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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. ... and you are complaining about 35 ???? Better hope it stays there ... USA SS Direct Deposits, usually on the 3rd, thankfully ????
  2. OK ... we got our 'overdue' bill yesterday ???? I guess someone figured out we do have 30A service. She, wife tried to scan pay, denied, then went into site and did a bank transfer, PAID ฿103.73 ... outrageous ????
  3. Took a short local O&A, up to Sam Roi Yot, for a coffee & cheesecake surfside ???? Photo to P'off someone: Some more testing of 'driver assisting' safety features since mentioned by another poster. Took the scenic root to, and fast aggressive driving on return. Strangely Gmap states 10 mins longer for scenic route (dark) vs quickest. Main difference, using hwy #4 / Phetkasem rd on return, as cutting through the park areas, really can't drive that much faster than my 60 kph cruise controlled speed to SRY. Actually had to turn off through parts of park area as too annoying, since more than a few curves with short distances in between. Did notice as someone stated, car in cruise control slowing down on many curves, with the slightest 'sway' of the car. More a poor road construction than car 'fault' as curves not built for 60kph. Since cutting through smaller towns, possibly supposed to be 30kph anyway, so maybe actually build for intended speed, though nobody would actually drive that slow. Normal time to/from in ICE or EV would be about 1 hr from our home. Took about 1 hr 10-15 mins with cruise control on scenic route to. Return, no cruise control till on hwy #4, and set at 90kph. The aggressive part, on the surf to hwy 4 stretch, drove as fast as I felt comfy doing, top speeds of 70-80kph. Had to punch it a few times, during a few passes, on the short stretches between curves, and the electric motors/torque is impressive. Damn sporty, and true SUV, vs the not so sporty ICE SUV acronym. Only surprise, 10-15 mins extra, driving 60 kph all the way, when possible, vs an hour on the return, driving 90kph when possible, which was the speed limit. 70-80kph exceeding the limit through the park area. No need to drive like an Ahole on short trips, as you really aren't knocking much time off. Although I would have been stuck behind a truck or 2 though the park area if not passing. Reality, simply adding 5 more minutes overall to the 1 ish hr return drive home. Unless open road, though still marginal time saved, so not much sense doing much more than the speed limit elsewhere in TH, with the truck traffic, intersections & traffic lights on the so called 'inter-province' roadways. At best doing 120kph when possible to/from Krung Thep, I've only managed to knock 1/2 hour off a 4ish hr trip. Why bother, as safer & more relaxed simply driving the speed limit.
  4. Another heavy use of the solar day ... 37.8kW produced. 37.8 X 30 days = 1134kW / PEA Units = ฿6300 monthly bill. ROI at that rate would be < 6 years, and it wasn't even hot yesterday. Both ACs not on all day, and not much electrical appliance cooking. Did charge the car a bit, but only to 85%. Minimal use of the car and charging it, only the 2nd time, as been hanging around the house putting some finishing touches on it the past few weeks. Still use e-MB for morning park run with dog. Charged that up the day before, but that doesn't take much. I took a short O&A up to Sam Roi Yot (150kms R/T) the other day, and why the need to top up the car a bit. Expect AC use to be a lot more come Feb, Mar, April, May, till the rains start, and at least 30kW a day, without charging the car. If owning your home, you really need to consider a solar system, if only a 5kW on grid system. Could easily do for 1/3 the cost of ours. Knock ฿1500-2000 off your monthly bill and easily < 10 yr ROI. Would recommend a hybid inverter though, for future expansion with ESS, if & when needed, wanting. Pissin' down raining now, so getting the dust washed off the panels ????
  5. You can't trust anyone any more ... ... first Toyota ... and now MG ???? Since I can't find any other ones in between ... DISCLAIMER: didn't look for, so probably none available ...
  6. Well that's just rude behavior/manners from a poor upbringing. I wai, even when not expected or within 'protocol'. Staff, children, those folks that others deem as too below their status to acknowledge. Sorry, but tend treat everyone the same. Family & friends, we all treat each other as equals. No need to 'assimilate' any further, as no benefit. Doubt if they talk behind my back, as I don't theirs, or I'd ignore them completely. Knowing them, they'd do the same. We don't waste our time on aholes. No different here than my USA's friends & family.
  7. I've only used Twitter to follow Richard Barrow, and can't even be bothered to do that any more. Got to be better with Musk owning, as before it was like reading MSM news, and only 1 opinion was allowed. Pretty much the same with all media outlets.
  8. They already pay a tax on their utility bill. Already paid a sales tax. Already paid the import tax or duty, or someone did and passed it on to the end customer. How many times do we need to be taxed. I personally wouldn't mind paying taxes, IF. they didn't waste them. Road tax is fine, but how about using concrete instead of asphalt, that doesn't need yearly maintenance or resurfacing every couple years. The excise taxes & VAT on cars (ICEs) already make up over 30% of the price tag, and that's cars made in TH. On the 'rebate' thingy 2012ish, we got 100k 'excise tax' back on a 530k MSRP, and that included another 7% VAT, so basically 137k of the 530k price tag was taxes.
  9. KhunLA


    Really depends what you are looking for as a tourist. So many ask about the 'real Thailand', and where to see. All of Thailand .. IS ... the real Thailand. Now about half of the local live in metros & urban areas. The rest, small towns & villages (<50-100k) folks in a town or even Amphur, as where I live, about 90k in the whole Amphur Muang. Many after finding that half of the real Thailand, realize, not for them. I / we personally like it ... for a while ... then want some comforts, depending on mood. A few more dining choices, unless the couple we find are very good, then very happy. When out & about, we don't stay anywhere for more than couple nights, though may move around the same location, such as Phuket. Last time there, we stayed at 5 different areas, for 1-3 nights each area. I can't do 1 week at one location, except for Krung Thep, and even then we may move to another area, instead of transporting to, if wanting to explore a few things there. Possibly since been to so many areas already, a few times, and just there to relax or discover whatever might be new. Usually not much. IMHO, TH is a terrible holiday destination, unless just looking for R&R, or 'need' P4P. Pull up list of attractions at any area, and you'll find; Wats, Nat Park (usually not worth the entry fee), museums (all seem to be repeats), beaches (few clean enough to swim in), unless outer island and logistical to get to. I came here to retire, though have enjoyed playing tourist, but I would not make a special trip to play tourist, after the first or second visit. Fills in the time if you live here, but that's about it.
  10. I just add them to my ignore list never to see their drivel again. And now at 70 ????
  11. IF you are using cruise control ... it will stop without you touching the brakes.
  12. I was reading one of the MG pages, and it described as the same, but 'one foot' driving ???? instead of one pedal. I kind of like it myself, though not a whole lot different than my normal driving, as I'll coast up to intersection; red lights or stop signs, and never was a heavy foot on my brakes. Does take some getting use to, as I'd normally start coasting way before the regeneration kicks in now. So need to not coast till closer to stopping as it slows down much faster than a rolling stop in an ICE.
  13. Agree, first test drive on hwy at speed, took more than a few kms to get comfortable with. Didn't change any defaults, as didn't have a clue at the time. Picked up at dealer, drove away for hwy test drive ... NOT recommended to do, even if an experienced, confident driver. Instead, test the features at speed, but on an open, empty-ish road. It could definitely cause a problem with an inexperienced driver. Actually like the features now, since knowing how to adjust them. On the MG ZS, they perform more 'enhanced' when in cruise control. Extremely noticeable, and that took a while to get use to. Regenerative breaking and your tailgating distance braking can be an issue if not paying attention to someone tailgating you. In heavy traffic, set at the least effective setting. For ZS 'KERS' #1. Driving mode for ZS, I didn't notice much difference at all, between eco/normal/sport. Had to punch it the other day in eco, and it took off rather nicely. Lots of torque if needing, and impressed me. Actually first time I punched the accelerator. With that, I simply leave it in 'eco' as more than enough torque if needing. Really no need knocking around town, and only when merging onto hwy 4/Phetkasem, as needed for my daily run. Having a long merge lane where I enter, rare that I need to punch it. Just needed to merge across 3 lanes quick, to beat of wave of traffic coming and it performed nicely.
  14. Purchased Thai Stick from registered dealer online (GreenLabs) 1 gr @ ฿138gr (฿79gr฿59S&H) Purchased Green Crack from FB @ ฿14gr (100gr@฿1400) Purchased Red String (brick) from Shopee @ ฿8gr (50gr@฿400) All 3 equal quality, few hrs buzz, munchies, pleasant overnight sleep. I roll 1gr doobies, and smoke 1/2 at a time, so 1/2gr at sunset does the trick. Relax w/wife, watch movie/TV series for few hrs, munch & snooze. Very pleasant, inexpensive buzz. Just gave half of the 150gr away to my nephew, as I'll never be able to smoke it all. I'm good for maybe 1 doobie a month, if that. 75gr, 75months, do the math, many years supply.
  15. I hope he's had his shots. That's just disgusting. I won't even walk in a flooded street, let alone lay or play in it.
  16. KhunLA


    Not sure about 'real town', but the disgusting Elephant factory industry/torture camps IMHO, definitely sets it apart. Which hopefully came to a grinding halt the past couple years, due to the 'situation'.
  17. KhunLA


    Did you move there for the 'attractions' or peace & quiet of rural living. Surely you knew that before moving there, hopefully. Buriram has the excellent history/Khmer ruin, restored or not. As with all Thai towns, small or large, the usual Wats, Park, Lake, stream or surf if lucky, City Pillars, Walking Street/Night market. Not sure what else people expect, since not a tourist destination. Some towns have water parks, for a bit of heat relief. Larger towns, simply more of exactly the same. More variety is about all. Unless having a customer base for some other cultural or entertainment venues, that's about all you'll get.
  18. They always could, since 2000. that I know of, as long as getting a 'border pass' (?) beforehand, if not having PP. Wife w/PP just had to sign some form & pay small fee 50 (?) baht. Last time there was 2013.
  19. MG and the ZS is continuing to impress me. MG marketing honesty vs Toyota as an example of not so honest. Latest top up to 100% and 418 kms rack up Using shy of 10% of the battery, and adding 30 kms, and still have more to go, before matching the WLTP's rating of 320 kms per charge. As you can see, average speed of 28 kph, with a mix of coasting down our driveway/gravel soi, low speed at park, and through one-ish lane soi in town, due to deliveries, so stop & go. Also on hwy #4 & RR overpass @ 60 kph and driving 40-50 on surfside rd & 4 lane returning home. That is my usual 13 ish km daily run; home-park-surfside-home. That said, 30kms using <10%, and ZS stating 12.9 kms per kW. Do the math, and on the way to 600+ kms per charge, knockin' around town, and with the AC on. That would be very impressive, and 50% over the NEDC rating of 403 kms.
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