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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Check out the work the builder has already done. See how many cracks. How the paint has peeled of the bottom of the exterior walls. Mold on the concrete pads along the building side where water sits because was not pitched outward. For that price, things should be perfected. I contracted 2 house builds in Udon Thani both well under 10k sqm. Western standard, granite countertop, built in oven, cabinets hung. Oversaw the construction myself and proper steel & wiring (grounded / earthed). If using Q block make sure they know how, as different from cinder.
  2. Desperate times for many. "forgive me for the sins I'm about to commit" vs Christian confessional after knowingly committing known sin. I also pray for forgiveness when sending in my tax returns ... ???????? OK, not really, screw the F'ers if they're going to waste it, as I can do that myself......on me & mine.
  3. And yet, so many healthcare workers are not getting vaccinated. FDA, WHO, and manufacturers are pushing the vaccination, not the medical society. IF at risk, then maybe a good idea if applies to you. But healthy under 60 or 65 yrs old, that's just silly.
  4. That's the cost / mortgage of a really nice house w/pool, which I'd spend a lot more time in. And I could buy 3 MG ZS + an EV version + nice scooter w/ down payment ... ????
  5. Curious, what are you substituting for processed white / natural sugar ? I tried the stevia, and didn't care for it. I usually go with honey, except for my coffee, which does give me about a tbsp a day, in my large coffee. Need to try honey in my coffee again, as that's the first thing consumed, and on an empty stomach. More like a pipeline to my intestines ???? If eating first, maybe it would digest better in the stomach. Still not giving up my pasties though, as simply bring too much joy to my taste buds. Have cut way back from days past. Are you substitutes any of these, which the few sampled, were horrible, and even though FDA approved, I don't trust them: Acesulfame K (brand names: Sunett® and Sweet One®) Advantame Aspartame (brand names: Equal® and NutraSweet Natural™) Neotame (brand name: Newtame™) Saccharin (brand names: Sweet ‘N Low® and Sugar Twin® Sucralose (brand name: Splenda™)
  6. Yea, what he said. Went out & about to tourist destinations I would have never visited, since too congested and overpriced due to supply & demand. Thailand has never been better for domestic tourist. Long Live Covid ???? OK, just the restrictions, except that silly mask thing, not that I bother.
  7. 660k, I think, for the 700k mid version, as they had a promo. think it starts at 689k now. At the time, entry was 659, I think, then 700, top model 800k. EV version 1.2. One of the cheapest, and smallest SUVs out there. This thread may interest you, click on top link, next to my profile pic, go to last page, have link of SUVs available now:
  8. I don't notice much difference in 1080 HD / 2K / 4K. You'd be hard pressed to notice any difference in 4k vs 6 or 8k. Besides, few to none put out media in that format. Offering more than 4k is simply marketing. I have cameras and drones that will shoot in 1080 / 2k / 4k, and I rarely bother with 4k, and when I do, render it down to 2k. More so because the files are so huge to edit.
  9. If you don't think you'll need 4 wheel drive, I peeked at the MG and really like it, especially the price point. We went with the MG ZS, as don't really need a truck, and wife prefers (I do also) auto trans. All the other 'full' size pick ups seem to start in silly price-land. Just over 1 yr old, ZS, got 25,500 kms on it, no issues, and unless an oops in the future, or something else catches my eye, would have no problem buying another MG. Next car, if there is one, will be an EV, and MG offers a couple nice versions of them.
  10. If you want to test the TV your interested in, take one of your best, favorite DVDs, preferably a music DVD, and play it on the TV. You'll see how that TV displays your media / image & sound quality, especially if not using an aux. sound system. If not a DVD person, then have them use the smart features, and pick a youtube video you're familiar with. You can adjust the setting / resolution, down to 1080p, and see how that displays & sounds. Don't expect any quality viewing below 1080p media source on a large screen. Look at close up, couple meter, where you'd be viewing from at house. Move forward & back see what imperfections you see or don't. Good Luck
  11. Depends on the format and 'size' / pixel of media your going to display on a larger screen. Things look crisper, brighter & sharper on a smartphone / tablet for a reason, smaller screen. 480p will look fine on most small devices. I take / edit photos and vids, and can't go below 1080p, and that's pushing it, if not a quality sourced image / vid. Stretch that over 55" and you'll see every imperfection of the original source media. For a sample of what I'm referring to, watch youtube vids at the lowest resolution, and then slowly increase it up to 4k and you'll notice the difference if viewing on a dumb or smart 32" monitor.
  12. Oh yea, many replied while I typed. As pointed out, negotiating a smart TV with the remote is unbelievably frustrating. I need a proper mouse & keyboard, (wireless), and another reason everything goes through my laptop.
  13. Like smartphones, can you even buy a dumb TV now. I have a smart TV, but don't use the 'smart' features. Basically use it as a monitor for my laptop. Not a TV / subscriber / streaming kind of guy. Do torrents (movies & series). Non sports fan, so again, don't need current media entertainment. Have a 55" LG, and quite happy with it. Thought it was inexpensive when we upgraded from the old, dumb 32", but noticed larger 65 & 72, maybe, the other day strolling through HomePro, for about same as we paid a couple years ago. Pay attention to the specs, and get as much as your wallet is comfortable with, as it will be obsolete in a year or so. Especially if you think 4k / 6k / 8k is important. Bottom line, it will only be as good as the signal it receives. Ours is excellent, but do know, that the vids on the display models, are synced to the best aspects of the TV on display, so your experience may differ. If your media isn't of the same high quality, your results will not be the same as the display model.
  14. Yes, it's always about control. Science is slowly, very slowly pointing out the silliness of a GOD, especially Christian beliefs. So they come up with other ways to control people's lives, lifestyles. Now the controlling elite, control all aspects of gov'ts, media, news, to brainwash the sheep into believing what ever they what. They've dumbed down & distracted the sheeple to a point of no free thinking seems to be possible. Mind boggling. Covid simply proved how easy it is to make the masses cower & comply to unrealistic fear of dying from a virus with a 97-99.9% recovery rate, depending where you live. Cancer patients wished they had those odds of survival.
  15. Apparently not, as millions flocked to Chiang Mai (pre-covid) during smog season when you can't see a damn thing from the hilltops, or even the hilltop if more than 1 km away ????
  16. I'm a Yank, and unlike many, escaped 3 marriages unscathed, with no children, so always 'living free & easy'. Did just OK in RE, so housing & car would, should be mortgage / loan free in most countries. USA home prices have skyrocketed, but could find something comfy of $100-150k in rural area, which I would prefer, as long as access to a metro area via train. For the life of me, can't think of any place in USA I'd want to live, and living on the road, would get old after the first year or two, besides silly expensive. Killer for me back in USA, is RE Taxes. Last house was $4k a year, for paid off house, and nice, but nothing special. That and the forced healthcare ins. or now, Medicare Plan something for drug coverage, knocking on $300 a month, really cuts into someone's monthly fixed budget, as I stopped investing, since the 40% tax on that is a turn off, when I'm taking all the risks. Healthcare cost are so high, that the deductible or ins. premiums I'd pay is more than healthcare here, without the insurance. Can't get any sillier than that. Add that I enjoy traveling more than staying home, and you can't get much, hotel wise for $50-100 there, especially surfside, keeps me in Thailand. Here you rent (<฿10k) or build a nice rural house (<฿2m), own a car, and travel at will, surfside or mountain views (barring smog season) for less than ฿1k a night. No RE Taxes, and healthcare easily accessible & affordable. Really don't even need a car, and could easily get by with just a scooter. It's a no brainer. Long term visa is too easy to qualify for, w/wife 40/400k or 65/800k. My only issue is, it's a really small country, and I guess that's relative to where we originate from. I've been around it a few times, though still find interesting things & places to visit, and waiting to go out & about again. Luckily I self entertain easily, because a Wat is not a tourist attraction, and most national parks, aren't worth the Thai entrance fee. Water flowing over a meter drop, is not a 'waterfall'. Just riding around with my dog & my camera, taking snaps of critters & everyday life keeps me happy. Wife even tolerates me ????
  17. SUVs ? not sure what a ppv or crossover is. Not on the list, Haval H6 https://th.carro.co/blog/10-cheapest-suv-ppv-crossover-in-thailand/
  18. From OP - "So I would like to purchase a new SUV price up to 1.3 million" GLC - From ฿3.349 million
  19. A simpler, probably cheaper solution would simply have storage tank for water. Keep full, and when power is off, gravity will provide any pressure needed. Or ... although if wanting at night time, as stated above, you'll need a hybrid inverter & battery.
  20. Whoa, that's big for a condo, explains the price. ENJOY
  21. Because nobody wants to buy anything called a 'family station wagon', which TBH, is all most SUVs are. Neither Sporty or much of a Utility Vehicle. Most a bit larger and more comfy than average family sedan, salon, hatchback. Seriously, how many have anyone seen with mud behind all 4 wheels, on the side doors or panels, as if actually off road. Usually squeaky clean, and same with most 4X4s.
  22. My reply simply followed yours, if replying to you, I would have quoted you. I was agreeing with the comments prior to yours. But ... 'feel free' so I shall, curious, and only if you've been there for a while, and plan on staying, why not simply buy a condo in your bldg or elsewhere in Patts. Putting out $336 a year is a big chunk to rent, unless a very large condo and a great value. I've noticed some nice condos, not large, in the < 2 mill range. Would think a buyer's market at present. Not a condo fan myself, prefer lots of space (house) and own yard / privacy. See the attraction though.
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