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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree on the seat, as we do long drives out & about, and you have to adjust the seat just right, or it will seem hard. I raise the seat, making it more level, as leading edge is raised a bit, and helps. Luckily there is plenty of head room for that. If having a not so good back, some of these cars can be a bit uncomfortable getting in. ZS works out good for me. I peeked at the MG EP this month, and just a wee bit to low, and not comfy at all for myself getting in & out. Strangely, before getting the ZS, had a Mazda 2 (2011, I think), and actually looked at getting another, and I couldn't get in it at all. Don't know what they did, or my back got worse, doubt it, but the redesign killed that sale. Quite happy about it, as the ZS didn't cost that much more, and so much better. Like the Mazda 2, peppy, but noisy as all hell on the highway. Not much smaller, length / width wise, but no headroom, which makes you feel claustrophobic vs the not much larger ZS. Headroom and sitting higher gives you a much better feel, and quieter. Probably much less so than larger SUVs, as I've ridden in Fortuners, but also almost twice the price. Just don't need that much car.
  2. More fluff headline than anything. Medicinal isn't going to give me the buzz I want at the price I'd want to pay. Let me know when it's legal to light up surfside, then I'll be impressed. Haven't tried kratom, as doesn't sound that interesting.
  3. I would have wai'd her first and respectfully, since and only because it is your wife's boss. Whether I believed in any of the wai BS or not. Now you know why you should have. Other officials I don't know or more importantly don't 'need', I treat as equals, and will wai, but not bow to their imagined superiority. I'll also go against the rules, and wai staff & children, as I have more respect for them than those that think they should be wai'd. Giving them the equal respect they deserve.
  4. Have, and it gets what it states, about 11 kpl. Really like ours, and it is what it is, probably the smallest and cheapest SUV in Thailand. Have the mid model vs the entry. Promo price was the same at the time. Didn't see the point of the top model for the price, a few more electrics, and a sunroof I know we would never want or use in Thailand. EV is very nice, at a premium though, and hard to justify for us. If coming from entry level sedans, that aren't that much cheaper, then you'll love it. If coming from real SUVs, Fortuner, MU7, larger ones that might seat 7 vs MG's 4, then you'll be very disappointed. Competitively priced against all other SUVs about the same size & specs. Designed to use E85, a major plus for operating cost. Ours only has 27k on it, put 25k on it first year, but now I have an E-scooter (motorcycle), so don't drive it nearly as much, maybe once a week. I would definitely buy another, if no oops in the future, and nothing else caught my eye. Probably the EV model, as they seem to keep improving that. Not sure I'll be around for another car, as I'm 68, and it's going to take quite some time for us to put another 200k on the odometer. Looking at EVs, but nothing in a practical range for us, that I can get in comfortably, with my not so good back.
  5. Again, apples & oranges. Better question; Would I kick up such a fuss for a non mRNA 'vaccine' that actually works (old definition), and actually provides some type of immunity ? ... Of course not. Or one, even a mRNA one, that wasn't rushed to market, and the actual research & trial info was available to be peer reviewed, independently ... possibly not.
  6. I prefer my newest on the front / steering. Gripping the road when I need to make and emergency maneuver is more important to me. Just so happens, present and last 3, were front wheel drive, so doesn't matter now of days. Don't see a truck or 4x4 in my future. In the past, when having rear wheel drive, still put new ones up front. Steering and braking, the weight goes to the front, so best rubber up there is better.
  7. 4.25 for easy math, if you abuse it. Wee bit less if you are very conservative, as having a sliding scale of charge, though not really much.
  8. If talking CW, then yea, I would use an agent, I'm not the most patient person, and that 1 time there was a nightmare. Luckily, only long ago did that happen once, come back, and when I lived in Udon Thani, and at the time, they used Nong Khai, since not having an Imm office. That sucked. Another reason I don't mind going now, even though 100 kms away (HH), I seem to have an excellent rapport with a couple IOs there. Actually recognize me, and smile, well, can't tell now. Coincidently, the damn bank printed off 11 pages of my bank info, and 1 of someone else's when extending back in March. How that could even happen is mind boggling. Reckone someone printed something while mine was being printed. Note to self; double check next time. The IO actually called the bank with a W T F, fax or photocopy to us now, and added to the stack he had. Which actually surprised me, but they do know I'm 100 kms away. So that was cool.
  9. If I lived in Krung Thep, I still wouldn't get vaccinated. Yea, it's down-country, as whole amphur has < 40k residents, so smalls-ville.
  10. CW ... yea, I was there once, that agent would come in handy. Think I would keep an address someplace else if I lived in Krung Thep.
  11. KhunLA


    Target everyone the same. Some simply price gouge their bad services to tourist, and live off the overflow from the better places that treat their customers equal, with quality product for good price, ensuring repeat customers, whether tourist or locals. Why they are surviving whether int'l tourist are here or not.
  12. Short answer, already stated; waking up & death. Long answer ... hey, you asked ... Looking forward to the freakin house to be finished, and I thought the last house build took too long. Then the solar to be installed, though only a day or so. Then leave it ???? and go out & about, before more of them damn tourist arrive. 68 and lucky enough to have done everything & more than I thought I ever would. Making it pass 40 amazed me. Done with thrill seeking thingys & survived, worked for airlines & used them bennys, so traveled out, though do get the itch now & then. Got thinking about Turkey & eastern bloc area ... thanks for that ???????? Look forward to adding to my bird photo collection, over 160 of Thai birds, probably more, just too lazy to research the slight differences and catalog 'em. Trying to beat my electric toy addition ... so far so good. Think I maxxed out with the e-scooter & ebike, though have to stop seeing other e-2wheelers, damn tempting. Thinking about the stand up scooters now, as can throw those in the trunk, and still have room for all the other c r a p we take with us, when out & about. Got too many drones, boats & cars to play with now, should give some away to local kids. Ah screw the little sh!ts, buy your own. Thankfully the Gulf is c r a p, so thoughts of a watercraft are out, keeping me practical. So back to ... waking up .... and death. ???? In between, a few more trips around this tiny a$$ country. Still a couple provinces I haven't been yet, though still can't think a reason to visit, beside, they exist. Another slice of cheescake / pastry at a coffee shop w/ view. All comes down to, just another day.
  13. Is it a pandemic ... what is the new definition of. % of infected and or dying, and what # / % of, now qualifies as a pandemic. Did they change that as they did vaccine to fit their agenda ? Strangely, during this pandemic, I still only know 1 person, personally, that has had a confirmed case of covid. Actually infected 1 year ago, and just found out last week, as he posted a photo on his FB. Didn't even mention it when he was sick a year ago ... ????
  14. Sexist ... ???? Chinaperson ... all inclusive ????
  15. I'm sure at the time, it was all considered a 'conspiracy' by those not wanting to admit it. And now, it seems anyone with common sense should have realized it .... and yet ... then, they didn't.
  16. Not sure if that would be racism, or simply animal instinct, wanting to be the Alpha, and using the difference to unite and control. Same as nationalism on a smaller scale.???? I've seen youngins, at day care, all playing together. Our daughter, only child, on holiday at the beach, always seem to find the other 'only child' of a farang couple, and have a great day playing together. Seeing is believing, and racism isn't an issue, until parents teach otherwise. My parents were extreme bigots, 2 of my 3 brothers followed suit. And I consider them educated. It's a F'd up world sometimes.
  17. To the level that it is perpetuated by organizations profiting from it .... NO. Does it exist, of course, as does ignorance and together (chicken or egg thing), anything can exist, in people's mind, but not mine. I can think for myself, thank you. Racism is a taught / learned skill set. Have you ever seen different race kids playing together, especially if they were strangers. I grew up in a mixed race neighborhood. You'd be surprised what can happen when racism isn't taught.
  18. https://www.rd.com/list/conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true/ https://www.buzzworthy.com/15-conspiracies-that-turned-out-to-be-true/ Google is your friend I have a few of my own, I know are true, and some current ones, I hope don't come true. Which would take this thread further off topic than it already is.
  19. It's only a conspiracy, till proven true at a later date, when more verified info is available. Then there is always the hushed silence from the previous conspiracy accusers. Go figure ... ????
  20. Only because they (racist) say it is so. I avoid those circles.
  21. Reply w/ linked article, I replied to, stated 'inflight DVT'... though I did know, like 'diving bends' may not hit till later.
  22. Actually listened to it after your reply ... couldn't understand much. ????
  23. Or, if possible (I plead ignorance), using your Thai address as home address, avoid all the silly overpriced Medicare plans, as you get Plan A (free) no matter on arrival, if needing. Simply get a good travel insurance policy when planning on visiting. If possible and probably cheaper than a year of monthly alphabet plan premiums, and you won't have to Q up at a public hospital.
  24. So we can assume you never go out for a meal ... ????
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