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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. For others, who may not know and considering BEVs, MGs also have the V2L option standard. Kind of makes your car a camper, with no need for gas stove or a fire to cook, easy brekkie, make coffee. Toaster oven, water kettle, induction cooker, fry pan, and you basically have your whole kitchen with you. Bring a tent, run a fan, or sleep in the car with AC. That's way too cool for us travelling well off the beaten track.
  2. I think things have slowed down on that. Especially if prospective arrivals read AN, and take note to how miserable everyone here is ???? More info out there now about the negatives, for some, moving to TH, vs staying home. If I was looking, and did research, TH wouldn't even be considered now, if 45 & ready to retire. Especially if I was 65 and considering retiring abroad. COL has changed dramatically since 2000, where fixed incomes have not kept up, not even close. It's a whole new world ????
  3. There may be many more here, Brits, since pensions are affected if changing residence. Most Brits that I've met/know, don't, and visit back to the motherland, so ensure their pension's COLAs.
  4. He asked for 1st hand, I gave him my 1st hand experience, and DID note, it WAS 19 yrs ago, so hopefully, things may have loosened up a bit, and his luck is better than mine. Irrelevant now as daughter is 23, and we now changed our names to my wife's family name. She wants nothing to do with her roots. Her parents were MIA, and grandparents too poor to provide a proper education. I raised her from about 1 yr old, and even had visa for support of 'Thai national' for a couple years, till I hit 50, and did the ret. visa. That was actually easy, and simply took an affidavit from the mother, (father MIA), giving me parental right to raise and make all decisions of her upbringing. Even got here a PP, and took her out of the country, since we both had same last name then, her families, no questions asked at immigrations out/in. Even with that, FS suggested me to not waste my time & money attempting to adopt. From the man who would approve or deny application to. Hopefully he'll have better luck, since blood relative, but as long as mother alive & not incarcerated (as above's mango/papaya story), and will obviously object, as her only stronghold on his money, then unfortunately, IMHO, no chance in hell, full custody would be approved. Do hope I'm completely wrong.
  5. Finding interesting things when O&A that I haven't seen already. Finding someone to water the garden+ when O&A. Hoping my dog hangs around for at least 5 more year, or 10 would be even better. Hope the world economies stay stagnant, and tourist arrivals are less than 5 mill the next 10ish years. OK, that's selfish, so let's go with people actually start caring about MMGW, and stop traveling internationally, and stop polluting this fine planet. Oh yea ... World Peace ... now that's some funny sh!t. Oh well, one can dream. On that, depopulation isn't exactly a bad thing. Sooner better than later.
  6. Season 1 Ep 1-2-3 ... that hooks you in right away. THANKS
  7. https://www.musicianwave.com/singers-with-the-highest-vocal-range/
  8. Depending what you're buying, TH price is fine for Sony. Not sure about Cannon. Wouldn't bother with other brands, as their camera divisions are in financial distress. I'm a Sony fan myself. Don't worry about after sales service, as most warranties are only 1 year, and you won't have any problems with either brand within that time. I would only have Sony service mine, so camera shops here would never touch it. They have the 'grey' market here, sometimes a bit cheaper, with 'their' warranty, along with offering manufacturer's warranty. Good seller is EC-Mall, as I bought my first one there, 2018. Works fine. Hindsight, and pricing now, I'd buy from Sony store. Upgrade to couple more camera bodies, from 1 grey, 1 Sony store. Also bought inexpensive lens online (EC again), and my expensive lenses, 1 from authorized reseller, and 1 /most expensive lens from Sony store. All warranties have expired and they all work great. Sony has insurance options if wanting, I passed on it. Some made here, some in China, some Japan. Pricing was fine here, and almost the USA pricing, so no need to shop elsewhere. If in China, Japan or USA, then yes, why not if good price. Online, don't bother, except from Sony store. Buy from Sony, and get member points, which gave me a few spare batteries, which aren't cheap. Highly recommend mirrorless, less moving part, less to malfunction, and you'll never wear it out. DSLRs wear out/moving parts. Is this your first camera, and what to be used for. Plenty of options in the Sony line up. If you just want something to point & shoot, upgrade your phone to Google Pixel, or Iphone. If for vlogging, Sony has a couple nice ones. If for wildlife, my thing, Sony has one of the best kits. https://www.flickr.com/photos/56481061@N02/ I have 3 camera bodies, and 3 main lenses. Have 3 bodies, as I hate changing lenses, to avoid dust on either while doing. 3 bodies/3 lenses avoids that problem. Have a few other lenses also. Side note, lunar photos are real, we did land on the moon.
  9. Never going to happen, even with the mother's permission. I tried, and (FS) family services told me it will never happen. They were the people that had to approve it. Actually talked with 'the' person with that authority. Told them a lawyer advised me possible, and FS advised, nothing but a scam. You'll lose locally, and they'll want to file an appeal to BKK, and you'll lose again. Only the lawyer will win. Unless you find a corrupt judge with deep pocket that you can fill. Can't be done due to human trafficking laws. This was about 19 yrs ago.
  10. In the future, use this site to whittle down your choices. More review per shoe the better of course. https://runrepeat.com/catalog/nike-running-shoes I got a list of 5ish top rated ones, and the outlet (Impact Arena area), had 2 of those, and 1 that actually fit (US12/wide). Had them for years, and great price.
  11. If that's where you shop .... nuff said. Want NIKEs, got to a NIKE outlet ... ???? knock off markets/vendors sell knock offs
  12. NIKEs are made here***, so yes, good prices at the NIKE outlets, and NOT knock offs. Why they have good sales, if that's so. I'll take you word for it. *** "Thailand for 6% of the Nike shoes that are being produced world wide"
  13. KhunLA


    Depends on a few factors, mainly the roaster/roasting. Coffee/water ratio-type of drink (Espresso/Americano ... black or cream & sugar). Arabica is usually smoother, less bitter Blends give a bit of both, depending on %s Espresso is a 1 to 2 coffee/water ratio (grams/ml) Americano is more like 1 to 4-5-6 And so on, here's just a few versions: IF, starting with Espresso, then really should have a decent machine (9ish bar) 12-15gr of coffee, yielding a 25-30ml/gr shot of Espresso, within 30 seconds. Then go from there if not sipping straight up. Sipping stated in jest, as that is a sip ???? Here's a few more, as it really does start to get a bit silly:
  14. They don't pay me for the endorsement, then I don't wear ???? Did like Eddie Bauer stuff, though only if you couldn't tell. EB on the buttons, or stitched in, same color, so not standing out was OK. When on sale, not expensive at all for the quality, and still have some items, 25+ yrs on.
  15. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop-automotive-ignition-electrical-hei-/ngk/?spm=a2o4m.searchlistcategory.card.5.59f75dfd0iKGpg&&from=onesearch_category_13008 OR .... OR ... https://www.google.com/search?q=spark+plug+lazada.co.th&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ2COWAhFK0YhdoDoCMiygovg_lBg:1663142493812&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRvrfM6JP6AhUFumMGHSyRCy8Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1707&bih=802&dpr=1.13
  16. So then one needs to check the ID, not only to verify age, but to make sure they are the gender you prefer (IF it mattered, or, were you really that drunk), but to ensure they reside in same province ???? Life is so complicated
  17. Too late to edit ... nice to know, that 1 ESS topped up 60% in a short time. When 2nd is added (hence the edit), next week hopefully, as installer at Patts installing a few systems. then another 10kWh ESS, even if both down to 40% would be topped up before noon ???? If extremely overcast, as of late, then really don't need 20kWh of ESS. If brutal Feb, March, April, May waiting for the rains, then will need overnight, but also sunny (and brutal) during the day, so should top up fast, or at worse, well before nightfall. Reassuring to know 'off grid' is possible, though still connected to, JIC.
  18. Watched last night, and not what you expect if you saw the trailer on IMDB. Nice having something different offered, even if 5 or 6/10 (my rating). Enjoy both main actors, if not them, probably wouldn't have liked at all, or even gave it a pass. Well done, but no shining moments. Late chime in for new Thor ... one of worst movies I endured to the end, and wonder why I bothered. Neither comedic, nor dramatic, so failed at both. CGI is getting so boring now. Surprised it's still 6.5 on IMDB.
  19. Technically, legally, you are suppose to ... BUT ... as pointed out, nobody really cares, unless they are the 'criminal' element type. And only if they are 'on the run' ???? IF, in the extreme, someone 'official' should question it, then 'they just arrived' as you have 24 hrs to do the TM30. I've never bothered to do with out of country visitors.
  20. LAZ search engine, in a word ... sucks On the laptop, I use G, then add lazada.co.th to the search. After results show, then click on 'shopping', for different LAZ vendors & prices. If wanting to price compare, between LAZ, Shopee, Central, HomePro, etc, then use; priceza.com I don't bother with phone apps, as find them useless, and annoying with all the ads.
  21. Have you tried a bit of home baking, as quite easy to do. Don't need any special equip, just a bit of understanding of the process. Very easy to do. As suggested, Makro, though closest one is about 1 hr away, unless living at southern end of Chun district. Bread freezes well, for a month or so. I stock up sometimes, and Makro is less than 10 mins away ????
  22. First truly sunny AM day we've had since system was installed, back on 4 August. Passing the test of negative cooperation from the sun. Really total gray overcast to partly cloudy every day since, most with rain, drizzle to downpours. ESS topped up, 40-100% in about 1.5 hrs, (0730-0900hrs), while small AC & TV on (~0.5kWh), while doing so.
  23. hmm ... only thing I can think of, since not on again the following day, maybe driving through the water, and night air, with more water splashed up in the fuel tank underneath, cooled it enough to cause a bit of condensation in the tank, which the sensor noticed.
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