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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Wow ... a whole 2.9% change. If people can't adjust to minor fluctuations, then need to worry about more than a cup of tea. The exchange rate here alone has gone down 25+% at times, after I arrived. From ฿45 down to ฿29 against $1 USD. Not even mention the inflation. Maybe the fatties could cut 25% of their food intake down, so they could afford a proper cup of tea.
  2. Since OP can't be place on Ignore List, then obviously part of the money making machine. Prime 'price' ... not sure about 'prime' burger. 'ground Aussie beef' Burger King's claim also, for half the price ????
  3. Far from space age, but my 1950 Buick Special was like sitting on the living room sofa while driving ... along with other activities. Those cars where made for teens losing their virginity.
  4. Cool plane, and I've photographed my share of them, since seeing almost on a daily basis.
  5. Hope poster doesn't mean 'Natura Cafe' on the other side of the river. Not exactly near S/A intersection area. Lovely place though if out & about exploring: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Natura+Cafe/@13.6913836,100.4667066,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMv0eTKCmso5kdrCYgVZJ_FFbp51owArVGOm_if!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMv0eTKCmso5kdrCYgVZJ_FFbp51owArVGOm_if%3Dw114-h86-k-no!7i4080!8i3060!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xe71a36dc6dbb47f6!2sNatura+Cafe!8m2!3d13.6913836!4d100.4667066!3m4!1s0x0:0xe71a36dc6dbb47f6!8m2!3d13.6913836!4d100.4667066
  6. You can add the Anti Gun folks, (Dems) to that also. Immediately using and pushing more gun control. As if there aren't enough already. If they'd simply enforce the laws on the books, they wouldn't need new ones that keep guns from legal folks. The Dem run city / prosecutor decided not to charge the shooter in an earlier incident, where it's on record, that he threatened his family with a 'bomb'...yea, a bomb. That force his neighbors to evacuate and police intervention to talk him into surrendering. Not only did they not charge him, they failed to impose Colorado’s red-flag laws, which would have banned him from purchasing a firearm. Failed system once again. I guess charging a non binary black man would have appeared too oppressive to the 'special interests' folks. So not a right wing motivated hate crime, or lax gun law shooting.
  7. "At least 262,908,216 people or 79% of the population have received at least one dose. Overall, 224,113,439 people or 68% of the population are considered fully vaccinated. Additionally, 108,806,974 people or 33% of the population have received a booster dose." https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states IMHO, wouldn't exactly call that effective. 2/3 fully vax'd but vax'd still account for more than 1/2 the deaths
  8. ... is Wednesday https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13443470/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  9. it's looks good, but very low motor /battery specs X35 Mahle gets mixed reviews toys for ignorant elitist
  10. "pandemic of the vaccinated" Now being reported the vaccinated people are making up the majority of covid deaths in some places. https://www.siasat.com/vaccinated-people-now-make-majority-of-covid-deaths-in-us-report-2464362/?fbclid=IwAR21G4AUO47lBYHd8sdm3smo9Ln-mIDIU2xibMWUTZ4WArENG81zbIb-k7I
  11. 4 pages of ???? full of; TH, USA & CH bashers, Anti EV-solar-battery tech, Anti Yank-gun-free thinkers, trolls trolls & more trolls. folks pushing 'their' special interest groups who simply aren't special or oppressed. Those pushing policies that do nothing but divide the masses. People that can't agree to disagree. LABEL USERS
  12. You have to pay a silly price for a car, then silly yearly subscription to keep it current, if wanting more power than you would ever be able to use here / TH. Speed limits are and always will be; 30 - 60 - 90 - 120 kph Toys for the elite, with more money than sense ????
  13. 19th Century tech / Petrol - fossil fuel from fossil age 21st Century tech / EVs - renewable Solar Choice is your, live in the past, or move forward That ol' petrol thing will be gone by the end of the month. Obsolete and now use for it. Actually would like to keep it, as love it, but know we'll never use it. Got 2 back ups already, along with pedal bike & our feet. Nothing needed that is far away.
  14. Still in recovery ... and will be for many years to come. Selling depends on value to seller, along with ages of seller. Wait 5 yrs for a better price, maybe, or get & spend now. Or, invest in something else that is moving up. I'm soon to be 68 (wife 46), so we sold everything (house & 4 lots), even though a buyer's market, and invested in retirement home (last house build) along with eliminating most monthly bills; mortgage/rent, utilities (solar), along with transport cost / petrol, (again EVs & solar). Enjoying it all now, with lots more monthly pocket money, and security (oops fund), minimal cost future for the wife, after I krap out. Seemed a much better idea for us, than waiting to sell, at better price, or OK price if an expensive emergency popped up.
  15. Drink more tea, and eat less Full English Brekkies ... ????
  16. I feel ya ... the Neuropathic pain can be annoying as all hell. Had it for well over 5ish years, closer to 10. Could never narrow down any triggers for it. Sis is/was a pharmacist, so I got 1000 / 10mg valiums from her, and they came in handy for sleeping, as seemed to act up at the end of the day, while trying to rest, as nerve roots do. I tried all the recommended, and then some pain/phycho meds, (pregabalin, gabapentin, amitriptyline, nortriptyline) and none gave complete relief. As stated earlier, need to be very careful self medicating, as some crazy (suicidal) side affects. ????
  17. The top 6 on this page, would fill anyone's needs. I was looking at the 750w/10Ah for 47k, though was a bit less when I was peeking at it. Couple others weren't available. Since I had the Schwinn, and converting was simple enough, I got better specs for ~25k (~15k+my bike cost). Yea, they ain't cheap. As you can get a DECO motorcycle for 39k. Though not the thing if wanting to exercise. More than a few options at BkkBike ???? https://www.bkkebike.com/e-bike-thailand
  18. Correct you are ... Then again, maybe not ... ???? ... TIT
  19. I'll listen to any activist that isn't a hypocrite. Still waiting ... all quiet here & everywhere ????
  20. Kawasaki E-MTB for 174000฿ ????????????????????????????????
  21. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1123245651956443/?hoisted=false&ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A86054830-b85e-4d58-acfd-cb6bc5a1ec70
  22. You didn't look very hard. Curious what y'all think a quality ebike is ? Especially from the post you quoted ... what can't you get here that UK has ?
  23. "I am assuming that there is no situation where you can exit one country's border and be prevented from entering the next border since you would be stuck in no man's land. " Actually there is, did you not watch the movie 'Terminal', based on true story ???? From my reading, Thai Imm will usually warn you on the way out or in, 'that's the last time, you may be refused if doing again'. Just always make sure you have what is necessary to enter the country you are doing the turn around in; Laos, Cambo or Malay. Don't think Myanmar is an options yet. Chok Di
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