans, Puerto Rico, Cozumel, Yucatan peninsula, all would be worth at peak again. Probably just being nomadic, living out of hotels and not having any roots would suit me just fine. Get bored, simply move on.
  5. Literally ... (sh!t of bird) bird sh!t ... dirty, unkept, skint
  6. You forgot loud speakers from the Wats or from the village head, but that's pretty much everywhere, so choose wisely when picking up place to live. You can get away from all that, but that might mean getting away from easier every day living, choices choices choices. As always, one size doesn't fit all.
  7. Not to be picky, but it doesn't say anything about 'overnight', simply 'Thais only allowed in the area' Obviously not enforced, a good thing. Unless of course you show up khee nok or obviously under the influence, gives them discretion to refuse you entry ????
  8. It's going to depend on the IO who notices. Years ago, I missed the 90day pulse check myself, so thought I'd mail it it. Didn't work, as returned, with notice of 2000 fine pending when I do it in person. I ignored, simply put in PP, as needed to do extension soon any way. Presented to IO, she slid the 2000 baht fine notice aside, discreetly, smiled, as I was a regular at the office, and of course, she got a tip, discreetly, when done with the extension paperwork. If caught/arrested for not doing, highly unlikely, just don't keep the 90 day notice w/PP, if you carry PP at all, I think the fine is double.
  9. TAT needs to update their info. Appears you're lucky to be allowed there at all:
  10. Time & place for everything, just not during the actually ceremony. Another look at me, I'm special ... don't think so. What is with people wanting to point out some aspect of their being. Enough with the labels ... look at me I'm: ... I have Spanish/Mexican roots ... I am woman ... I'm gay, or pick a letter ... I'm was oppressed ... I'm black, brown, not white ... I'm a Christion, Jew ... Dem or Rep ... anti abortion, pro life, anti gun, pro gun I have to make a statement, I have to be different ... ... news flash ... you're not, you're just annoying. Only you care, shut up already ... ???? All you did was waste your time, the school's time, lawyer's time, and the court's time that actually have better and more important things to do. Along with proving ... you're just another loser. Good luck finding a job now, as just put a big sign around your neck announcing you're a trouble making. Put that on your sash. What next, sue your employer for a Mexican break room or toilet ????
  11. Don't need either, but it's a nice option, if wanting to take a dip, or great therapy, for some reason, and very soothing to see & hear the surf. Always some people or critters to watch, while sipping or now. smoking, (away from prying noses) if wanting. Lowers one's blood pressure naturally (without the stimulants. of course). Hills are nice also, a nice viewpoint does the same, with less motion, aside from birds. Isan mostly lacks both, except on the fringes of the plateau. River can be nice, with limestone karsts toward the East / Laos side. Always some activity going on for people watching. Half a year of not so good air doesn't help. Along with too many hours from anywhere to escape.
  12. So once again ... a big nothing ... ???????????? From OP: ... "And scientists are warning that the return of the El Nino climate phenomenon later this year will cause global temperatures to rise and that it is very likely that the next big El Nino will take the world’s warming above the much-touted 1.5C over ... pre-industrial levels." Are we not already at 1°C over pre-industrial levels ? From NOAA: "Given the tremendous size and heat capacity of the global oceans, it takes a massive amount of heat energy to raise Earth’s average yearly surface temperature even a small amount. The roughly 2-degree Fahrenheit (1 degrees Celsius) increase in global average surface temperature that has occurred since the pre-industrial era (1880-1900) might seem small, but it means a significant increase in accumulated heat." https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature#:~:text=The 2022 surface temperature was,period (1880-1900).
  13. Gmaps is terrible, as lacks so many CS. Really need to use your preferred vendor's app, a few I listed earlier, or PlugShare site, and Charge Loma app is very good. If have an MG, or an account with them, makes things easy, for us anyway. If having an EV, then you should have multiple accounts with vendors, and use their apps. We prefer MG, PEA Volta, PTT EV Station PluZ, in that order Also have a couple other. There is NO shortage of charging stations. Weekends may take planning, some times, though we've yet to encounter any problems, a plus for having the MG. You can also reserve a time slot on most vendor apps ... plan if traveling on the weekends with everyone else. One reason I try to avoid the road congestion on weekends, but if a working stiff or wife, or school dictates weekend travel, then may need to plan. Though if only having the weekend, are you really going that far. Reading Qs are starting to happen, so you may want to reserve a time slot. Common sense ... don't run your battery down, to where you can't get to the next CS or 3. No different than ICE, though admittedly, more filling options, usually. I like 100 kms reserve, overly cautious, but also means we've been on the road for 3+ hrs already. and that break is welcomed. Be lucky if I make 3hr of straight driving with the wife & dog needing to piss or hungry ????
  14. * Removed post edited out * Crocs definitely make the Top 10 list ... ... Man's best friend ... not so friendly ???? https://www.statista.com/statistics/448169/deadliest-creatures-in-the-world-by-number-of-human-deaths/
  15. Now he's starting to sound like a politician, trying to save the world, when TH needs their immediate attention, as having enough problems of their own. TH already is leading the region. Look how Cambo & Nam followed Thai's lead with getting as many tourist as possible, before building the infrastructure to support a 30-50% increase in people using the infrastructure half the year. Totally trashed the place for profits, to the point that savvy tourist, doing research, go elsewhere now. TH is a tourist destination for the poor, ignorant, naïve, novice tourist or sex tourist. Their repeat tourist customer base.
  16. Because when they fail, and their incompetence is exposed, they go nationalistic, and foreigner are an easy target to blame and distract from their domestic policy failures. Same reason immigration is a top political talking point in the west ... ... DISTRATCTION
  17. Not seeing it in my lifetime, 2 more elections at best. Something for the newly retired to think about, though retiring here isn't as attractive as it was 20 yrs ago, with other options available. Hindsight, I think I would have simply stayed in USA, bought a couple more houses to rent out, to supplement the higher cost of living (taxes/healthcare). or not, as so easy to go 'green' here vs USA, thanks to CH. USA's anti-CH stance make going green there very expensive.
  18. What brand / model ? @simon43
  19. One can only hope, but doubtful, as corruption is simple too ingrained. As stated, bigger fish to fry and a few expats (relative) skirting the law is a low priority.
  20. One of the easiest things to make, as I made one as a lad, 15 ish yrs old maybe. Just for the challenge. Zip guns back then, and using shotgun shell, don't need a strong barrel. Piece of wood, steel pipes, wire, nail, bed spring & trigger latch ... ???? Talk about idol hands ???? We'd be in jail as terrorist today, considering some of the things we made. Our blow sh!t up phase.
  21. Unless spending a lot of money, you're not going far or fast (top end) on electric MB/MC in TH, or anywhere. They're offered elsewhere for same or more than the price of a car. (# 8, 12, 13 ???) https://luxe.digital/lifestyle/cars/best-electric-motorcycles-2022/
  22. S01 complete available IMDB 6.6 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13064902/?ref_=tt_mv_close
  23. https://www.thailandlawonline.com/thailand-last-will-template/view-document
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