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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Reading title, thought how is that even possible. A chambered semi-auto explains that. Goes beyond stupidity. Here lies part of the problem. If not the gun owner's child then they should do at least a 10 yr stretch for 'stupidity'. Which they won't, and lucky to get any jail time, if charged. If the owner's child, they won't be charged, almost rightly so, as they've already paid the highest punishment anyone could think of.
  2. Read that, and would be a major banking fail, possible causing a domino effect and true banking crisis. Insurers/FDIC (usa) have never been tested to actually do anything, accept give a false sense of security. Perfect scenario for a 'financial reset' if people believe in such things. 'the situation' the past few years knock the middle class down a few rungs, and banks crashing would surely finish the reset nicely. Need to buy a few more pillowcases ????
  3. I objectively love and or hate everything. Makes it easy. TH ... love / hate relationship. Love is winning. If that changed, so would I, though don't see it happening anytime soon and since I'm on borrowed time ... ... nuff said
  4. Not even close to the founder, and already international before he was involved. Kudos to him, if he kept the pricing competitive in Thailand, vs USA silly pricing for the convenience. Except for the few staples to get you into a 'USA' 7-11, the rest of the offerings were silly priced when I lived there, and I never really used. WaWa so much better, though regional when there, USA. Here, they are the best 'dept store' when out and about ???? and a welcomed sight when on the road.
  5. Agree, add that to my 'short list' ... gender assigned accommodation for criminals. If you can't deal with that, don't commit the crime, and you do the time.
  6. Agree, but they also don't deserve special rights. And their 'right's shouldn't violate other's rights to a safe place. At present, people with penis, in the woman's toilet is wrong, as security is NOT in place. At present, the system isn't set up to serve a 3rd gender, and it really shouldn't be. Instead of catering to a 3rd gender, toilet use wise, should be unisex, and solves that issue. Aside from that, I don't see any issue with people wanting to identify themselves as whatever they want. Toilet use, at present, and sports, if separate competition are the only issues where it matters. Other issues, business catering to, against their beliefs, that should be up to the business, not mandatory. You want to marry same sex, that's fine, but don't force someone against it to perform the ceremony. That comes down to religious beliefs, if having. Don't know why anyone would want to force or use a business that doesn't accept them, or have anything to do with bigots. Just a headliner and a money grab, expecting special rights, that's wrong.
  7. Actually I think it is, as that's the part that is confusing/misunderstood, do you, or don't you have one, either. Includes me, as I haven't the slightest idea what transgender means, and yea, I get 'in transition', but that's too vague and totally unnecessary. Trans is way too vague, as is non-binary. Fine, you don't want to tell me, well that's fine also. Call yourself, identify with whatever you please, but don't get PO'd at me, if I call you something else. I'm not using the silly pronouns, tell me your name, or don't get offended if I screw up addressing you, As an aside to that issue, the rest room, toilet use, there should be 1, unisex toilet, not male & female, but they do need CCTV, and all stalls, or urinals with proper camera angle if people want to use, UP2U. Don't need 2 different, and surely not a 3rd room. You need a safe place to do your hair, adjust your bra, use the damn stall. It's a toilet, do you business and leave, there's people waiting. The only time your gender, and there is only two genders, with or without a penis/vagina, needs to be known, is if competing in sports, if the sport has a male/female competition. OK, also a description of a criminal, if PoPo is looking, Looking for a trans, or non-binary person, wouldn't be very affective.
  8. Smoke a doobie before you watch it. I should have. It's terrible, it's funny (that I expected/hoped for), it's stupid, it's funny again, but in the end, it's terrible, but I was entertained, and actually laughed out loud, without the doobie, but yea, it's terrible. Actually expected it to be a comedy all the way through, via a trailer, but not sure if they tried to make it dramatic, and simply failed, or that part of the comedy when over my head. I expected a mediocre comedy, but got a terrible everything, with some good chuckles. Smoke the doobie, don't expect much Seriously, it's titled 'cocaine bear', what do you expect. And who doesn't like a happy ending to a family movie.
  9. High end, really shouldn't need much servicing. Quality electric motor will probably outlast us, and the battery, if babied will last also, and easily replaced, especially if name brand. They've actually been around long enough, that if you buy quality, (not inexpensive) and take care of it, the battery, should fairly be care free. Not much care really go wrong, battery/BMS, display. Rest is regular bike maintenance, which I confess not to keep up on, on my DIY. If I didn't kill mine yet, you should have no problem if spending a bit more, on higher end, branded components.
  10. I try to avoid ear infections, so if near a developed area, I expect the fecal/bacteria count to be high enough to cause an infection. Thailand lacking proper, sufficient sewer treatment facilities is well known. Last 2 time at Ao Manao, one of the top 5 cleanest beaches in Thailand (via govt fecal ct tests), I got ear infections. Something I'm not prone to. That pretty much tells me everything I need to know. Aside from fecal ct., I only swim in water I can see my feet, in neck high depth. I like to see what I'm walking on and what's around me. Gulf beaches are far from clean or clear waters. Andaman Sea a better choice, but not when millions of tourist are there flushing the toilets. It was pristine during covid, and we visited a few times. OP didn't ask about pools. If I use, very rare, then my head doesn't go under the water, for reasons you stated. I've found plenty of places, beaches to swim in, just not near HH. UP2U where you swim. OP asked & received my opinion. That you swim in the rivers of Bkk ???? tells me your level of acceptance. HH beach is probably squeaky clean to you. ENJOY
  11. And people fly to Thailand to pay those silly prices ... ... you really got to be fat and or ugly ????
  12. Describe short ? For me, Ban Krut, and not short. I found a beach, again, not short, 1 hr 20 mins from HH beach, and may have to give a test myself, since only 20 mins from us. Sorry, not very helpful, but really can't think of any conveniently located near HH that I'd actually swim in. Thung Manao is the name of one I found that other day, and undeveloped area. Looks like the water would be quite nice, if surf cooperating. That is the problem with Gulf beaches, to much development on the popular swimming beaches or even 20-50 kms within. Can't think of anything near HH, that I'd swim in. Found this one, Thung Mamao beach while knocking around the area. Even the beachfront isn't developed yet, and just now building a memorial (WW2) and promenade, which is really strange, because there is nothing around it, village wise. Must be part of that 'Riviera' promo. Does have it's own revamped railway station, and actually walking distance to the beach, 1.9 kms, according to Ms Google. 20 kms N of RTAF Wing 5 Ao Manao beach & 55 kms S of Sam Roi Yot beach, so not close at all to anything, especially HH. Not very helpful, but 1 hr away, and you have Sam Roi Yot Beach, looks nice, but one I've never swam in, so not sure. SRY not too developed. Everything S of HH to SRY is over developed. May be some small unknown beaches along the way, that I haven't heard of or discovered yet. Good Luck, hope you have access to pool
  13. 14ish kms away is Impact Arena Complex, with most of the branded sports wear outlets there. Across from Cosmo Bazaar, for easy parking: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cosmo+Bazaar/@13.9126065,100.5517167,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30e28374e98a4631:0x77915b2635ad6067!8m2!3d13.9126065!4d100.5517167!16s%2Fg%2F11c60k98hv
  14. TBH, haven't a clue, our first EV, that I can track #s, and really haven't researched it at all. Curious myself why it took maybe 5kWh more than storage capacity of cells. Energy used to balance, which would be quite a bit.
  15. First time actually using the (free installed) MG Wall Charger, beyond just testing a few kWh. O&A locally yesterday, but used 55%, and going out again, so want quick charge/grid vs granny/solar. Wall Charger has dedicated line, so bypasses the solar inverter, w/grid off. PEA meter @ 123 +/- Started charging from 45% +/- took 4hr/32mins for 100%, extra time for balancing cells. ZS battery is 50.3kWh usable 46.3 kWh 27.665kWh for 50.3 (55%) 25.465kWh for 46.3 (55%) Final PEA meter @ 155-123=32/31 kWh
  16. Them showrooms are a biatch ... I try to avoid them, and those positive YT vids, especially if I respect the reviewer. As silly as it seems to us poor folks, me, I can see how rich people end up collecting a bunch of cars. 3 times with wife ... "I'm just going to peek".... "yea right" ... and 3 times upgraded cars ???? Luckily we need the extra room of the ZS for out & abouts, so all the new sedans aren't tugging at me.
  17. Haven't a clue, as haven't researched it. Not in the market, so I don't peek at much. Unless an EV, to make myself feel good about my choices ... ???? Coincidently saw 1 the other day, as someone posted they got 18km/L, and I thought, NO way, but sure enough, it does have excellent fuel economy. Only reason I peeked. Our ZS was a real petrol hog. Knew it wasn't good, as our Mazda2 (old) got 14km/L, but the ZS @ 10/11 kp/L ... ouch. If car just for me, I may have gotten the MG EP, (CC in me) though glad we have the ZS. If on budget, Celerio has got to the winner for ICEs. I really don't fit in most cars, that bad back thingy, and doorways aren't made for me. Besides, cars are damn expensive. I thought 695k & 949k for the ZSs were silly prices. Seem to be starting points now for anything comfy. Glad I'm not shopping.
  18. No, but I gave it a ???? ???? Budget ? though doesn't seem to be a priority with cars mentioned. @Toolong If not EV, then I saw a MG5 yesterday, very nice, and inexpensive to buy & operate (18kp/L), impressive. OP just about wrote off most cars. Hatchback ? Have a peek at MG3, or Swift, as didn't discount them yet. MG3 having more hp & torque than Swift, I think. Actually the MG ZS is quite short for being a SUV, and ICE far from expensive @ 729k, more than peppy enough for those U-turns mergers. ZS EV, even peppier, and far from expensive. MG fan, can you tell, also OP is limiting the field with ones already crossed off the list.
  19. I'm a CC, and wear it well. Though will spend money, on me & mine, once in a while. Wife is even more a CClette, than myself, so I let her pay restaurant bills. Since working in restaurant & bar tending, I consider myself a good tipper 20% or more, since always appreciated a good tip. Wife also worked in restaurant, and she apparently gives what she received in that past life, almost zip ???? Not a flash person, but have more than enough, and for me & mine, that's enough. Although poor compared to family & peers ???? Drive family car, small house (1bdrm), non performance scooter, so no flash here. No real social circles, so nobody to impress. Her family, siblings have way more assets, so they certainly wouldn't be impressed. No neighbors to impress ... ???? And the dog, doesn't care. Being anti-social seems to be a good investment strategy ????
  20. Effectiveness of masks ... believe your eyes. Like how he words it, (masks work) so not to get deleted.
  21. Same as the USA's FDIC's $250k USD, That bank deposits here are covered up to ฿1 mill per person/depositor, per bank. Take into consideration, the FDIC has never been tested, and should have been back in 2008, but the bankers/shareholders got bailed out, as they, not the depositors (holding $250k or less), would have taken huge losses on the mess THEY created. Campaign financing was a great investment for them.
  22. It really depends on the circumstance, if your recklessness/speeding is a danger to anyone. You may spook someone, but shouldn't really cause an accident. I had an incident, avoided as the other guy was paying more attention than myself, though it may not have mattered. Coming off entrance to interstate (95) in USA, on my 900cc minimal traffic and I was already cruising up to speed/speeding, moved to the fast lane, getting ready to break that land speed record, when a damn Kawi 1100 scared the sh!t out of me, when he blew by ???? I looked and didn't see anyone, as at some speeds you won't see or if not using both eyes, can't judge their speed. The basstard let me catch up to him, now both doing well over 100kph, and he cracked the throttle & took off again ???????? "buy a real scooter if you want to play with me" ???? Honda 900cc is heavy (600lbs) & built for cruising, minimal size for cruising. Kawi 1100 is built for performance. Borrowed my brother's a couple times when back in USA 2003. What a rocket, and actually too much power for me. Got to respect it, and know your limitations.
  23. Yea, but not nearly as much as sanitizer, temp monitors, test kit, vaccine & masks salespersons.
  24. Unvax'd and didn't wear a mask 99.99% of the time, and didn't get covid AFAIK So not being vax'd or not wearing a mask is just as affective ???? apparently. As stated above, that mask & vaccine failed so many millions.
  25. I get full abdominal ultrasound with every check up (1-2yrs), and 1st one, 15 ish yrs ago told fatty liver. AND ... means other organs are also have some extra fat around them. Minor diet adjustment, and yes, lost weight, top out @ 100kgs, low 78kg, usually 80-83kgs now. Prostate still growing, but no mention of fatty liver past check ups. Had blood work done recently, all good except my usual high range blood sugar. Due for an ultrasound though, as not done in couple yrs. Actually think the prostrate is shrinking, or at least same size. GET the ULTRASOUND, full abdominal. It will find sh!t you want to find early, and I'd add it to your yearly check ups.
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