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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. So far at least 6 dealers in Krung Thep, and surely many more countrywide as soon as sales take off. Definitely worth a peek for any shoppers out there.
  2. Haven't a clue (brit parts), as I don't care. I read the specs, look a the price, track record / reviews, comparison shop, then purchase what ever product works for me. As stated, no allegiance to brand or country, as none have ever done anything special for me. What exactly is it that gets your goat about MG being saved and produced by a Chinese company. They don't hide the fact, and the info, specs are accurate (I'm assuming). There is no real deception in their marketing. Minimal research, or simply reading any car mag will point out most things about it ... all positive I might add, from what I've read & seen. Obviously it's not owning Chinese products, part or whole, as surely you do.
  3. Also in USA, but not in a 'metro' area, or if you want employment or great school district. Quiet country living is possible.
  4. My reply was to RoadWarrior, stating farang can't own house. Obviously if married or in trusting relationship, not an issue. Usufruct protects anyone's investment when living in property, and POA even allows you total freedom, to sell if wanting. Which I did when relationship to 1st wife ended.
  5. So what car or electronic device do you own, that doesn't have a Chinese part in it. Or are you just anti Chinese, and them making a better, market-able MG the only thing that gets your goat. If China didn't rescue & redesign the MG, it wouldn't exist. There is no 'us or them', it's one giant market place. That fake cold war you read about, doesn't exist in reality. China makes the guidance system chips for Raytheon's cruise missiles. Do you really think there is any 'us vs them' any more. Might want to join the human race, not the white, black, yellow, brown thingy. 'Dynamic' is an adjective, and subjective.
  6. 1 mill 'arrivals' sounds about right, though don't know how many will be 'tourist'. That's IF there isn't an oops along the way, and very doubtful, as 6 more provinces just made the 'watch list'. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/6-more-thai-provinces-added-to-watch-list-due-to-rising-covid-19-infections/ IMHO ... I expect more restrictions or even a lock down again after the new year.
  7. Is this cheap enough for you, at £330 / ฿15,000. Give them a ring, sure you can move in tomorrow. https://www.thailand-property.com/2-bedroom-condo-for-sale-or-rent-in-the-tree-bang-po-station-bang-sue-bangkok-near-mrt-bang-pho_7804469
  8. No customers, and you know this how ? Or are people to intelligent to spend that much on a rental. Proved you wrong, and that was with search parameters of 50-60k. Surely you can find much cheaper if actually searching. You can own a nice condo for less than 2 mill, or a really nice one forthe silly price you quote for renting. Why would you lease an apartment at that silly price ? And why an apartment. Condos & single houses w/pools can be leased well below the price you quote.
  9. Don't think you need to be married to 'own' a house. But who would buy a house, and not want to own the land it sits on. Again, a fool's folly. You could only sell to someone as stupid as yourself, and that's a rare breed.
  10. https://www.thailand-property.com/apartments-for-rent/bangkok/2-bedrooms?min_price=50000&max_price=60000&min_sqm=50&max_sqm=100
  11. If they have a friend that stupid, send them my way. I sell (not even finished yet), and start another project elsewhere. Maybe surfside instead of a few kms away.
  12. Cost of living ... across the board, exactly the same, then no, I wouldn't have even looked elsewhere to retire, though a different place in the USA than where I was, as bored with it. For me, it's RE Taxes, available healthcare, and cost of. Get rid of those 2 issues in USA, and ...IF... I can holiday anywhere in the country for same price as Thailand, why would I leave. Plenty of places to retire back in USA. Weather never an issue, and actually enjoy the change of seasons, along with if wanting warm, live in the south of USA. Way too big, and if you can't find a place that suits, then it isn't the location that's the problem.
  13. That's why you drive around and research an area before signing on the dotted line. Be there at 6-8 AM, look for speakers, traffic, and repeat at 4-7 pm, and night time 10pm - 2 am to find out where the partiers do their thing. Weekdays & weekends. It's not rocket science.
  14. Can own the house, just can't own the land. A fool's folly, but hey ... plenty out there.
  15. Talk to the administrator at school and or teacher you kid is having a problem with. Same at any school in any country. Mine was having a problem with one teacher, and a standard punishment was shaving a part of their head, and she was warned if not 'in line' she would be punished. I talked to the teacher and resolved it. She figured best not to touch my kids head, unless she wanted her whole head shaved be me. Simple solution to simple problems.
  16. What's different here than home country ? Store in same place you would when there.
  17. Picky tuna eaters ... eating canned tuna. Seriously. Have y'all ever eaten fresh tuna ? You'll never eat canned again.
  18. Simple solution to simple problem ... start earlier. Wake up before & catch a nice sunrise, instead of sleeping in till noon since hung over. Better yet, may want to consider not drinking so much alcohol, as most having addiction with, are the last to realize they have a problem with it. Simply adjust your body clock to the new serving hours. Wake up 3 hrs earlier, instead of drinking 3 hours later, and it balances out.
  19. Which is it ... must or urged ... "The operators of eateries who want to sell alcoholic beverages in Bangkok must meet the Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration (SHA) standard, said Pongsakorn Kwanmuang, spokesman of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Mr. Pongsakorn said that the communicable disease committee of Bangkok urged eatery operators to improve their premises to meet SHA and close their venues at 9pm as ordered."
  20. Yea ... what he said ???? Thailand is a bit different from when I arrived in 2000, but not significantly different, and many of the differences are for the good. Best change: Not a place to visit as a tourist though due to COVID restrictions. ???????? The changes back home, from what I'm told, especially cost of living, makes things here even better.
  21. Possibly an apples & oranges comparison since China has 4 times the population of the USA. Since probably more of the manufacturing of world done there, more energy needed. Also consider total energy consumption, with China only use 60% more than the USA for 4X the population and all that manufacturing being done. https://www.statista.com/statistics/263455/primary-energy-consumption-of-selected-countries/
  22. And RR Ghost starts at ... £255,020 equals ฿11,610,398.57 ... hmm Can buy a house, w/ solar system, a couple MG EVs, even a couple E-scooters and still have change left over.
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