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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Very nicely done. Do you have a link to your supplier ?
  2. Don't use MG and send as much as you want.
  3. We're not allowed to quote a newspaper ???? OK They've been promoted EV for years, though not sure what they consider what that means, or what it means in the future. How about removing the excise tax on EVs, that's about 100k off the price or most full size cars, and would be a good start. Or the import tax, as the top seller in China is ฿150k, here, just shy of ฿400k. A great little around the town car for those now using a scooter w/sidecart....IF it was affordable.
  4. It was your choice to leave, knowing in advance of the rules, and would imagine, you elected those that made the laws the way they are, so who's fault would the situation be.
  5. On #4, along with 1 unofficial (4 ish yrs) live in, and honestly, also wouldn't change a thing. All added to the adventure, and helped shape who I am today.
  6. Don't think Thai or expats have to worry about that for quite some time. As they found out with some program recently, that not everyone has a smartphone or does ATM banking. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2021/02/15/who-wins-people-without-smartphone-forced-to-queue-up-for-wewin-subsidy/
  7. Cheaper than flying back to the UK / EU and Q'ing up for a full yearly check there. How long & how much would that cost (flights) I stay for 2 reasons (aside from family now) ... no RE Taxes, and accessible healthcare, which just happens to be inexpensive. If I want something done, gets done that day or next, if not major surgery, that might take a couple days ???? Go back home and make an appointment with you GP ... who might refer you to a specialist, and then Q'up for whenever. It might be almost free (not - high taxes @ UK / EU), but will it be accessible in a timely manner, if not life threatening, or even if. PLEASE ...
  8. Abdominal ultrasound (full) should be part of your yearly health check up. I get it done every year or so, as part of my full body check up. Probably 15 done in the 20 yrs here. Too simply, too cheap ... catch s h i t before it's a problem. Thought that common sense. Some of the cheapest healthcare in the world and people don't take advantage of it ... oh well.
  9. Met her at sister's restaurant at local night market. Only chickie here that constantly told me NO, when asked out to lunch & dinner. Finally warmed up to me, after more than a few months, as daughter & I were regular customers of Sis' excellent food. Moved in after 6 months of dating, then 8 yrs of 'courtship' before marriage, and been together 15+ yrs. On 3rd house build together, as I get bored and move on rather quickly, though this will be last house, and a good base to explore.
  10. I personally won't drive any vehicle here through water higher than 10cm or the low rubber side of the tire. Reason...most wheel bearings on cars are NOT seal here. Already had to replace a few on my Toyota or Mazda, forget which. Everyone knows water & electric don't mix, so surely precautions are made. Was trying to find one vid I saw, Thailand, guy submerges his whole scooter in stream and runs the motor. Impressive. And this is 3 yrs old ... wonder if any advancements since ????
  11. Asia ... just China & India account for 35% of the world population No market there ... ????????????
  12. Don't think referring to you. Reference to someone on my ignore list (seedy) that was quoted with silly photos. If people don't want solar and or an EV, for whatever reason, fine. It, both just works for me. But when trying to reason why solar & EV don't / won't work, with silly reason & examples, they simply show their ignorance, or trolling. Anyone that can afford a nicer SUV (Fortuner) can afford an EV and solar system at home. Be self sufficient, and hell, even sell excess back to the power company in some countries, helping support the grid for those who solar might be impractical for. DISCLAIMER: previous photo of solar & car not mine, posted earlier by another in this thread. Just using as example, in Thailand & affordable.
  13. Trolls ... simply amazing For the same price as an nice ICE Fortuner, you can buy an EV car + home solar system that will power both, day & night. Car - 1 m (MG EP) Solar - 350k (7.5kws w/5.8kw ESS) or 150k for just daytime solar.
  14. The simple fact that I said I did .... no need to substantiate anything.
  15. Before calling me a liar, did you read the whole study. A few things in there I had issue with, especially what they excluded from the study. This also turned me off: "All authors have completed and submitted the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. Runxin Huang reports support for attending meetings or travel from Dynavax Technologies. Nicola P. Klein reports institutional support from Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Protein Science (now Sanofi Pasteur to support vaccine studies). Elizabeth G. Liles reports research contracts from the National Human Genome Research Institute and Pfizer. Kerresa Morrissette reports research contracts from the National Institutes of Health, GlaxoSmithKline, and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation, outside the submitted work. No other potential conflicts of interest were disclosed."
  16. I read the linked study in the OP. Unless there's another mentioned somewhere, then yea, didn't read that. Are you with the NSA ? ???? Next time before I post, I'll make a vid of me reading ... ???? Although I'm pretty good at 'editing' and could probably fake that ???? TV/AN never disappoints meeting my expectations, mind boggling
  17. If you read the whole study, and not just the headliner ... agree, misleading indeed. CDC cred ... lost that a long time ago with me.
  18. I find that hard to believe, unless getting married in the UK is extremely hard. USA is simply, get license, pop into JoP / magistrate and bang, legally married. Heck, fly to Vegas and make a weekender holiday of it with even less paperwork. Thailand is a pain & time consuming with the translations. You can have the 'wedding ceremony' / party, anywhere anytime, as no legal official is mandatory to attend here anyway. I also courted / lived with for 8 yrs before signing up for long term. After having 2 houses together, so never a trust issue. On 3rd house now.
  19. Notice a few high performance cars mentioned, and do people really want or need one here. I've always had practical vehicles, and never a 'look at me' kind of shopper. Started with a practical WV van (1st car) then station wagon, as a young lad, since doing a bit of camping. Trucks for work, (air freight & chimney sweeping, tools / slum lord), along with also having at same time as truck, cars, Firebird for playing, Caddy for cruising. Scooters for cheap thrills (750) or cruising (900). Would I have the 750/900 or Firebird here - NO, as total waste, as nowhere to play with as I use to enjoy playing. Even most inter-province roads I wouldn't feel comfortable doing 125-150 MILES per hr. on. That's just silly and dangerous here, and I've matured pass those times, almost. Besides, speed limit of 120 is more than fast enough, and the traffic and or conditions of the road, I find myself rarely hitting 120, or wanting to. You all spend your baht on whatever makes you happy, but MG offers some of the best values out there. If avoid only for anti China stance, then som naa na, you really are being foolish. Feel free the pay way too much for more vehicle than you'll ever need. Good luck finding a parking spot, or will you be one of the arrogant POS that thinks their life is so much more important and cause bottlenecks on the town streets.
  20. No market for it, just sell on FB, Instagram, LAZ and or Shopee. Only really need if wearing 'half' helmet. Forgot all about those foam ones, (made available at work / airlines) and the only ones I'd use or recommend. Any others / harder (soft rubber) and you may be pushing dirt and wax into the ear canal / drum if not up on your 'ear maintenance' ????
  21. Network map for 3 of the larger service providers for EV charging stations.
  22. Just realized y'all talking about Ronny's in BKK, not my hometown, Sharon Hill, PA ... ???? Had a Ronnie's Steaks there (cheesesteaks / hoagies)
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