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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. while at it, might want to google 'tanker sinks chumphon' as another spill & slick heading toward beaches. ICE vs EV ... nuff said
  2. ENJOY .... https://www.dairyhome.co.th/product/organic-butter
  3. That would be quite often. Think you should google what 100% means. Simply air holding as much as it can. May also mean rain, fog, dew and really dependent on temp & pressure, what form, visible or not. Thailand does have the 60-80% almost constantly with high temps, so yea, I'd be careful with raw milk. Think humidity would be least of one's concern, since in a container. If OP that much of a 'purist', think I'd find the closest dairy farm with a store front shop. Frankly all seems bit of a hassle, just for butter. Maybe something else that one would consume more of & often, would be worth the effort. Not much of a market for raw butter, and pricing would be a bit more than I'd care to pay.
  4. Most of our shopping is at Makro, which never bagged your purchases. Have 2 sturdy bags for those outings. The bag ban thing didn't last long at 7-11s, although I bring my own, JIC they want to charge me for a bag (lately if out of town), though won't show/use unless they ask if I want to buy, then I'll use mine. Their's always good for bin liner. Local 7-11 back to simply providing, no charge. Strangely, we have an ever growing box of plastic bags, and haven't bought trash bags since the 'ban' and stores not providing or charging. The ban did point out how many we were wasting. We apparently buy enough things in bin liner size packaging / bags, when opened properly / carefully, work as bin liners. I also see locals at the veggy & meat section, tossing a few extra bags in their cart ???? ... shh Eating very little processed food helps of course, and keeps our packaging 'trash' to a minimal.
  5. If the baht would stay above 33, I'd go back to retirement visa myself, as my dd would qualify. I don't leave money in the bank, at c r a p interest rate. If it's not working for me, I spend it, as worth less tomorrow than today. ????
  6. Chicken here, Makro (PKK) still 60-70 baht. Pork, yea, silly 200 ish, and the restaurants aren't buying it, the fake shortage BS, or the pork. Went for my usually last night, Khao Soi w/deep fried pork patty and told no pork and they won't be having in the future. Not till the silliness if over. No prob, the fried chicken was just as tasty.
  7. Been in Thailand for 21 yrs, and have never used an agent. HH Imm next month for my 5th extension there. I don't know anyone who uses an agent. Obviously we travel in different circles.
  8. You paid for the services of an agent, instead of the 'extra' cost of transferring funds for direct deposit ... ????
  9. Pringles is a fine example of 'oversize' package. Quite silly, and causes the 'crisps' to get broken. If the 'right' size then people would realize how little you are getting when 1st time buying.
  10. Oh well. Either I burn it, or the gov't does, or dumps it in the sea. Adding it to landfills, and decomposing into the water table isn't much better, and probably worse of the 3 methods of disposal in the long run. Until they stop producing plastic, it's going to remain a problem. UP2U how you dispose of it. I really don't think Thailand gives a sh!t, as they actually import plastic trash. How F'd up is that ? As if too much isn't produced here already. Money over everything .... disgraceful
  11. They do sell 'raw' milk here. If willing to travel wherever, just buy raw milk, wherever. Sure VM has it, and I've noticed elsewhere. " Distance no issue" Or go to a dairy farm ... get it fresh. If that concerned. That would fall under the uncommon common sense thingy.
  12. Hence the problem, and the perfect 'rationality' of a hypocrite.
  13. Nothing wrong with plastic, it's what people do with it after it's use. I burn all mine, if not reusing. No sense 'recycling' when it's not recycled. Recycling a farce. So don't want to give the gov't the opportunity to dump it in the sea. Also notice since the 'situation', use of single use plastic has increased about 10 fold ... ???? What a joke ... and nobody seems to care where it ends up, landfill, burned or dumped in the sea. So I burn it myself, as that's where I want it to go, not in the sea. Wish I lived next to a nice lake, as have gone through enough 6 liter water bottles, I could have made a nice pontoon boat / platform.
  14. Not sure what 'raw' butter is. Do you simply mean unsalted, then easy to find. Or simply make your own, as doesn't get any easier. Just need a blender, processor or can actually do it buy hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZsOXUKVEXk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tBXlictR8s
  15. You can only overcharge people for so long ... and if they can come, then intelligent people will just give it a pass.
  16. Yep, and that's why the rules are enforced, because people abuse them. Hopefully one day, they stop the agents revolving door at Imm. People complain about corruption ... bunch of hypocrites.
  17. Just think if OP provided a photo ... ???? http://tiny.cc/zeunuz Although ... I call them all, a 'food cart'. They do come in all shapes & sizes. If on a truck, then .. it's food 'truck' ... 4 wheeled vs 3
  18. "Have the number of foreigners on retirement visas been cut in half in 3 years?" As stated, 'no income letters' from some, most embassies, so now people have to verify the funds / income they 'claimed'. Guessing many couldn't and moved on, or if married, changed visas.
  19. Yes, assumptions indeed. Looks as if scooter crossed the path of the truck, since underneath it, and would confirm what driver stated. Sudden & couldn't stop. No mention of traffic signal or stop sign, so no implied 'violation' for not stopping for cross traffic, and happening outside home. Possible when turning into driveway ? That's why they're called accidents. Sure the BIB will sort it out.
  20. Speed bumps would be better idea, but do we really need speed bumps at every corner / ped crossing. More practical if people just look both directions, twice before crossing. When getting the green / walk signal.
  21. OP doesn't state 'motorized' or not. Which case, motorized, would be salang, or simply a side cart on a motorbike. Unless a trike, or something fancier. Cart on every street, for me, implies the ones selling fruit, roti, bbq, and something that is pushed or pulled. Motorized, and I'd envision simply a side cart on scooter. Google 3 wheeled cart, and you get all kinds, not necessarily seen here. Type out 'three wheel (ed) cart' and you get a few different versions with Gtranslate.
  22. On the DECO 2X a day, everyday, if not more. ZS, when needed / wanting, since having the DECO. I'll take 2 wheels over 4 most times around town.
  23. As stated before, badge / name could be anything as far as I'm concerned. Brit / UJ / MG was actually a turn off for me. 'RSR' would have been cool ???? Funny works for me. I got a DECO SUSU, made in China. Do you really think I care.
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