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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No electric available, all the EV are charging at 1800.
  2. So as healthy as any processed food or veggies you buy at the market ????
  3. You are so wrong it's unbelievable. THC last about 2 yrs, at least. I bought an ounce in Udon Thani, took me about 2 yrs to smoke, and it was almost as good in the end as it was in the beginning. I did have too much though, for as much as I smoke, so gave about half to my nephew, who is really enjoying. Said it would cost about $200 un the USA, an 'ounce'. He hasn't smoked any since coming to TH, about 5 years at least. Even what I have now, about 75gr will take couple years for me to smoke. 1 doobie a month, yea. 75 months, so I'll be giving him more next time he pops down from NBLP. Quick Google, and look at that. Maybe in 2 years it may take a whole doobie for that buzz I get now on a half... ... "When stored properly (more on this later), dried cannabis keeps for 6 months to 1 year. Over time, it begins to lose its aroma and potency. According to some older research, weed loses roughly 16 percent of its THC after 1 year, and it just keeps dropping from there: 26 percent THC lost after 2 years."
  4. Carabao band is excellent. Saw them at Tawan Daeng @ Udon Thani Thailand has more than a few excellent musical talents. Shame the format at the Hua Hin Jazz Festival changed so much. First 8 festivals, 'beer sponsored' were excellent. Down hill ever since.
  5. Yep ... I'm Anti-Label myself Male & female works, anything else, is your personal choice, and I prefer not to know and you don't need to shout it at me. NOBODY CARES
  6. BUT BUT BUT ... DON'T DEFLECT IMHO ... US/UK/NATO are the true terrorist in the world. With every regime change and civil war that they start. Millions die. Repeated over & over; Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghan, Vietnam, Korea, more than a few South & Central American countries & Africa. Surely you're not that ignorant, or I would hope not.
  7. One section does get 'blocked' at high tide, during those high tide session, a couple times a year.
  8. Granted, no surfside promenade to walk along, but there is about 6 km of beach between Centara & Big Buddha. Personally a fan of the southern beach are, if starting at Big Buddha. Head northward, till had enough, then streetside for a café, beverage and or munch. Or find a starting point a bit north of Big Buddha, and end up at PAGE Beach Bar at VERSO for that munch & sipping. Centara is so .... yester-year-decade ????
  9. I go with the all inclusive; PanSexual https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansexuality Also fits into my religion: Raëlism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raëlism Think I'm in need of a sabbatical in Korea Raëlian women at the "Korea Love Hug" festival in Seoul, South Korea Social issues I can support:
  10. People applying for San Francisco's new transgender low-income scheme must choose between more than 130 genders, pronouns and sexualities. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11439455/San-Franciscos-trans-benefits-application-gender-pronoun-options.html
  11. AFAIK ... That's one opinion ... wrong of course: "Because most of the information from Operation Desert Storm is still classified, it is difficult to make definitive judgments about the impact of attacks on electrical power, but once again electric power was a high priority target." https://media.defense.gov/2017/Dec/29/2001861964/-1/-1/0/T_GRIFFITH_STRATEGIC_ATTACK.PDF "The United States attacked al-Nasiriyya 400 kV Electrical Power Transformer Station on March 22, 2003, with a carbon fiber bomb designed to disable power. The city lost power for thirty days. © 2003 Reuben E. Brigety, II / Human Rights Watch The transformer station is the critical link between al-Nasiriyya Electrical Power Production Plant and the city of al-Nasiriyya.103 When the transformer station went off-line it removed the southern link to all power in the city, which was then totally reliant on the North Electrical Station 132. Although the carbon fiber is supposed to incapacitate temporarily, three transformers were completely destroyed by a fire from a short circuit caused by the carbon fiber. The station’s wires seemed to have been melted by the intense fire. Human Rights Watch was told that the transformers would have to be replaced and the entire facility rewired. On March 23 at 10:00 a.m., the United States attacked North Electrical Station 132. Hassan Dawud, an engineer at the station when it was attacked, said a U.S. aircraft strafed the facility, destroying three transformers, gas pipes, and the air conditioning, which brought the entire facility down as components that were not damaged by the attack overheated.104 Damage to the transformers and air conditioning were clearly visible, including large holes in the walls consistent with aircraft cannon fire. Further north in Rafi on Highway 7, Human Rights Watch found a transformer station with significant damage from air strikes, including at least one destroyed transformer. From its investigations, it is unclear to Human Rights Watch what effective contribution to Iraqi military action these facilities were making and why attacking them offered a definite military advantage to the United States, and in particular how they supported the ground operations in al-Nasiriyya. Two senior CENTCOM officials declined to comment on these attacks.105 Human Rights Watch does not understand the military necessity and rationale for these attacks and calls on the United States to explain them fully. The attacks caused significant and long-term damage, and the civilian cost was high. Dr. `Ali `Abd al-Sayyid, director of al-Nasiriyya General Hospital, told Human Rights Watch that the loss of power was a huge impediment to the proper treatment of war wounded. No one died as a direct result of the power loss, but the hospital’s generators were taxed to their limit and it had to do away with some non-critical services to ensure the wounded were given basic treatment. He also stated that the loss of power created a water crisis in the city.106 Human Rights Watch researchers saw many areas in al-Nasiriyya where people had dug up water and sewage pipes outside their homes in a vain attempt to get drinking water. Even when successful, the water was often contaminated because the power outage prevented water purification. This led to what Dr. `Abd al-Sayyid termed “water-born diarrheal infections." https://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/usa1203/4.5.htm Who do you suppose took out the Nord Stream pipeline, US or NATO, or joint operation ?
  12. I have Pink ID & DL, didn't need either, as best to plan when to renew, during a period when you won't need it. I did just after my 90 day pulse check, and didn't need any bank services, not that I need PP for them. Never use my PP for hotels anyway. Can't remember last time someone asked me for my PP.
  13. IF in TH, takes 2-3 weeks turn around. Did mine about 2 months ago, and got it back < 3 weeks as others have also. Simple, easy, fast.
  14. If you read thread, instead of the last page, you find more than a few sources suggested. Buddha helps those that help themselves ...
  15. From an investor's POV, I always looked at 'trends' and did quite well ... ???? https://www.ev-volumes.com/
  16. More like a heath issue while walking in out going surf. Who bothers with swim trunks, cigs & condom if offing yourself. Nobody is dumb enough to think a 1 kg rock is going to sink you. Since wearing the backpack, kind of rules out foul play. Unless of course he swam out into the surf to avoid a mugging, and misjudged his ability to tread water longer than the threat. OK, I'm bored
  17. Reported elsewhere, about that, particular moment, there were many more on stage, simply a 'photo op' and they were told and waved to exit right. Stopping to shake hands wasn't in the agenda, and to do so would have been just as rude to those waiting to get off stage as not shaking hands. Do you really think any of them wanting to be there any longer than they had to be. Get me out of here, the buffet is waiting. Anti China or Thai folks, feel free to turn it into something else. Don't believe everything you see or read.
  18. Plastic tube & water used on first house, and quite accurate.
  19. Reporting an ongoing road repair ????
  20. Tigers at Nong Prajack Park, a city park at that, all those years there, I was so lucky. I couldn't live with someone that ignorant.
  21. Deep well & submersible ... shouldn't overheat. Why would you need to run over 1 hr straight anyway, as ours filled up 4500L tank pretty fast.
  22. Two contrasting days. Yesterday, forecast cloudy but no rain. Must have been some upper level pollution, thick cloud, and it did rain, quite a bit. Panels only produce 8.2kW, probably lowest since installed, and we used 9kW. Guessing 5 overnight, along with worker using a electric jack hammer a good part of the day. No ACs, didn't need, or electric cooking worth mentioning. Batteries never topping up. If not raining, I was going to send a drone up to see if some palm leaves were on the panels ???? Checking forecast last night, and today was supposed to rain from 9am to 4pm ... great. At midnight, take dog out for a sniff & pee, and I see stars ... nice. Nice sunrise and sunshine with morning coffee. By 10am the batteries are topped up. Produced 16.kW, used 11.5kW ... Beautiful day ???? Heading into night @ 98% / 19.6kW
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