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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Anything I could think of posting .... would be offensive ???? Thankfully, the world is a funny place.
  2. Depends what you used, and are using now. Did you go from 91 to E85, and would think your kpL may or may not be effected. Our MG is specifically designed (I think) to run on E85, though will accept E20, 91 & 95. I've tested 3, not 95, and decided to stick with E85, kpL - cost p/L- and performance, and E85 works best for us. Actually performs better, IMHO, on E85. Being the least expensive of the lot, is just a major plus for us. Designed for, and accepting, is a fine line to which it performs best on. Maybe with some component adjustment, it will perform better on a different fuel.
  3. Good thing we don't, and never will, live under Sharia Law ... ???? If I want to buy bacon on a Friday, I can, and enjoy those ribs, without law or judgement from fanatics. Equal time to Christians: If I don't want to eat fish on Friday, you can't make me.
  4. Seems to be the flavor of the month, though I see tough competition with all thing soon to be blamed on ganga. Last month top flavor pushed was crosswalks.
  5. Did they lie, or simply send that decision, back to the people, who have to live with that decision. Not 'rocking the boat' vs setting it free. Bit of a difference IMHO.
  6. Is it though, on the subject of abortion. We won't really know, until another year or so, and see how many states, change their abortion laws, since now not being forced to allow them. If the majority of voters of said states, feel they are against abortions, then many may be surprised, how the 'majority' really feels, as states start banning the practice. Wait & see situation ...
  7. That's going to be a never ending argument, do to advancing science, and religious arguments. Science & docs (excuse using the term 'science), and many law makers, put unborn & born on the viability of a fetus / preemie, surviving an early birth. Most agree it's around the 22-24 week mark, anything after 24 weeks, has a decent chance of survival, if all in it's favor. Then there's the other side of the coin, many think life starts at conception, and can be argued either way, depending on ones belief. Either it will be a life, if allowed, or if taken out, it wouldn't survive, so you didn't really kill it and must not have been a life to begin with, and simply let nature take it's course, abet, unnatural course. Touchy topic to say the least. I'm a hypocrite myself, as against abortion, BUT, also against anyone telling me it's not 'my body, my choice' ... in all things.
  8. That is exactly what this ruling is trying to accomplish. Let the people decide what they believe is acceptable. Let the majority of voters in a state decide what a woman is allowed to do, in the state they live. Decide to end the life inside of her, or birth it. I'm just happy I'm not a women who feels the need to make that decision ... ????
  9. Simply accept those facts, if you think they are true, before moving or visiting here. It's a work in progress. As a guest, nobody forced you to move or visit here. Better research = better choices = better (safer) life.
  10. A judge is nothing more than person with robe on. Many were politicians. Many were public defenders, many worked on the prosecution side of the law, and many switched sides, prosecution to defense lawyer to harsh judges to lenient judges. Many are crooked as hell, and take bribes .... they're people, good & bad everywhere, all levels of the court system. Simply making it to the top Judge spot, doesn't necessarily make them better than anyone else. Same as being President, and proof, being top dog, doesn't mean much of anything. Why the President in reality, has very little power to change anything. The other 535 idiots hold that power. Why there's 9 of them on the SCOTUS.
  11. You would think an older driver would be experienced enough to ride at a speed his/her reflexes would be able to react at. Don't won't to victim blame, as against the rules of the forum, but I do wonder at times, how people get into the predicaments that they do. Personally, I can't see myself getting collared by a hanging wire, or run over crossing the street, as 2 example that are getting a bit or press. Not that those who have, is their fault, as not there, or know all the facts to make that judgement. I just can't see it happening to myself. That may change in the future ????
  12. I definitely believe law abiding citizens trained and able to use properly, do or would prevent crime. Matter of fact, I'd like to see most people, able to, carry weapons openly. Screw the concealed silliness. 10 people walking around the local pharmacy or bank with weapons .... what idiot is going to rob it. Armed guard at ever school entrance, and every teacher able to, carrying a weapon, doing so .... what idiot would attempt or succeed in the next school shooting. Just a thought. If you can't rid the world of weapons (you can but won't), then you have to let people defend themselves. That was a fact agreed upon in 1786, and holds true today. If threatened, do you want to be the person with or without a firearm ? And would you want other 'good' people around you to be armed or not ?
  13. People have the right to change their mind, as shown by the constant flip flopping of opinions. R vs W was overturned not on the fact that any judge believes in the right of having an abortion, but in the fact that the SCOTUS, even ruled on the issue in the past.. Simply correcting now, what they now believe, shouldn't have been ruled on to begin with, as not being a Constitutional issue. If I'm reading what little I did (as don't care myself), but if not mistaken, I may be, but think people don't understand the ruling, Or maybe I got it wrong. Simply freeing up that decision to allow or not, sending it back to the states, and where is should be, in a Republic. In a Republic, it allows states to self rule, as not all regions will agree on all things the same. Overturning R vs W, is correcting an overstep of the federal gov't of the past. It is not a statement for or against abortion. That will be left up to the voters, of any particular state, to pass laws that fit the morality of those voters residing in said state. As it should be ... IMHO
  14. I believe it's accepted fact, that many crimes aren't reported. Do you really think, people will waste their time reporting preventing a crime from happening, especially if it risks themselves being arrested. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting
  15. Armed people preventing crimes and saving lives don't make the MSM, as it doesn't fit with their spin. Keep watching MSM, and you'll be programmed to believe anything.
  16. I'll just take my blade out and slit it's throat. Ends the attack, and prevents future attacks ... win win.
  17. No, couldn't find, or inconsistent #s. Along with 2 yrs of covid, and 2 yrs of police defunding, the figures may not represent the reality of the issue at hand.
  18. Disagree, as I've been in some nasty car accidents, and somehow survived. Quite the opposite from driving scooters, and have yet even come close to dying. Rarely even having an oops vs far too many in cars. Granted, if having the same car accidents on a scooter, I probably wouldn't have survived, but, if driving a scooter at the time, I probably wouldn't have been involved in the accident. I'm much safer on a scooter in that aspect. I'm 67, and not giving up riding a scooter for quite some time. As long as I can get on it, and see clearly 50m in front of me, I'll be riding.
  19. Technically, isn't everyone now selling ganga a criminal, that just hasn't been arrested in the past for what they are doing now. Unless of course, you actually believed people miraculously are harvesting a crop they planted the day ganga was decriminalized. That's some super fast growing sh!t. That fact that any of it is available means it was illegally grown. So much for ability to earn a living, with a skill set you already possess. To follow up, should they ban car thieves from working for car dealers or auto repair shops. Along with anyone arrested for petty theft, to be employed for handling any money, whether a cashier at 7-11 or a bank.
  20. Prepped, prepping or easily acquired after the fact: Solar energy ✓ Drinking water ✓ EV transport ✓ Fruits, veggies, ganga ✓ Eggs (protein) ✓ Seafood ✓ Shotgun & crossbow ✓ Missing anything ???
  21. If living in a metro or suburbia of, then IF it ever happens, you will have some issues to deal with, if you survive the 1st month ... ???? My existence mirrors 'jerrymahoney', and I have no worries, along with family @ NBLP, with 70 rai farm, and all anyone, the family would need to be completely self sufficient. Notice many posting are living the village life .. no worries. If you're not, and need some heads up, then you may want to follow this YT'er:
  22. If you are not going to read the link, you probably shouldn't comment. From the link: "As reported by California Family Council, this bill “prohibits insurance companies from revealing to the policyholder the ‘sensitive’ services of anyone on their policy, including minor children, even though the policy owner is financially responsible for the services. These ‘sensitive’ services include abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and sex-change operations. In California, minors can consent to all of these sensitive treatments, except for sex-change surgeries, after the age of 12 under certain conditions, and consent to abortions at any age.”
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