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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Think you need a better map & measuring stick. You'll get 250 kms range with MG ZS or EP, and that will get you anywhere you need to go, with CSs much closer than your 300 kms guesstimate. Obviously, you should have no problem getting anywhere from Sakon Nakhon
  2. Been 9 yrs since, so far from current. Always enjoyed my visits. Most things walkable, good food, inexpensive Beer Lao ... what's not to like. Just get the VOA, too easy, or was. You'll need USD for VOA, exact change and photos, or use to need. Do NOT use any visa services at Nong Khai, as unnecessary & overpriced. They take THB/USD, usually, or can change a wee bit of money at border, then more at the bank if wanting. Use to be a bus into town at the border, not advertised very well, if not taking one of the intern'l buses from TH to downtown Vientiane. Plenty of touts offering rides into town.
  3. Living at PKK for almost 6 yrs now. Rarely saw any snakes. At the house for 3+ months, and 3rd snake on the property. Rather large Malayan Pit Viper. Didn't end well for the snake ... ????
  4. All depends and relative to one's self. I know if I returned, I'd need a lot more money and certainly wouldn't return to any place I've already lived. Left all of those for one reason or another, and no desire to go backwards. The world is only as crazy as the headlines you believe.
  5. Yea ... it's starting to remind me of all those high profit box bars, people are trying to unload. A few months before foreclosure ???? So profitable and so easy, I just want to give it away to someone ???? Who needs or wants all those millions.
  6. My daughter started, as many do, from zero, and doing quite nicely. Without a huge buy in of an established business, so no waiting for a larger ROI paying off that buy in, eating away at monthly profits.
  7. Import tax and RHD vehicles does limit things. Thankfully China has the advantage there.
  8. Unless a popular item, and can get at bulk discount ... most things are drop shipped. If not, then we're talking higher overhead w/warehouse & employees for S&H. No info ... No sale
  9. It's reassuring that PTT, the state owned oil provider, will be producing EVs & batteries for, from one of their wholly owned subsidiary, along with putting more CSs at the petrol plazas. That's a bit telling and all headed in the right direction.
  10. Strangely the EV, on the granny charging, draws less than the 3500w water heater ... 3.5 vs 2.3kW ????
  11. Contrary to earlier statement, you DO want to sell, just not to us on AN ????
  12. It's a headliner, not a whole lot more. "Look, we're saving the planet" While taking big $$$ from big oil/gas/coal, not to make it easy to put solar on every roof in the country. Simple solution to simple problems.
  13. Yes ... it's a work in progress people. Slow at that, since those selling the dirty fuel are paying big $$$ to prolong their profits as long as possible. Remember how long, or fast it took to stop heating all houses with coal 60 yrs ago, and only because the same conglomerates control the oil & nat. gas supplies. The transition to clean, if ever, will take even longer. Especially IF YOU wait for them, and the corrupt politicians to lead the way. NEWS FLASH ... YOU do NOT have to wait. Go solar and get an EV. You'll save a $hit load of money in the short, and long run. And maybe give your kids & grandkids cleaner air. Along with maybe 1°C less temp over the next century or 2. UP2U
  14. This might help: https://th.carro.co/blog/ev-car-and-annual-tax-in-thailand/
  15. You go to renew, and they tell you how much ... ???? It's a good headliner, but seriously, what are you saving, maybe 1800 baht for 3 years, on a 700k-1m baht purchase. Oh Joy. OK, haven't a clue how much, and too lazy to actually go look in the car at the payment. Don't think it's going to be a deciding factor for anyone. Just the people that complain Archa now cost 35 baht a can instead of 33 ????
  16. One would question your business sense if you even have to ask that question. Have a nice day.
  17. A simply ballpark price, and average net profit would go a long way to someone interested. Silly not to provide that wee bit of info. Business generating xxx amount the past 3 year, xxx amount profit. Price is xxx amount, expect ROI in about 10 yrs Not rocket science. Being evasive, why even bother offering ?
  18. Need to upgrade to LiFePO 4 batteries, as we expect ours to last 20+ yrs. Possibly longer if getting 6000 cycles out of them, and I'm being negative. Only half cycle a day, if that, so 12k days of cycles = 32 years. For the car, I'm just hoping the rest last as long as the batteries & motors. As much as the wife drives, barring any oops, should last 20+ years after I'm long gone. Last car she'll ever own, hopefully.
  19. Or ... "Since the huge influx of new residents into Florida in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, from the northern parts of the United States and from Mexico and Latin America, the term Florida cracker is used informally by some Floridians to indicate that their families have lived in the state for many generations." Now imagine an old generational Floridian 'black' family, calling themselves 'crackers' ... ???? Got to think outside the cracker box. I'm a 'Ritz' man myself, though would rather be a rich man.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/reel/444213981158912/?s=single_unit&__cft__[0]=AZVqGJwifaTmMgNK_Xxv4q6axVvEXppg9XTg-ua0hqNivii4ekz6uvnMIjzwBm91mAUGQIzQsJIpUiBVPK8fKkhT2varupRK1Tod3WYwH8YE45Q0BuJunBBm7S12uRN3HwROlVl7JX8I3YmB4YTIaAO8yvxxr10c7vpDUMhc_u-S9jzRz3XTjhcT-axr0oWKLk8&__tn__=H-R
  21. Reports in the news, griner on way to RU hard labor camp/penal colony. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  22. Not a good time to be on Samui. Worst month weather wise, unless very lucky.
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