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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Ganga is the pacifist's drug of choice. Never met a violent pothead. Make 'Love not War' ... ????????????Peace man????????????
  2. Anyone else sniffy out a 12k baht gambling or drug debt that needs to be paid. Or maybe he just wants to buy a new smartphone. ????
  3. Got a familiar ring to it. After a coup, then have your cohorts appoint half the Senate, then your party still has a hard time getting a majority of the votes, squeezing out a coalition gov't and getting appointed leader.
  4. Does seem a bit of a waste of time now. Thankfully my daughter graduated Uni last May, and a good portion of her last semester was online. The dumbing down of the next generation just took another dismal leap toward even more ignorant society, if that's even possible. Us conspiracy nuts would consider this ... a very successful game plan execution, for even more future control of the masses. A new crop of 'mushrooms' fed BS & kept in the dark. The beginning of the extinction of any 'free thought'.
  5. Good luck with that ... ???? They build houses here the way they do for a reason. Avoid using any wood in your house, termites WILL get to it. That's from experience.
  6. Better stock up on chicken now, before the vendors read this ... ... oops, too late ... ????
  7. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    Thought you were referring to on patch of 'beach' over at Nong Khai during dry season. Think it was also referred to as 'pattaya beach' since behind a farang managed bar. Yea .. go figure. All along that stretch between Chiang Khai and Nong Khai has lots of 'beaches' during dry season. To the point where it looks as though you could almost walk across to Laos, if not for a couple deeper channels.
  8. Probably any respiratory bug could have pushed her over the edge, since barely hanging on as it was. Common sense would have dictated, her to be in isolation, as comfy as possible, if possible, during this whole 'situation'. Though possibly not the easiest thing to do in her Altheimer state. R I P A case where, IF YOU are in the high risk group, then YOU need to take responsibility for keeping YOU safe. Whatever is needed for that. Don't expect others to adjust their lives for you.
  9. Probably all explained in the T&C somewhere, and in not so small print. Always helps the read the 'instructions' now and then. Most things are spelled out in the listings, again, in the not so small print.
  10. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    Yea, been there. Na Yung is lovely area to drive through. Actually some nice drop offs / cliffs at the edge. Phu Foilum has nice view on back end of the park, at the drop with extensive views. Loei can be lovely. Loved driving along the river, from Chiang Khan to Mukdahan. That's all good for out & abouts, but not living there. And can only do that so many times before it gets boring, and hours away from home. Here's one local restaurant we frequent, that backs up the hills along the Myanmar border, and from their rooftop veranda, you can see the gulf & squidders on the bay at night. About 20+ kms distance http://tiny.cc/0kknuz
  11. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    Probably because it's so flat, there's no reference to something being blurred out by pollution. From the house, 2nd floor veranda, could easily see the 4 ridges between Nong Wua So, Udon Thani and Nong Bua Lamphu province ... during rainy season. Maybe 15 kms away, if that. Smog season, you wouldn't even know there's a ridge there. Check the AQI #s, and anything 80ish & up, and it will blur out the vistas. Central UT top parking level, and you can get a nice vista of the W / NW hills, along the edge of the province, during rainy season. Smog season ... 'what, there's hills, where?'
  12. I think if you're out on boat, it wants to put you 'at' a landmark, which if far enough off shore and there isn't one, well, I guess it chose 'Gulf of Thailand' ... not entirely wrong, just a wee bit further than I ever went.
  13. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    Udon Thani, but I've visited almost every nook & cranny in those 16 yrs. Mostly flat, boring & air pollution half the year. Too far from Krung Thep or the surf. 10 yrs running, drove to Phuket & points south, 2X a year, at least, during school breaks. Realizing what a sh!thole, IMHO, the NE is when out & about, with few exception. Again, the pollution half the year ... NO thanks. Could tolerate living on the edge of the plateau, or along the river ... if I had to. But don't ... ????
  14. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    Lived in Isan 16 yrs, couldn't wait to leave.
  15. There probably is, you'd just have to turn off the AC, electric heat & stove / ovens. ????
  16. Unless you're Amish ... ... stop with the blame game of not being green enough. Do you ride a horse or bicycle for transport ... fly domestic or international. Stop being a hypocrite. You're on an electronic device, using the internet. You can't get any more un-Green than that. Even if you never leave your teepee.
  17. KhunLA

    Understanding Isaan

    As much as I don't care for Patts, Isan would be the last place I'd move to.
  18. According to Gmap timeline, I was out & about a wee bit last year. And this just the first 6 months of the year, as been hanging close to home lately, supervising the house build.
  19. I got you beat, and 'saving the planet' at the same time ... ???? And no, I don't use, though did try putting the dog in it, which she didn't agree with. My next career move in retirement, Panda delivery driver. ????
  20. Silly policy if wanting customers. What idiot pays an entrance fee to eat or shop.
  21. Moccona 3/1 Espresso ... more than enough sugar & cream ... taste like a crappy cappuccino. But best out there. Nescafe being the most vile thing one can drink.
  22. Cost not an issue for myself, but surely it is for many, vs a scooter or public trans. When I'm at Bangkok, I rarely drive my car there. Parking or lack of, more the reason than any other. If living there, unless wanting for the convenience of out & abouts, car ownership is an expensive convenience, and hard to justify, cost per kms. I've had the e-scooter for about 3 months now, and don't think I've put 1000 kms on the car since. Cost 700k over 10yrs (no loan or interest) = 5833 a month + 1000 insurance (at least). 6800 X 3 = 20,400, before any petrol or maintenance & wear and tear. Not exactly the cheapest convenience item to have. Month's salary for a local @ 300 baht a day. Actually don't even need the e-scooter, as 7-11 is < 200 m away, Makro < 500 m away, even the surf is only < 1.5 kms away, so can walk, ride bicycle or e-bike to any of them. Free or minimal cost. And I'm in a small town. No real public trans here, where Bangkok offers more of everything needed. Patts has the baht buses, that loop around, close to anything that's needed.
  23. Air pollution, and don't know anyone there. Although it has crossed my mind, maybe if I was younger.
  24. I actually agree, and feel safer here than in USA, riding a scooter. Possibly because people are more aware of scooters here, because there are so many. And most give them space, as probably owned and drove one themselves. Where in USA, quite the opposite, few respect or gave them space, as simply ignorant, since so few drive them there. Driven about 20 yrs in USA, and 20+ years here. Feel same about a car, as been hit a few times in the USA, and never here. On Topic; really is hard to justify the expense & hassle of car ownership, if no real need to drive it. Easily 6-10k baht a month for the convenience. Initial cost / loan, insurance, petrol & maintenance. And parking in a big city or small .. no thanks.
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