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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I thought the news-blip was rather straightforward. The replies on the other hand, mostly completely irrelevant, and obviously from people who didn't read what the policy changes actually are, not that it would affect them anyway, unless they planned on utilizing the T&G scheme. Doubt very much if it's a major surprise to any of the airlines, and they'll quickly adjust. It really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Only surprise was Thailand once again, opened back up, and again, paid the price for it.
  2. Yea basically. MG3-5-ZS all use 1.5L. All the manufacturers seem to have that one down to a science. Some other entry level cars may use 1.2 or 1.3. Don't hear to many major complaints about engines.
  3. Unless someone has gone recently, don't think you get an current / accurate info. Best to just pop over to the bus stations and see for yourself what's available. May have a direct bus, with stops, if not, it may stop in a few place along with different longer routes, Udon Thani or Nong Khai. Best route would be hwy 12 / 201. Make sure you know the routing of the bus you pick. Hopefully under 5 hours, as by car it's about 4 hours. If no good options, due to the 'situation', then the train runs up to Udon Thani or Nong Khai, and can, should be able to bus from either.
  4. Much better, and I also wouldn't 'volunteer' for quarantine, but would self isolate at home. Seems way too practical, as no need to pay to sit in a hospital if not needing treatment. That's just silly and why would anyone ? Just makes more people available to be in contact with you, and infecting others, possibly high risk folks. They are at the hospital to begin with.
  5. ???????????????? You're probably a hoot to talk to in a bar ... don't know if I could keep a straight face. ????
  6. Don't know how you would know that, or how many, but agree, that's a bit rude and inconsiderate. Though all you vax'd and masked up folks shouldn't have anything to worry about....right ?
  7. Same here for Thais, if testing positive w/no symptoms, or even mild symptoms. Self isolate. Tourist ... away to private hospital ... that sucks, but they knew before coming. Expats ... depends on province, amphur and what's available or local rules. Private hosp. or at home isolation.
  8. I'm sure it does, but 'mass evasion', a bit OTT would be my opinion. I myself would never self test, why bother, but if & when I feel ill, rare, and can't even remember the last time, I'd just do as I have always done in the past, avoid people. A bit rude and inconsiderate not to. That uncommon common sense and proper hygiene thingy again. Apparently the only good thing to come out of the 'situation'. Taught people proper hygiene they should have practiced their whole life.
  9. I'm thinking you're the only one with that info ... BTW ... I think they closed most of the field hospitals a while ago, as not needing.
  10. When food runs out, the dead will be added as a food supplement ... just like horror movies. Waste nothing.
  11. For some, possibly their only contribution to society ... ????
  12. And your link for that little tidbit of pure silliness ... ???? IMHO & Just a wild guess, but think most expats & Thai catching covid don't / didn't even know they had it, or got tested for it.
  13. Depends what you're buying it for, if the camera, hard to beat the Pixel 6 (pro) ... @ 2:05 ... Look at the runner ups also at about 0:45
  14. Wee bit less hp for about 100k more. That about the ZS's full options model price. 3 ys or 100,000 km vs 4 yrs / 120k kms .. Do like the 15 kpl though, as 11 kpl is bit lite, as used to 13/14 with Mazda2, but like using E85, fair trade. Hard to believe they squeezed a 3rd row of seats in the XL7, as a bit shorter than the ZS. Plenty of flavors out there for everyone. Next few years will be interesting with the EV competition.
  15. People should stop comparing old vaccines to these new things / mRNAs. Defeats the purpose of any discussion. Simple, if you think you are at risk, and they will help ... enjoy If not ... give them a pass. Name calling also defeats any attempt at intelligent conversation, and most intelligent people will just ignore further conversation on the subject with you. Have a nice day.
  16. Yea, not a fan of that (service at dealer), as asked and told if oil change not done at dealer, voids warranty. Not anymore expensive (free labor) or anything, just at the time, no dealer near us (100 kms away). Not really a problem, as go to Hua Hin often enough. Now have one 3 kms away. Just think the every 10k kms is a joke also. Not like I'm going to change the oil & filter myself anyway, as haven't done one in over 20 yrs ???? Probably the biggest plus about EVs, whether 2 or 4 wheels.
  17. Excellent movie, when it came out & read most of his stuff.
  18. Liking the Haval H6 ... that caught my eye. Chery not established yet here. Got a few years of warranty & 24 hr road service to go, before even thinking about a new vehicle. Next thing, if and when, will probably only have 2 wheels. Or go all in silly, and have an outboard motor. If I lived on the Andaman side, I'd have cat anchored in one of the coves, possible even live on. Maybe the next big purchase.
  19. I'll check back in, in 4 yrs, if still having, or alive, as still got shy of 4 more years of warranty left.
  20. Simply because they can, and it will probably save them money. If the competition offered more, so would they. They have bean counters for that, as I'm sure you know. Same reason EVs are expensive, because they know they earn little money on maintenance, so they have to make up for it somewhere. They'll continue to charge what the market will bear, till it won't.
  21. As stated, think they bought the MG for ease of distribution. Guess there a few, dump folks out there, enough to think it's actually a MG of the past, and would buy for that. You can't fix stupid. They could put any name on it, as I bought it for the specs & price. Gave them couple years to work out the kinks, as not that stupid to buy theirs or anyone's first offerings. I would look at the GWMs & Havels coming out in the future if in the market again. Or whatever else caught me eye. I have no allegiance to country or companies. Best specs for best price ... I'm in. I don't even look or think about buying product until I read the specs & reviews.
  22. Good luck with parking that, as having one of the smallest SUVs is a bit of a challenge, finding, not the ability to park. I used to be a truck driver, I can drive anything, any size. E-scooter, that's just too cool. Quiet, doesn't pollute with exhaust (diesel ????) and just too practical & fun for everyday driving around with the dog. Added plus of being inexpensive to operate. What's not to like. I'll take 2 wheels over 4 anyday. The ZS is for shopping and out & abouts.
  23. Yep. I'll spend the extra money on the house, that I spend most of my time in, or have in my pocket for out & about, again, where I spend most of my leisure time. Spend on things that bring a smile to my face, and vehicles, they just don't do it for me. Now give me a fast E-scooter, and that will impress & put a big smile on my face ... although I know I'd kill myself here, so smart enough to stay away from that purchase.
  24. Got a wife & a dog (rides in front seat), so don't need a 7 psgr vehicle I won't be able to find a parking spot for. Especially for 1.5m. My house won't cost that much. I don't need to spend that much on something ... #1 / I don't need or want & #2 / something that will depreciate. If spending 1.5m, I would buy a ZS, plus, MG Extender (p/u) & my E-scooter, and still have change. I'm practical that way, AND, either one would be more than enough for my purposes, actually more than I need to go from point A to B. It's a machine for transport, nothing more, and none really impress me. I certainly wouldn't spend 1.5m on an ICE & I hate diesels. Low torque & performance compared to EVs. MG's future sporty car, now that's impressive. But would have no use for that either. I can buy any vehicle I want, under the 3m price point, but why, because I can ?. I don't buy things to simply have and look at. If it isn't useful, I don't need or want it. Maybe that's why I retired at 46. I don't waste money on sh!t that depreciates.
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