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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Should be interesting, if not ousted via EC court, as FF party leader was, and party banned. Does show the Thais are tired of the generals ruling. Now if the can keep a non general in office long enough to matter. If ousted, the violent or not so violent protests would give the generals reason to once again, do a coup, to restore order, there excuse the last time. 2 non general administration elected since I've been here, and both coup'd. See if the 3rd time a charm. Hopefully the generals are too old and sensible to care.
  2. Depends how tall you are, and your muscle mass. That's a good weight for him, 185cm. Normal looking muscle mass needed for a tennis playing. If this photo is 85kg, he has a wee bit extra. I'm 175cm, and OK muscle mass, which gives me a little extra, if sick, as about the same weight, @ 80-84kg. I wouldn't want to go below 75, way too small for me, and if I worked out a bit, 85 would be looking buff. Too lazy for that, so I try to stay closer to 80kg. Was 78 last year or so, and felt small. I don't mind a few extra.
  3. Yes, my status was irrelevant, daughter having a mother figure just a plus. We'd be together whether I was single or single parent. That she accepts my daughter, simply added value to her character. Many wouldn't consider it.
  4. Sounding a wee bit shallow to me. So if you met a person who made you laugh, and held an intelligent conversation, a best friend, you're saying you'd pass on her/him/it, if not meeting the 'trophy wife/partner' requirement. hmm ...
  5. Depends what & where I'm eating and or sipping. In house, washing down a couple Chile Dog, just standard beer glass: Hot or Cold Coffee @ house: In house Mojito or milk glass, is homemade/cut from wine bottle. Away from house, non restaurant, then it's the Yeti:
  6. I thought it an excellent assignment, but I'm a free thinking person. Gives the teacher, assuming at least 10+ yrs older than her class, an idea of her students' mindset, and how to discuss those issues presented in the future. Help them sort the facts from the stereotypes. Along with giving the teacher an idea, assuming, it's also English Lit/reading class also, what reading to suggest in the future assignments, to maybe counter any student's view. Help them open their mind with a different prospective. If any presentation was offensive, she could simply stop that student from continuing, and get some 1 on 1 time to discuss why she stopped him. Kudos for a teacher letting students express themselves. Can't solve problems if you don't talk about them. Dictating thinking, creates as much hate as you are trying to stop.
  7. That would be a trip. Wouldn't suggest anyone doing that solo, and always best to have an 'experienced' mentor/chaperone with you, JIC needing a reality check.
  8. YT has vids to replace, and actually looks easier than others, though didn't notice any in English, not really needed. Can't help with source for battery, no more than just doing Gsearch.
  9. Well deserved, @ 5.5 on IMDB, and consider that, very generous. If not completely out of things to watch, I wouldn't have bothered.
  10. I thought you meant 'that' province. There's an Aquarium over @ Roi Et, and OK for the very young. At the park, with the usually Swan paddle boats at the lake, same location. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Muang+Roi+Et+Municipal+Aquatic+Animals+Center/@16.0580921,103.6495248,16.69z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3117fdcfa5cc32b3:0x36c3f389ab4fbe66!8m2!3d16.0557932!4d103.6503247!16s%2Fg%2F1hm5jdkr1 Roi Et lake area is one of the better thought out uses of. Probably rent bikes, and ride around the lake. Plenty of small shops to pop into, get some ice cream or coffee/bev/cake. A pleasant day can be spent there. Apparently one @ Sisaket also, which we have not visited. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sisaket+Aquarium/@15.0932329,104.3251989,15.85z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x3116e27a6eaa804b:0x7aef00a584190bcf!8m2!3d15.0906652!4d104.326927!16s%2Fg%2F1tj28g9r
  11. I sign like that would scream 'overpriced' to me. Was a local pharmacy at a mall (not Boots or Watsons), and all the local farangs raved about it on local forum. They spoke English, so helpful & nice ... ... along with being 5-10X as much as the popular one the locals Thais used.
  12. Irish Pub would be the 'Irish Clock', and was my 'go to' 15ish yrs ago, and was starting to show it's age already, even though only open a few years. A few management changes didn't help any. Unless they did a revamp, I think one of the newer places would be a better choice. Was you soapy at Paradise or Ton Koon:
  13. Might help to know what phone or type of battery. One that pops out, and replaced, or one glued in, and may need tool & effort. At the time, not much available locally, store or online, and got them (latter one taking a bit of effort) from Banggood or AliExpress.
  14. Must have been the largest on record ... wiki ... "The body mass of Bryde's whales can range 12–25 metric tons (13–28 short tons)"
  15. Along with red/green peppers, onions, little cayenne, and a few spicy sausages. It's not just a side dish, or bread topper.
  16. Can't remember last we bought canned beans. Especially since we/I only used the beans anyway, rinsing off their krap sauce. Really are silly priced from the can.
  17. Alcohol is now 21 in all states. Learn something new everyday, or try to. Firearms, 18 (Fed law), rifles & shotguns, states may have restrictions, but allowed to purchase. Same age as joining to military & being sent to war zone. 21 to buy a handgun, which most murder/crimes are committed with. Purchase illegally, any age from 'Car Trunk Inc.'
  18. Since my oops fund is full up, I spend it on my smile, or daughter's (24 yrs old), though she doesn't need any help. Just bought a damn ฿6M condo, damn HiSo Bi-atch. She's paying for lunch next time. If investing, the stock market was always kind to me, unless you can do RE, here or home country. If bad on investments, then keep stuffing the pillow. Better to have no gains, instead of any losses. Good Luck
  19. Doesn't have to be legal for recreational use, just decriminalized. If irresponsible and smoking in public, then a summary offence & small fine. Before you faced a prison sentence for basically a victimless crime.
  20. You saying Thais don't have to take a 'driving' test ? I actually don't know, and assume they did. Since I never needed to, or hung around the DLT to see what the locals need to do.
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