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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Simply research the phone, and buy from manufacturer or authorized reseller. Do you really need someone to explain the specs of something, a phone of all things, that you are buying ? Not that I'd trust any salesperson anyway. Just Google the specs you don't understand. Prioritize what you are buying it for, and for me, it's the camera #1, replaceable battery #2, then chipset/processor/memory. Storage not a biggie, as I don't keep much on it. All gets moved to laptop, if important. I think I got 3 photos on my phone, and only because used for lock & home screen.
  2. And yet, there appears to be a 'hands off' policy right now, at least outside tourist areas. Which I'm very happy for, as mines is about as illegal as they come. But I don't flaunt it's capabilities by passing PoPo on the road. Besides, not wearing a helmet or bounce like I used to, I keep it around 25 kph, so almost incognito. Though you'd have to be blind not to notice it's motorized.
  3. That would be a bit counter productive, and shipping, depending on the bike, may cost more than the bike. They have quality bikes here, if you buy one, with due diligence of research. They are not cheap anywhere, but I'd guess cheaper here/TH, than USA/UK/EU, since CH friendly import, and so much closer. Even my DIY bike was not inexpensive, but in the end, better than what I was seeing available at the time. Since I had the bike, converting it was quite easy.
  4. "In short, the answer is no: you can't take an electric bike on a plane. It's all because of the battery. Any rechargeable lithium battery larger than 100Wh is prohibited from being taken onto a plane. Some airlines may allow batteries that are up to 160Wh, but you'll need to ask for permission in advance.Mar 16, 2563 BE" https://www.furosystems.com/news/can-you-take-an-electric-bike-on-a-plane/#:~:text=In short%2C the answer is,ask for permission in advance.
  5. OP doesn't seem to be the sharpest tack in the box. Smoking anything especially something illegal, it's pretty much the same worldwide, especially since most hotels are non smoking. Where would you smoke in your home country if not at home ... nuff said
  6. Since most limit power banks to 10-20k mAh, it's a safe guess you ain't carrying a 36 or 48v 10-30Ah battery on any plane. And my experience working for airlines, that's considered haz mat as checked or freight. But what do I know ???? Unless you got the bargain of the century, that ebike will be a lot cheaper here than USA or EU/UK. This from someone who priced ebikes here and the USA and China and simply decided to build my own.
  7. Not sure if there is still a Power Buy at Hua Hin, as not on any map. Good news, maybe, there is a Fit Bit vendor in the mall somewhere ... supposedly.
  8. That's sad, as shingles should have been there first thought, especially since noticing the rash.
  9. Possible, but rare, unless selling the vaccine, then everyone gets it again. If in TH, no prob finding kids with CP Yes, much more serious as an adult, though I would have thought that was common knowledge. DISCLAIMER: I forgot what forum I was on ????
  10. Yikes ... with those 2 links, I think OP has to specify to us what he/she/it thinks a top end ebike is. Personally I'd just buy one here, as bringing one, with or without the battery would be quite the hassle. And getting a battery (quality) here, possibly even more hassle.
  11. How much solar does our empty house use ? Not much; 2 frigs & 1 light on, 24 hours. Averages using just shy of 205 watts an hour. The extra 0.3 kWh is for the inverter, so 300 watts over 24 hrs for the inverter
  12. Did our 1st O&A overnighter. 2 nights up at Hua Hin, only 100 kms away. Didn't drive much while there, so didn't need to top up while there. Photo is self explanatory. Stopped at a garden center just S of HH, so a snap of the odometer/info & again at home.
  13. Do you already own it, and do you plan on living here/TH? Forget carry on (battery), not allowed. Just guessing but even as freight/excess baggage, it will probably be considered 'haz mat', and need to be certified to be shipped properly. They sell quality ebikes here, for far less than $4000 USD(?), even $4000 AUD If battery only weighs 10lbs, not very top of the line.
  14. No, chicken pox vaccine isn't forever, and or when you get chicken pox after vaccinated, as I did, and still got a case of shingles. Which can and did last with me for about a decade. First day, if coming around your back to your chest, feels like you are having a heart attack, actually worse, depending on 'your' heart attack????. Afterwards, a week or so, and it's just annoying. Just my opinion, and what my docs told me, when I asked about the vaccine. Don't waste your money, as getting shingles a 2nd time, if very rare. If concerned, whether you had already, or not, just hang out with kids having chicken pox. No better way to boost your immune system. Much better, I was told, than an overprice vaccine, that in my doc's mind hasn't stood the test to time to be advertised as 'safe & effective', but a great money maker. The onset is very easy to spot, 'a rash, much like bad sunburn', bubbled. If have, take the meds immediately, and hopefully, will lessen the severity, and longevity of lasting discomfort. https://www.cdc.gov/shingles/about/treatment.html#:~:text=Several antiviral medicines—acyclovir%2C valacyclovir,possible after the rash appears. Dealing with the postherpetic neuralgia is a different, and good luck with that. I tried some of the stronger drugs, and none really, some lessened the discomfort. Though the experimenting process was interesting. Unless experienced, self medicating isn't for everyone, take extreme care, or go to a professional. Some of the med I took had stern warnings, since psycho drugs, some with high rates of suicide as 'side effect' ????
  15. So she wasn't really found, just happen to find her way back to the highway ... ... begs to ask, 'how drunk was she when she left the highway?" ... ???? microsleep my A$$
  16. Good timing, saw my first active speed trap today in a long time. PoPo sitting on the shoulder with his camera and 3 km down the road huge backup, thank you very much. I was driving with the cruise control on at 90, so all you Aholes behind me, that were cursing me, can thank me later. They only had three victims pulled over as we passed by. People want to save lives, stop complaining about the high death rate, simply drive the speed limit. Don't wait for the police to enforce the law, drive it yourself. How many on here say, "oh I can't own an EV, I need to drive 120-150 kph" Yeah, you are part of the problem.
  17. NO coffee...that would mean I'd have to think of something else to do with that hour routine every morning; heat the water, nuke the cup, add sugar, grind, weigh, stack, pour & stir. Chill on the veranda w/dog for another great sunrise. Sun or not, I'm there, so it's great sunrise. ☕
  18. "So, the paper filter doesn't necessarily block the cholesterol-raising compound, but the fine particles carrying it. Switching from a coffee maker or French press with a metal mesh filter to one with a paper filter (or adding a paper filter) can cut more than 90 percent of cafestol." https://nutritionfacts.org/2022/09/20/paper-filtered-coffee-and-cholesterol/#:~:text=So%2C the paper filter doesn,than 90 percent of cafestol. Along with the finest grounds that will make it thru my SS drip filter, so no sludge at the bottom of cup ☕
  19. We travel with our own. When hitting shops, usually order Cappuccino, as more forgiving. More pastry run than coffee.
  20. My dogs a lot cleaner, and leaves the room a lot nicer than many humans I've seen at hotels.
  21. Not sure how accepting they're getting, as I struggle sometimes getting a place near where I want to be. At ibis now as I type, and if all else fails, and there's an ibis, we're good. Was looking at Krung Thep earlier today, and slim pickins under ฿2000, for pet friendly & secure parking, being another issue. I don't do street parking. Lack of green space in Krung Thep is more of an issue sometimes. I really don't need ฿2000 worth of amenities, as won't use. Some are great, no or as stated ฿1-200 pet charge, others just damn silly. Can't blame them though, as if a hotel owning, I probably wouldn't allow either ????
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