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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. SS sends it direct to BBL / PKK branch
  2. PTT OR currently has about 190 EV stations across the country but this will be expanded to 450 by the end of the year. https://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/40017322
  3. NO ... I simply posted here (copy of someone else post) from where it was originally posted, as suspect it may be deleted on that thread. Not my post, and I don't agree with or care what spin any anti EV'er states, as usually false, and doesn't apply to me. No surprise he's a mouthpiece of a vested interest group, as they all are.
  4. Soc Sec DD 1 July / ฿34.6376 / $1 USD BBL rate 1 July Earlier in the day:
  5. Tourist spots are not the place to be without a license. Phuket, reportedly the worst.
  6. When leaving, knew I won't be going back. If so, don't know why would be marginalized, though not sure what that means. Would not go back to 'hometown' area, as left there, with no regrets when I did live in the USA. Really can't think of any reason to go anywhere else but here. Only if much younger & obscenely rich.
  7. If so, I've never been stopped leaving, or entering for that matter, though haven't visited since requiring vax or test.
  8. No sense in not trying. At worse, they'll simply turn you around, and maybe a 500 baht fine for no license, and you're on your way back to Phuket beaches. Plenty of them to explore if you haven't yet. Stay a couple nights at each, and you used up a month of holiday.
  9. "(Assuming this is true, but it really seems like it.) ... Rough estimate of" So the OP posted before any research ... hmm Motive ???
  10. Had me until ... ... anything but. Plenty of orphanages around that could use a few baht. The owner of Sunrise Taco, and another business owner, operate a very worthwhile charity (Bangkok Comm Help) that helps the Khlong Toei slums, and really can't think of a better place to help folks out of their daily misery. One reason I don't mind paying a bit more for my Mexican munch at Sunrise Taco.
  11. Legal, not sure, but who is gong to know. I suppose some vendors don't want you leaving the island. I never read any of the fine print, though never left either. Krabi, Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat and Phangna are lovely areas to explore. All nearby and I've looped around that area more than a few times.
  12. Nah, they wouldn't go for it, and they couldn't work efficiently in the shackles.
  13. Wife has access to all here, and brother has POA, and access to all there/USA. Though if I c r a p out, there won't be much there for him to be concerned about. Have oops fund here, and the rest, I try to spend. A challenge at times since I'm a thrifty shopper most times. Any luck, I'll take myself out at home, she knows to dump my A$$ in a hole on the property, and she'll get to collect my SS & pension till whenever. To the OP ... she could simply not tell anyone of any inheritance.
  14. for fear of being off topic, in the Issan thread... ...seems appropriate here. Do you really feel safe ?
  15. May suggest the same to you ... as if I was a plantation owner, I know which way I would go. Same way I went when I was remodeling my 1st house here. 100 a day was average salary then in the village, where I gave 150/200/500 - non/family/foreman, a day to the workers. Happy and showed up, everyday, and put in a full days work.
  16. Ah, but were they 'all'. Would think as a plantation owner, some realized, keeping the 'unpaid staff' well fed, healthy, instead of being tossed chitlins as a meal, would surely be better, cost effective & headache free wise vs chasing down or replacing. Also many 'workers' would consider room & board more than enough compensation, and remain voluntarily, considering their options if venturing elsewhere. Just a thought.
  17. That's what the wife is for ... GOD should always be capitalized ... heathen ???? Just trying to help you out, as suspect it will be delete off the other thread. And NO, I didn't report it.
  18. 28 minutes ago, Orinoco said: Some food for thought, Worth a watch.
  19. Half full or half empty ... ????
  20. Some along the river manage 2 plantings a year, and for about 6 weeks in Udon Thani area, it got get quite chilly, as low as 9C once, and teens are common. Actually a lot of money in the area of Korat, Khon Kaen & Udon Thani, as commerce flows through the areas of. But that's about it. Away from hwy #2, and it gets beyond rural. Flat, boring, dry & dust when not rainy season, and even has its air pollution problems. Rainy season the complete opposite, and on the fringes of the plateau, can be some diverse landscape, and quite nice actually.
  21. I notice about half that do wear them, wear them improperly, many going with the chin diaper look. Sort of like riding a MB, with you helmet in the basket.???? On Topic .. since most are going to KSR to eat & drink, or stroll around while doing so, I certainly wouldn't expect to see many visitors masked up. Are there still people that think wearing a mask in that environment, without proper goggles would actually do something ???? Ignorance is Bliss https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7882915/
  22. Next time lead with that. Simply ask at your Imm office what they require. That may allow you to free up half of that, and they tell you, probably what we all did, DD have to be trackable.
  23. YouTube certainly paints a different picture than the above 'reports'. And KSR has always been dead in the morning & afternoon. Plenty of folks wearing and not wearing masks, before and after July 1st.
  24. Hmm ... breakfast, if going with 3 meals a day, then between 0600 - 0800, it's simply a large cup of coffee. Just delivered, thank you honey ???? 1st meal isn't until after a walk at the park or surf w/dog, about noon, which is usually bowl of cereal, corn flakes & raisins. Past few weeks, adding oats and oats+, for added fiber, but TBH not really loving it, or noticing any extra fiber advantage. Actually been eating 'breakfast' for dinner past few days, Steak & eggs, and a couple egg/ham/pepperoni/cheese sandwiches, as simply using up before turning. Actually bored of those, thankfully done with. A traditional eggs/potatoes/meat/toast meal is actually more common for dinner for me, then 1st meal of the day.
  25. I believe schools are for teaching what is needed to become productive in the work place. Should concentrate on; language, science, math. Social & sexual education should be learned at home, as one size doesn't fit all, an may go against the families' beliefs. All people will find their 'identity' without government interference. Certainly doesn't need to be taught in school. Media bombards them already with their options. Don't need the distractions in their learning environment. Matter fact, y'all can stop teaching religion & history also. As useless, and nothing but divisive, and as pointed out elsewhere, nobody actually learns from it.
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