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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. As I read, to see who are the most hypocritical. Global Warming, glaciers melting, seas rising, CO2, carbon footprint ... the outrage. I don't deny, but I'm also not concerned about it. Surprising those that are concerned, haven't gone Solar or drive EVs. Even I care a bit about, and can do something, about the local air so we use both. And we're the ignorant ones ???? Lots of talking, no doing ... HYPOCRITES Just think if all you hypocrites, cared as much, about all our local concerns and used solar & EVs, instead of talking about it, then might actually compound globally and have an impact on what you are so outraged about.
  2. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3155298/?ref_=tt_mv_close
  3. From elsewhere on AN, self explanatory BYD Atto 3 Review ???? https://aseannow.com/topic/1257405-electric-vehicles-in-thailand/page/57/#comment-17945964
  4. Camper conversion ... new YT channel "living in EV in TH"
  5. Posting that was a stretch .... google if interested. I really don't care. People never see, because they never look. Just hate when people question other 'reputable' (a stretch ????) members when they post. Love a challenge anyway, which that wasn't much of. Real advice, already given, but wait till you get here, rent near your work, then take a day or 2 and look around. Shouldn't take much longer than that. I've always found a rental in 1 or 2 days, when actually looking.
  6. My brother retired from SEPTA, bus maintenance division. OK, nothing to do with electric buses, but so many posts have come up lately, all stating, they or their wives worked, and have 1st hand knowledge of. I couldn't resist, but he did work at Septa's bus & trolley repair shop. Anyway .... think I'll stick with CH products. https://whyy.org/articles/septas-cracking-battery-buses-raise-questions-about-the-future-of-electric-transit/ "It’s been nearly a year and a half since a passenger set foot inside one of SEPTA’s Proterra buses, which cost nearly a million dollars apiece when they rolled out in 2019. Most are now gathering dust in a South Philly bus depot, riven by cracked chassis and other defects. The diesel and hybrid buses that SEPTA planned to replace with the all-electric fleet remain in service, with no timeline for the e-buses to return. Externally, SEPTA has said little about the failed battery bus program or its progress in restoring the buses to service, insisting that it is working on a “resolution” with the bus manufacturer. But internal communications, obtained by WHYY’s PlanPhilly through a right-to-know request, reveal the incident shook SEPTA’s top executives and triggered a serious reevaluation of its plans to convert more of its fleet to electric power. They also show that damage to the buses was discovered even earlier than the agency previously acknowledged — before the buses even began regular service."
  7. Surely with no parts or components from CH. Wonder who's battery pack they used ? Or circuits or chipsets, BMSs, or all them Taiwan (CH) parts, microchips, made from CH's raw materials.
  8. Actually still there, since you 'quoted' it, in your reply. Ah yes, deleted, and as I stated, someone, why many of don't partake in many conversations. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  9. Yea ... that was a bit of a stretch of almost a truth, from his POV ???? During Clinton administration (AL was VP), they did pass legislature that did help, extremely, the development of the internet. I love his self into on this vid @43 sec: "Hi, I'm Al Gore, I used to be the next president"
  10. You really have a problem with reading comprehension. You missed my '3.4mm' in my reply. Missed my 'Al Gore/IPCC' ... you should google & read before replying, as the answers are right there. "The IPCC does not conduct its own original research but undertakes systematic reviews all relevant scientific publications with the help of thousands of volunteer scientists and other experts" - wiki How anyone can not remember that farce is amazing.
  11. Nobel 2007 Al Gore/IPCC .... ring any bells. Al's silly documentary (that's a stretch) even won a couple Oscars ..????
  12. Yep ... a heavy rain at high tide, and their future is in their face. Poor city planning and zoning enforcement/corruption. Live for today mentality.
  13. If you can't see the difference between 'all black' or 'all female' is allowed, when 'all white' and 'all male' usually is not ... there is little hope for you. I'm talking 21st Century, the past is the past, let it die, since nobody learns from it. NO ... I am 1, but I avoid farangs ... vile creatures ????
  14. Means impossible for me, and every attempt to even sign up failed, and as stated, calling was always 20min hold then disconx. So I don't bother any more. Don't need them anyway, though doing things online, if needed, would be convenient, if convenient to register/sign up.
  15. Actually you didn't note that I did, and used the exact same figure, 3.4mm as you and the report used. And the ice caps melting, I ignore any reference to that, as told by Noble Prize winner & scientist, they were supposed to be melted already. So much for science prediction, along with many other doom & gloom scenarios that never happened. Seas rising, is about the least of the humans problems, since easily avoidable. Don't build near, if so ... som naa na.
  16. They seem to get reported & deleted, so most of us don't bother.
  17. I base my opinion on 'owning & driving' the vehicles. Hands on experience, not a data sheet. If you haven't, then your opinion doesn't really matter to me, or anyone. You generalize, are obviously anti CH & EV. Conversation is OVER BYE BYE
  18. Didn't miss anything, I just don't care or agree with your argument. They are opinions The only opinions that matter, will be the Supreme Court's, if passed and if challenged. Until then .... Have a nice day HINT: have a nice day = done with discussion
  19. Self interest group expressing 'their' opinion, not law. The courts will decide that, if the bill passes, and if challenged. A beautiful democracy. Until then. Have a nice day Self interest groups are big business, nothing else: Revenue (2020) $44.6 million Expenses (2020) $43.6 million
  20. Nobodies rights are being violated, as it's against the Constitution & Federal Law to do so. Again, you may need to enlighten yourself with the Constitution & Federal Law. Instead of reading Op-Eds.
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