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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yes, having enough or even a bit more, or a lot more than needed, if so fortunate, is quite nice. Stress free. Never understood the desire to keep earning after you reach a certain point vs not needing to work. Only thing I wanted to be after joining the 'working class heroes' was retired.
  2. I don't think speephump would be interested ... since made in China.
  3. Not working on all new ones either. Have downloaded BkkBank a couple times on my POCO (Xiaomi) and it c r a p s out shortly after. To the point I don't bother anymore, not that I need it anyway.
  4. I would not let my dog run loose in the forest here. Way too many snakes.
  5. I got a lot more respect for current MGs than I did for Brit made. I would have never considered a Brit made MG back when. Did they offer more than 4 yr warranties when made in the UK ? ???? Definitely didn't offer 7 yrs in the UK. MG only exists today because they are made by China, and not longer a badge of failure ... nuff said
  6. Noticed that, after we bought ours with a 5 yr warranty, they dropped in down a year. Although once back on the road, we'll rack up 100k rather fast.
  7. Maybe where you are, but since a moratorium on harvesting, probably illegal or expensive, and I try not to support such activities, and a bit expensive for OP's coup. I myself would just use PVC or inexpensive steel. Not much teak in KK, as I lived in Udon Thani, and if having, you usually got a visit from PoPo.
  8. Short answer, no or maybe, depending on Imm office / IO, but poor excuse, as a 30 or 45 day window to extend. Might be a good time to use that agent.
  9. So true ... fact checking is a joke, and anything but. "Facebook finally admitted the truth: The “fact checks” that social media use to police what Americans read and watch are just “opinion.” https://nypost.com/2021/12/14/facebook-admits-the-truth-fact-checks-are-really-just-lefty-opinion/
  10. How intelligent people can believe anything in MSM is mind boggling. Nothing but fear monging for their agenda. Prime example: "The Omicron strain of the coronavirus now accounts for more than 73% of new US cases of Covid-19, up from 13% just a week ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported." .... now in the 'echo box' of MSM. Does anyone seriously believe, in a matter of weeks, this is actually true. But you'll all be lining up for your booster, and they'll make billions more. Even though you already have that 'safe & effective' vaccine, first shot, now 2 or 3 shots, and line up for another, to counter the variant that you were already told, 'was mild'. ????
  11. Agree, though I need to access my 'life expectancy' vs 'laziness factor', as 68, and house will be finished beginning of next year, 2 months hopefully. Talked with my long lost cousin the other day, and her father, my cousin is 84, and sharp as a tack & mobile, so I may be around longer than I thought. Turkey & visiting the E. Bloc area has really sparked my interest, and could kill a few years doing that. One of the countries that accepts Thai PP (Turkey). Only issue is having daughter (now self sufficient) & dog here, and more so, my laziness to venture out again. House done, and another trip around this tiny a$$ country, and I may be suicidal afterward. After I kill another year or so here, then see how the 'war on viruses' goes, if they milk that to 'never ending' like drugs & terror. Then the decision is made for me. Being they're making billions $$$ from it, I can't see it ending.
  12. That would have been hard to do, since Bang Sue wasn't completed. I believe the point of the survey is to know if service from Hua Lamphong will be utilized by enough customers to justifying it remaining open. Or will people originate from Bang Sue, as possibly more convenient for customers going long haul. Seems like a practical survey to do before shutting down the terminal. Bang Su isn't the easiest to get to via public trans, or taxi / self drive, if you live closer to the old station or the 1 MRT line that stop there. Especially if you need to change lines with luggage to get to Bang Su, as some of the transfer point involve quite a bit of walking & time. But if you've never used the various lines, you wouldn't know that. Not as quick and convenient as you'd expect.
  13. If it's going to be an ongoing thing, you could buy a shredder/chopper, and probably get a supply of husks from the many coconut farms/processing the nuts out. You'll see piles of the husks when driving the rural roads. Buddy of mine did that with cassava for his dairy cows, as price for chopped cassava was a bit silly, so went the DIY route.
  14. Buying wood .... don't Nothing but termite food.
  15. If you go to your review history, the review shows up, even though you get that msg.
  16. I'm not sure about that, as most 'enlightened' (paper trained or non-diploma'd HiSo), we go by income level ... ???? And of course, taxes paid or avoided. Means 50% of workers / families are low low low class. Middle income earners, whether blue collar (hands on) or white collar (office) ... stupid class. Then there are, HiSo A-holes, that carry all your A$$es ... not sure which are dumber, but we have more toys. ???? Low - both income & tax contribution, bare existence Middle/stupid / blue-white collar - good salaries, tapped out income on loans, healthcre & tax burden. High / ????? - good incomes, and silly taxes at 40ish % (fed/state/local) depending on state lived in, and if having to pay. https://taxfoundation.org/federal-income-tax-data-2021/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAzfuNBhCGARIsAD1nu-9TKYM957dYy3ueQ4GeTG-1FZGWWme9-MRa1g3ILRecG_w0DK6kn0kaAtTOEALw_wcB
  17. LAZ & Shopee's in house search engines are terrible, so also do google, adding lazada.co.th to the mix. If on Amazon, then good for reviews, but not for buying, due to pre-paid shipping/duty cost. priceza is also a good search engine at times, and will bring up both vendors + others. I voted COD only, but on rare unavoidable cases, will pay w/visa, usually AliExpress or if I'm familiar with the vendor. COD has the advantage, so far, as avoiding a customs' duty if coming from overseas. Quite surprised my ebike conversion kit made it through, as both heavy & had accurate declared value on it. Getting the feeling they had a lot of CODs refused due to high duties. ???? Household items, Central online (using 'discount high-low filter) will pull up some bargains, along with HomePro, same items as brick & mortar, but cheaper, and can pick up at local branch if ordered on line, or have delivered.
  18. To the thread title ... if you have to ask, you already know the answer.
  19. I disagree with all that followed the 1st line. No good Buddhist would do, allow any of those ... BUT ... hence the problem with all societies, finding good people. Nobody 'allows' it, but it does happen ... worldwide.
  20. Do I ... yes, as I learn the culture of where I'll be and try to respect it. Does the OP ... apparently not. Get the impression it was like two Alphas meeting, and neither wanting to bow to the other. Only thing wrong with that this time, his wife may have got some collateral damage from it. Not cool.
  21. Agree on the seat, as we do long drives out & about, and you have to adjust the seat just right, or it will seem hard. I raise the seat, making it more level, as leading edge is raised a bit, and helps. Luckily there is plenty of head room for that. If having a not so good back, some of these cars can be a bit uncomfortable getting in. ZS works out good for me. I peeked at the MG EP this month, and just a wee bit to low, and not comfy at all for myself getting in & out. Strangely, before getting the ZS, had a Mazda 2 (2011, I think), and actually looked at getting another, and I couldn't get in it at all. Don't know what they did, or my back got worse, doubt it, but the redesign killed that sale. Quite happy about it, as the ZS didn't cost that much more, and so much better. Like the Mazda 2, peppy, but noisy as all hell on the highway. Not much smaller, length / width wise, but no headroom, which makes you feel claustrophobic vs the not much larger ZS. Headroom and sitting higher gives you a much better feel, and quieter. Probably much less so than larger SUVs, as I've ridden in Fortuners, but also almost twice the price. Just don't need that much car.
  22. More fluff headline than anything. Medicinal isn't going to give me the buzz I want at the price I'd want to pay. Let me know when it's legal to light up surfside, then I'll be impressed. Haven't tried kratom, as doesn't sound that interesting.
  23. I would have wai'd her first and respectfully, since and only because it is your wife's boss. Whether I believed in any of the wai BS or not. Now you know why you should have. Other officials I don't know or more importantly don't 'need', I treat as equals, and will wai, but not bow to their imagined superiority. I'll also go against the rules, and wai staff & children, as I have more respect for them than those that think they should be wai'd. Giving them the equal respect they deserve.
  24. Have, and it gets what it states, about 11 kpl. Really like ours, and it is what it is, probably the smallest and cheapest SUV in Thailand. Have the mid model vs the entry. Promo price was the same at the time. Didn't see the point of the top model for the price, a few more electrics, and a sunroof I know we would never want or use in Thailand. EV is very nice, at a premium though, and hard to justify for us. If coming from entry level sedans, that aren't that much cheaper, then you'll love it. If coming from real SUVs, Fortuner, MU7, larger ones that might seat 7 vs MG's 4, then you'll be very disappointed. Competitively priced against all other SUVs about the same size & specs. Designed to use E85, a major plus for operating cost. Ours only has 27k on it, put 25k on it first year, but now I have an E-scooter (motorcycle), so don't drive it nearly as much, maybe once a week. I would definitely buy another, if no oops in the future, and nothing else caught my eye. Probably the EV model, as they seem to keep improving that. Not sure I'll be around for another car, as I'm 68, and it's going to take quite some time for us to put another 200k on the odometer. Looking at EVs, but nothing in a practical range for us, that I can get in comfortably, with my not so good back.
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