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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Different mindset, and was warning folks not to come. Wasn't thinking about leaving and coming back, but guess falls under the same. Warning people not to come, as may get stuck, which some, very few did. Aside from that, Thailand has never been better, may people be scared to come here for a long time ... forever hopefully. All changes I've noticed, are for the better. I love the new normal, except when in Krung Thep, as take mask wearing way too serious. Aside from the extra possible deaths of course ... that sucks for those affected.
  2. Damn rich kids ... at 3, playing in dirt, and the neighbor would bring us home, as the alky parents didn't have a clue where we were. And quite the busy street in front of the house ????
  3. I used to adjust the choke on my Honda 900cc and stand on the seat. No helmet ... and I'm still alive. Made it to 67 ... mind boggling ???? "Phetchaburi Province is in the south". Most list the southern region provinces as starting with Chumphon. Phetchaburi usually gets thrown in with 'western' or 'central' Thailand, as does PKK.
  4. Might turn it off overnight, if cool enough. I leave it on most of time though, if just for the dehumidifier effect. Also for the dog, as I don't take her everywhere all the time. Trust me, she demands her AC. Come back from morning walk, and she is straight away, up the steps to the AC'd room. Today she didn't even wait for me to take the leash off ... ????
  5. If you bought the condo, why do you not have a blue book already ?
  6. Or avoid the whole hassle of that, and simply use cash, especially for small purchases.
  7. Don't think they ran a charge through for just 1 night. Got the card # /security code on back & PP #, so can run thru any amount, for anything if having. Especially a repeat charge from a repeat vendor, as won't set off too many alarms with the CC company. I've seen some silly priced hotels, and make it a weeks with 'spa' privileges ... ???? Could even authorize themselves cash advances if wanting. I can't believe people are that stupid, to use plastic at ma/pa vendors. I use my card for ATM withdrawals, and a very rare purchase now & then, from trusted online vendor.
  8. Wouldn't recommend drinking the water, unless you know your system is squeaky clean, or treat it before drinking. But waste not want not ... it's there no matter, as our AC is usually on 24/7, especially dry season. Save the Planet ... ???? Also means the difference of monthly water bill being 150 baht or 151 a month. After 55 months, I get a free beer ???????? If they'd ever restock ... ????
  9. Any extra water is good during dry season, especially if house on 2 rai of land ????
  10. Sounds racist ... ... let me check my updated woke dictionary, I'll get back to you ???? DISCLAIMER: any answer may change while awaiting reply, during reply or shortly after reply.
  11. I used to put watering can under my drains, and the main AC would almost fill up everyday, about 3-5L a day easily, from the ACs.
  12. Squeaky clean western paranoia. Maintain your immune system, and keeps most things at bay. Simply know the risk & vendor, and proceed. Been eating raw eggs for years ... love my eggnog, or very runny scrambled, never sick.
  13. The silliness continues. Unless needing, simply treat symptoms, if any, at home. On the 'school' part, agree, 3 yr old is silly. My daughter did that, until I took her out of. Sort of went like this: Go to school, come home sick Stay home till better, 1 week Back to school, 1 week, come home sick Stay home till better, 1 week AND REPEAT ... enough ... home schooled. She can sing, drink milk & sleep at home, and I don't have to worry about her getting snake bit ... ... yea, rural village school and had a couple incidents of snakes on the grounds. Home schooled her to learn the alphabet & numbers, then she was admitted to private school at age 6, and started in 2nd grade, 2nd semester, after testing & 1 month trial period. Graduated Uni last year. Avoided the whole kindergarten (3yrs of) thing.
  14. Do you still need to be vax'd or take a test to get on the island ? ... high risk game if you ask me. Same with Phuket also, I believe.
  15. For a basic idea, just watch any of these: V for Vendetta Equilibrium 1984 Fahrenheit 451 Children of Men Land of the Dead (2005) ???? UP the REVOLUTION
  16. Do you use ETF or Wire transfer ? Was looking at that just last night. Need to top up my monthly SS DD by a wee bit. THANKS
  17. When was it ever a good time to leave or enter Thailand the past shy of 2 yrs. Amazing it's been that long.
  18. Yep, another one (Brit) bit the dust a long time ago. "Cars of the original Mini series called the "Mini Cooper", made by the British Motor Corporation and its successors 1961–1971, and 1990–2000" Any car maker not use parts from China or Japan ? Or simply sell a rebadged Chinese or Japanese car ? Here's a few names drops: Current and Defunct Global Car Manufacturer Joint Ventures in Mainland China Volkswagen Auto Group (Germany) FAW-VW (with FAW) SAIC-VW (with SAIC) Volkswagen Anhui (with JAC) General Motors (USA) SAIC-GM (with SAIC) SAIC-GM-Wuling (with Wuling, SAIC) (Defunct) FAW-GM (with FAW) (Defunct) Jinbei GM (with Brilliance Auto Group) (Sold to SAIC) Ford (USA) Changan Ford (with Changan) Jiangling Ford (with Jiangling Motors) Stellantis (Global) Dongfeng PSA (with Dongfeng) GAC FCA (with GAC) Changan PSA (with Changan) (Sold to Baoneng) (Defunct) Guangzhou Peugeot (with GAC) (Stakes taken by Honda) (Defunct) Nanjing Fiat (with Nanjing Auto (Merged to SAIC) (Defunct) Beijing Jeep → Beijing DaimlerChrysler (taken by Daimler) Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi (France, Japan) GAC Mitsubishi (with GAC) Renault Brilliance / Jinbei (with Brilliance Auto Group) (Defunct) Dongfeng Renault (Defunct), Dongfeng Nissan Zhengzhou Nissan (Defunct) Soueast (Mitsubishi, in conjunction with Taiwan's CMC. Foreign maker quit JV) Toyota (Japan) FAW Toyota (with FAW) (Consolidated from Tianjin and Sichuan JV) GAC Toyota (with GAC) (Defunct) FAW (Jilin) Daihatsu (with FAW) Daimler (Germany) Beijing Benz (with BAIC) Fujian Benz (with BAIC, Fujian Motors) Smart (with Geely) Honda (Japan) Dongfeng Honda (with Dongfeng) Guangzhou Honda (with GAC) Hyundai-Kia (South Korea) Dongfeng Yueda Kia (with Dongfeng, in conjunction with Yueda Investments) Beijing Hyundai (with BAIC) Suzuki (Japan) (Defunct) Changan Suzuki (with Changan) Isuzu (Japan) Jiangxi Isuzu (with Jiangling) Qingling Motors (with Qingling) Mazda (Japan) Changan Mazda (with Changan) (Defunct) Hainan Mazda (with FAW) (Remaining rights went to Haima, not associated to FAW) (Defunct) FAW Car-Mazda (with FAW) (sold to Changan), BMW (Germany) BMW Brilliance (with Brilliance Auto Group) Tata Group (India, UK) Chery Jaguar Land Rover (with Chery) Tesla is currently the only foreign car manufacturer that exclusively owns a factory in Mainland China, instead of having a joint venture with or being a subsidiary of any local auto company. Their sole factory is located in Shanghai. OMG .. blasphemy ... London Taxi Company (Zhejiang Geely Holding Group in 2013)
  19. Taught how to cross the street over 60 yrs ago. Nothing has changed since, as some drivers are inconsiderate idiots .... everywhere. Thailand no different. Look both ways, then again, then proceed with extreme caution. If not ... well, we'll start a new thread tomorrow for you...dumb a$$. About 2 pedestrians a day get killed, so I guess we're in for a bunch more news-blips, until they find something else to bore us with. And nobody blamed Trump yet ... now that's surprising.
  20. She sounds a gem, keep her. Realizes her family are money grabby idiots, and agree with her, no reason to meet the family. She doesn't seem to want to bother with them either, good for her ????
  21. I'd listen to the voice in your head. How many 8 yr old dying of covid ? Vaccines are a complete unknown as NO long term studies. Deaths by age at USA, one of worst hit with covid. Also consider, new strains are very weak. 1 per 100k ... vaccinating children is one of the silliest things I've ever heard, IMHO https://healthequitytracker.org/exploredata?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gahf32IKGxnE9hpr1CvrY7hfdDBmzG1Nh-Xf2LEHF7g99cinUzvZUQaAhjvEALw_wcB&demo=age&dt1=deaths
  22. If done for convenience, then I personally have no issue, though overpriced service charge IMO. But if done to get around the financial requirements ... that's corruption, that I disagree with, and won't support ... at this time ... ???? But those that do use, for wrong reason, and then complain about corruption, well ... nuff said already. An aside, I had same issue, sort of, one month shy of deposit, since dd started later, but over the year, more than enough for requirement. IO simply ask if I could deposit 400k in this week, no prob, so just gave me a 2 month extension until it seasoned. Did charge me 1900 for it, than again, 1900 when extending for the year on return.???? Both w/receipt. If retirement, probably would have used his discretion and approved. But since marriage goes to BKK ... oh well.
  23. Some people are that stupid...buy British ???????? On the flip side of that ... Don't buy Chinese ... ???????? Both sound ridiculous to anyone with intelligence ????
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