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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. My opinion & experiences is the only ones that matters to ME. Not some anti CH EV idiot writing a blog. No major complaints about MGs from owners of on this forum. Take your CH & EV prejudice elsewhere, as you are only embarrassing yourself. Have a nice day
  2. They voted for their representatives in govt, that wrote and voted on the bill. If they didn't vote during the election, or voted for the wrong person, well then that their problem also. Do you know how the TN, USA govt operates. If so, you wouldn't be repeating the same spiel. They're ELECTED. Repeating your spiel, doesn't change the reality of democracy. PEACE OUT
  3. It's called a democracy, majority rules. Apparently, your groups are not voting for the right people, caring about their interest. Oh well, better luck the next state they live in. Live with your ELECTED officials decisions, or change them, or MOVE. Not rocket science. Crying about it doesn't do anything. Nothing really to discuss, they got elected by the voters, they passed law in their chamber, deal with it. May want to write your Senator, before he/she/it votes. Have a nice day, PEACE OUT
  4. Yea, fraud on an insurance form, allows them to not honor a claim, way too easy. A financial institution, won't cost you money if found out, or wasted premiums you paid for years, just have to move your money elsewhere. I am actually surprised my brokerage hasn't suggested I close my accounts, although they may not be able to, legally. Have a few IRAs with them, and may be the legal part. Use 1 savings/trading account where my company pension goes (only real reason I need them), which I then transfer to another 'money management' account of theirs, that is fee free on int'l ATM use. My only transactions for past 10ish yrs have been, deposit twice, now once a month, withdrawal (TH ATM) every other month, fee free. Easy to see, I'm not in the USA.
  5. Gov, House & Senate .... all elected, so yes, the people voted for it. Next time, know who you are voting for ... som naa na Accept change or move ... UP2U I personally couldn't accept the direction of the USA, knew I couldn't change it, so I chose the latter. You always have a choice. Failure to exercise that choice, well, that's your problem.
  6. Or protection of individual 'Christian' values, for lack of a better word. It's within federal law, and the state's right, people of, to vote on the way they want to live. That's a Republic. I certainly don't agree with all the different state laws, and why one needs to chose wisely when living in or moving to any state. Didn't pass the Senate yet, but from living in TN, I'm pretty sure it will. As always, the door swings both ways, nobody is forced to live anywhere. Accept, change or move.
  7. Don't have too, some minority folks are doing that themselves. When they do it, it's to protect or promote their culture. If anyone else does it, for non racist reason, it's racism. Ex; all black this or that, actually too many to list or all female, but you can't have an all white or all male anything. Ex: school districts forced to accept people outside their district that don't pay the school taxes of that district.
  8. Agree, and our MG ZS ICE & EV are my favorite and best vehicles owned so far, and I think I've own most USA brands and a couple Japanese brands, along with 2 'made in TH' brands. All performed as expected, most excellent & no surprises, and would actually recommend any of them, at the time, or now as 2nd hand to anyone. I seem to be able to pick good cars ... relationships ... not so good at picking. Though keep about the same time.???? 2 or 3 years at most, then ready for upgrade, if I don't kill it .... the cars that is. Except for the ones I didn't expect much from, but knew before purchased, again, the cars.
  9. An intelligent person, if can't tell by inspection, doesn't buy a used car without service records, that will have the ODO readings on the bill. That uncommon common sense.
  10. A blog 'americanmanufacturing' ... going anti CH EV ... go figure. And yet ... they added more to the fleet: "ABQ Ride unveils 5 new electric buses being added to fleet" https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/abq-ride-unveils-5-new-electric-buses-being-added-to-fleet/ Topic: EVs in TH
  11. I couldn't find that single station either ... damn Chinese. Anyone know where I can find a charging station .. I don't see any in Thailand
  12. Good. Forcing people, private citizens, to do things they don't believe in is wrong. Different if a government employee/JP, though TBH, mixed thoughts on that. Although you did swear an oath, so, comes with the job. Just read fine print, does exclude government employees also. Mixed thoughts on that, though doesn't violate federal law. The good & bad of a Republic, choose your state wisely ????
  13. Single vehicle crash is usually the driver's fault, so ....
  14. And make things too wet to burn, aside from providing water to actually make it worthwhile to plant things. All life needs water, some a wee bit more than pineapples. & coconuts.
  15. You are issued a log book, to use when going out of province. Still think restricted for night time driving, but never heard it enforced. And never been questioned about it at check point at night. Have been asked for log book when out of province. Though not filled out, and they didn't seem to care. Told them we didn't fill it out, as not sure where we are going, which usually isn't far from the truth.
  16. Apparently using a different country passport didn't even help this guy from being ID'd at Imm. This possibly before PPs were chipped. I would think chipped PPs hold a lot more info than some would like. https://www.reuters.com/article/thailand-academic-idINKCN0R80CS20150908
  17. Just keep asking the same question, till someone agrees with you. You'll be fine, and incognito is if you never traveled.
  18. There's inexpensive/don't expect much, then the thrift/value for money, hit & miss mostly, then excellent/pricey, worth it for the discerning diner, or even not....then there is silly/marketed & overly priced. ฿1000 / kg for ground beef, falls into silly land. Doesn't even state what cut of beef it's from. At least be maybe some kind of short rib, rib eye or sirloin combo.
  19. At this rate, who ever buys our house, is in big trouble .... . . . . ... 7000 years from now ????
  20. As I stated, it takes some getting use to. I keep my toe near the accelerator and if see something that will be entering the 'sensor zone' just give the pedal a push a + 1 or 2 kph. Comes in handle when a few in the right hand lane, may block me from passing a slower vehicle a ways in front of me, before the 'safe space' kicks in. With the instant torque, so easy to blend in between them when needed. All makes for a much smother ride.
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