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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not yet, but simply being decriminalized is a big step forward. As stated, simply a cash grab, as nothing else left to tax, and all that is taxed already, is at the threshold of acceptable.
  2. That's most of Thailand, and tops that list of my pet peeves about Thailand. Right behind dumping everything and anything in the seas. Those 2 alone will forever keep Thailand in 3rd world status. Aside from those and a bit of litter, everywhere, love it here ???? They simply have NO respect for their country, and 'Thai for Thai', is fairly meaningless. IMHO
  3. Tell him to call you ... ???? FB - commies, that's funny. FB = the worst kind of capitalist. And I'm all for capitalism, but they're scum.
  4. A quick Gsearch: "One source, Suchai Suteparuk, M.D., Division of Toxicology, at Thailand’s most prestigious school Chulalongkorn University, cites in his paper “Bites & Stings in Thailand” there are about 7,000 bites by snakes in Thailand and about 30 deaths per year due to venomous snakebite" https://thailandsnakes.com/how-many-deaths-thailand-per-year-venomous-snakebite/
  5. No ... although I wouldn't recommend buying footwear on a website. Something you really need to try on before buying. I've been to the Nike outlets here, and their sizing is not consistent. At least buy from their 'flagship' store on LAZ. Inquire about return policy if wrong size. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/nike-official-shop/ If in Krung Thep area, there's a few of the branded footwear outlet stores, all at one strip, at Impact arena area, across from the mall (Cosmo Bazaar) there. Nike store had some very nice bargains. http://tiny.cc/jnaouz Can whittle down your choice with reviews, then see what they have available. If larger size, choice may be limited. I had a few picks before shopping, and they only had 1 in my size. Still wear, years after having. https://runrepeat.com/catalog/nike-running-shoes
  6. I was a Non automatic tool setter, and operated a steel lathe. Instead of pushing a button, to start the operation, I had to turn the wheel / tools into the steel, and pop out a few 100 or 10k pcs. Almost 50 yrs ago, and actually my 2nd 'real' job. Hated it, being chained to, and acting like a machine and I didn't last long. Setting up was interesting, but usually took only about 30 minutes, per order. Profession: professional bum & LPOS ... excelled at that. Work smarter not harder.
  7. As long as not going far, any one of them would do. I have the SUSU model (not pictured), and speed spec was accurate, 80-90, and I've done 87 on it. Range, as 'we' say, if NEDC rated = Not Even Damn Close ???? Apparently we'll never see perfect conditions, or wish to drive that slow for that long. That said, mines rated for 120-150 km range, and I'd be lucky to get 100, if taking the battery down to -0-, which you would never want to do. 20% is lowest you'd really want to go, consistently, if that. I'm good for 2 or 3 days before I have to plug in. Do 20-30 kms a day. Expect 30+ kms from the 20Ah batteries, and 40+ from the 30Ah. Mine is 3000w/72v50Ah. SUSU is big jump in price, 74k, and really not necessary. You could buy 2 Sallys for that. Why I didn't include it, plus wouldn't fit in 2 rows. ???? 1000w scooters, the batteries are removable, 2&3k, not, so not really good for those in condos or apartments, Spec in same motor size, are almost identical, just styling setting them apart.
  8. Especially here in Thailand, where very little < 25% comes from coal or almost non existent use of oil for energy. 30 minutes from my house, and got 2 large solar farms, and the energy 'station' about 3 kms from house in natural gas powered. All mute for myself, as will be solar, shortly in the future, for charging up my e-motorcycle, e-bike and other lithium battery 'toys'. Got my eyes on an EV (car), just waiting to see if any incentives come out this year.
  9. I haven't noticed a whole bunch of non Thais stopping either, whether in Thailand, or USA.
  10. Thought about starting a new thread ... "Are we just going to have to live with vaccinated people across Thailand?" ... nah ... will turn out to be way too redundant.
  11. So you are really wanting to buy a 'knock off' of an expensive car. Looks good, but if standing next to it, when running, people will hear, or not, something like a VW engine under the heavily tinted rear hood. Make sure you are wearing your Rolex on your right wrist, to impress the officer at the checkpoint. If asked to exit the vehicle, good God, please have real Crocs on, and not the fakes. Image is everything ....
  12. Get your doc to certify your dog as a 'emotional support' dog, and buy a seat for him. If he does ride / ship as excess bag or cargo, hope you have Thai fiancee, as if customs sees you, be prepared for a heavy duty or so I've read the horror stories of.
  13. How exactly, did doc note that ? Blood test or simply looking a bit vampire-ish ? Living in Thailand, not sure why anyone would need Vit D supplements. Unless you go to work before sunrise and finish after sunset, along with being indoors all 'day' on your off time. I take the dog to the park and / or surf, AM & PM (sun still out), probably walk less than 1 km each outing. Do ride the scooter to/from, all of 5-10 mins, maybe cruise the surfside road, another 10 mins, ya know, just to make sure it's still there ... hate to be one of those living surfside and never go to. I'm not a hot weather person, and a LPOS, so very minimal effort. Oh yea, as with all supplements, be careful, especially if on daily meds, as excess vit D will interact with some meds, and especially the kind some of you older folks are taking. If not consulting your doc, at least take a peek at Dr Google. Vit D supps ... really ... ????
  14. I don't know anyone who this 'situation' has affected negatively, so like myself, we simply don't care. Just another bug out there to be aware of, and take the same precautions as with any other infectious bug out there.
  15. If 6 or 8000w is not enough, one could always go to gas, or even just changing the shower head, to provide more pressure, with same volume. Enclose the shower area, so 'steam' stays in, instead of dissipating into an open room. 8000w was more than enough at Udon Thani, even on the 10-15C weeks.
  16. Think I've only bought raw milk once or twice, out of curiosity, and some time ago. Usually sold at a premium price, so don't see the point of, since wasn't impressed with flavor. Not concerned about if healthier or health risks if drinker. All milk sold today sucks, flavor wise, compared to my childhood days when delivered to the house. Usually only buy Dutch Mill, as having more flavor (full fat, what little they leave in). Actually think UHT tastes best, but little boxes are annoying. Keep as back up when Dutch Mill isn't available.
  17. Yes, one does suspect why some fines with jail sentences are so ridiculously high. One might believe the bar is so high, as to assist with 'negotiating' a high tea payment to avoid arrest. Drone laws are a fine example. The common Thai folk aren't going to be buying, let alone operating $300 & up drones, or able to pay silly fines with threat of imprisonment, so one does wonder who the laws are targeting. How many fines in the non-3rd world countries are a week's, months or a year's worth of salary. With the added fear of imprisonment for a non violent, victimless 'crime'.
  18. For mine, and the vendors protection, I always make a video, while opening every package I receive. As far as fakes, some things are obvious, others not so. Again, wee bit of research on manufacturer's site, and or basic Google search will help sort them out. As you would with any product, on or off line. Duracell for instance, does NOT sell products in Thailand. Some items are counterfeited to the point, that their are sites to help you spot the fakes. Many of the higher tech items, such as SanDisk, Sony, LG, Panasonic ... etc etc products will have site to register their products, which will tell you if fake or not. Fakes are easily refunded, if wanting. Listings with stated warranties or not, product warranties, if worldwide warranties. Again, I'll always try to order anything of higher value / price from 'flagship' stores or LAZ Mall vendors. If very expensive, and not flagship, then I'll avoid, and simply go to manufacturer's site, such as Sony camera equipment. Many things are massed produced by one manufacturer, drones for instance, and simple 'badged / rebranded' as another brand. Very common with appliance, and take on of exact model #s, as may be cheaper since discontinued. Simple research along with YouTube vids help with this. Again, all your shopping should include this research, cross checking of sites, whether on or off line shopping. Falls under the uncommon common sense most should be using. And...if it sound to good to be true .... well, nuff said.
  19. I've given negative / uncomplimentary / mixed (good 'if') reviews of products, along with after 1 refund, saw vendor removed from LAZ. Plenty of 'don't buy / avoid' reviews, along with plenty of 5*, that reviewer admits, they haven't even used yet ???? As with all reviews / opinions ... that grain of salt.
  20. Unless of course a family member or friend is in one of those flag draped coffins being returned home. But money is everything to those that don't need to worry about such little things. If politicians and defense contractors' children were the first to go to war, then there would be none.
  21. At least it will be decriminalized a bit. To the point, hopefully in the future, ignored for any enforcement as in the USA. Where police don't bother, as not worth any effort, or to waste their time.
  22. Wouldn't say scared, but not looking for any friends. I'll acknowledge eye contact / long stares with a nod, if they aren't too weird. Return a greeting, but that's about it. I don't talk to strangers without a reason, anywhere. I find folks that only seem to want to talk to 'their own kind' a bit racist. I don't have any kindred bond with them, simply because they are non-Thai. Find it kind of weird actually.
  23. 3500w and more than enough, for PKK. Use to live at Udon Thani, and 8000w there, which would easily brew you tea. Cool season was much cooler there, and needed when it dipped below 20C to the low teens.
  24. Younger chickies for older men are available in every country, when disparity of wealth exist between the rich & poor.
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