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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Think it's a wee bit more than construction dust. We're giving China a run for the top spots of late. Hua Hin & north of is one giant red blotch. Amazingingly, somehow we're / PKK still under 100, with 150+ around us. The headlands of the bay are a blur, and if you didn't know the hills were to the west, you wouldn't notice their outline, as that's about all you can see. Air purifier is keeping the bedroom in the teens. Now if I could get the dog to stop opening the door. Might have to break out a N95 when taking her for a walk.???? Now that's embarrassing ...
  2. He might be the 1 person in Thailand that bought a phone, simply to make phone calls. I guess it's hard to get your bearings, when you can't see the hills, or landmarks due to the pollution.
  3. Also used to have van service from the airport, if out of town, and want to leave car at airport. There's a long term parking there, or possibly more convenient to get dropped off there if living on that side of town. Check first, make sure it still operated. Bus was always the easiest & cheapest, as takes you to downtown Vientiane, though sometimes they check if you have visa already. They won't wait for you if you don't, but still cheapest way to get to the border besides the train & walking from, if not too hot, or very short tuk tuk ride.
  4. They don't get to me, I'd just prefer not reading what someone is telling what I was not thinking about or saying. Or ignorant people who want to argue what they have no knowledge of. Happy to agree to disagree, or be corrected, but argue for the sake of ... nah. Ignore list speeds things along while reading, if half the replies are hidden. At my age, time is valuable ... ????
  5. You'll also enjoy the forum a lot more if you use the 'ignore' function. Silence the ignorant folks and sh!t strirrers. My list seems to grow every day. Filling up page 2 on the list ???? Negative people are so boring.
  6. The article about the FA was sort of interesting. What I and everyone I know, don't care about, are people proclaiming their sexual preference. Nobody cares, simply enjoy your life. I'm happy for you. Special interest groups ... sorry, there nothing special about you. Did you discover a cure for cancer. End wars, or pollution, invent something to ease other's pain ? Do something, anything special ?
  7. Head over to Central Plaza, as there is / was the big chains, JIB, Banana, ITcity ? Same with TukTukCom mall, do some window (spec) shopping. Cross reference with what's available online. Also check out Advice Dist, at least one, though forget where located, also their (all) online sites for newest models & promos. If hell bent on Acer, go to their Thai site and should have links to their authorized dealers / resellers. Crosscheck all info & reviews. Happy Shopping
  8. A little reading comprehension ... "Anyone looking for a deferment" ... directed more to a 'straight' male wanting to avoid wasting their time in the military. Pretty sure that falls under crossdressing. There are 2 biological sexes, what you want to do with or call yourself, is up to you. Labels don't work very well with me. And this c r a p 'LGBTQ+' and that's the short version ... please, nobody cares.
  9. I guess the iSmart app would have told me about the battery, but not really an app user, actually very anti app. I didn't even bother downloading it. Use my phone for GPS & camera ... even receive a phone once or twice a month.????
  10. I was taught a good driver constantly checks their mirrors to know what's around them, JIC. If I'm leaving a red light, I like to know where others are, depending what lane I'm in or might change to, so I know it's OK to change lanes. If I'm in fast lane and not going fast then need to know if ok to move to slow lane, or visa versa. Along with knowing if I can move over if something comes out of a side soi or roadside business. Like knowing what's around me at all time. Just good driving skills. I'm 67 and don't need to stroke my driving ego. If so, I would have bought a sports car, though wouldn't own one here, or anywhere TBH. Speed never impressed me, especially in a car. Saved play time for real motorcycles of days past, and by myself on a nice windy, hilly country road. Now that's fun. I couldn't even tell what the ZS 0-whatever is, as don't care.
  11. Or I simply hold the power button, till turns off. Get a warning, of acting up, and can restart, or if freezes, ctl/alt/del & restart from that. ASUS, actually still under warranty till July, but not the best rep for cust serv in Thailand or at service center Fortune Town IT Mall getting mixed review. Took to local Advice Dist and check out, couldn't find anything wrong, and didn't act up while there, and he watched YT vids all day on it. These are the error msgs I've gotten, if any, before freezing. Sometimes it freezes and nothing, others it will restart on its own, when I'm not here if left on. Or simply stay frozen with error msg, or that little colored box icon, by itself or over an error msg. Eliminated overheating being the problem, Fan works & all clean. It's good for 4-5-6 hrs before I need to restart it, than good for another 4-5-6 hrs. Any suggestions welcomed, and TIA Error msgs:
  12. Let's say you get involved ... stop the attack, without getting injured ... but... ... you seriously injure or kill the assailant Now the family, or 'now victim' sues you, for loss earned income to their family. Presses criminal charges against you for battery leading to injury or death. and your witness, has returned to Cambo, and everyone else, doesn't want to get involved. Yea ... you're F'd Either very expensive or very expensive w/jail time, as it seems, anything causing death here is a crime. Oh wait ... you did get injured, and seriously ... oops.
  13. Yes, good heads up. No matter what you buy, make sure replacements are readily available. I picked up 2 replacements when getting the units, and thankfully haven't needed them yet.
  14. TIT ... actually worldwide only constant is inconsistency. learn to adapt to it, or you'll be miserable.
  15. We have Xiaomi MI Air Purifiers, us 3, daughter 1, and quite happy with them. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/xiaomi/?spm=a2o4m.common-error.search.1.48af38b2BB11jI&_keyori=ss&from=suggest_sis&sis_suggestion_click=Xiaomi Flagship Store%2Cxiaomi&sugg=xiaomi_0_1
  16. To the title ... few things are NOT in my control, and why I avoid renting, over my lifetime. OK, full disclosure, renting now ???? waiting on house (3rd) to be completed. Damn hypocrite. Wife did actually check though, when I signed lease, that owner was on chanote, and services in his name. She's not just a pretty face. Future, going solar & collecting rain water ... just for the independence of. Good luck with your situation, may be a blessing in disguise, lots of bargains out there at the moment.
  17. If needing any more convincing, cost to operate that ICE (MG ZS), 1 - 2 - 3 years, depending how many kms you rack up per year. For us, pretty much what MG expected, 20k a year. 30k kms oil change / maintenance done yesterday. Oil change & filters & ??? as didn't bother reading receipt, but nothing not in the maintenance schedule needed. ฿3850 yesterday / oil change + @ 30k kms ฿1850 oil change @ 10k ฿1850 oil change @ 20k ฿7550 total @ 30k vs ฿2700 for EV maintenance (MG est (฿9000 per 100k kms) ฿90,000 for E85 @ ฿33 vs ฿20,625 for PEA @ ฿4.4 (30k/ 320 X 4.4) if no solar ICE 30k est cost - ฿97,550 EV 30k est cost - ฿23,325 Was informed by MG, battery on borrowed time. Expired 1 yr / 20k warranty. Peak 570 CCA, now 465 CCA Replacement cost @ MG <฿3900 includes ฿250 for old battery Found GS replacement (650 CCA) for ฿3k ish on internet, and haven't checked with local GS authorized dealer, though would expect about same price.
  18. If you even have symptoms: "The time from exposure to symptom onset (known as the incubation period) is thought to be two to 14 days. Symptoms typically appeared within five days for early " https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/if-youve-been-exposed-to-the-coronavirus
  19. Once was enough for me, but highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't.
  20. That's some funny ... right there ... ???? Anyone looking for a deferment ... there's your answer. Crossdress for that day.
  21. Might do 8 yrs, if he confesses. That seems to be the norm. If not being released earlier.
  22. couple thoughts ... how is it even possible to watch someone showering at a hotel ? Certainly can't say I would not be peeping if a saw a babe showering, at least for a few seconds, though would get bored quick. Rather watch the wife, as I could help her shower. She has 2.7k friends on FB ... kind of tells me she likes the attention, and surely her accounts views have skyrocketed. Questions one's motives for even reporting. From her FB, in the public domain, and she's worried about someone seeing her shower ... ????
  23. Sadly yes. I would have to completely understand the situation, and know for a fact, if intervening, I wouldn't be injured. I have people depending on me being alive, and they are more important than total strangers. I'll take a risk in a situation I can control, like saving someone from drowning. But a nutter with a weapon, I prefer not to be the 'good samaritan getting killed' in the next news blip.
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