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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Let me know where those 110v outlets are in TH, so I can avoid... ... I was just going to use my USB port on the laptop ????
  2. KhunLA

    Space Brownies

    @ 3:30 of vid: https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Old+Weed+Man+Restaurant/@12.9261734,100.8669563,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xdd7e1c0f4bacc694!2sThe+Old+Weed+Man+Restaurant!8m2!3d12.9261721!4d100.8757094!3m4!1s0x0:0xdd7e1c0f4bacc694!8m2!3d12.9261721!4d100.8757094
  3. Been to Sloppy Joe's bar @ Key West more than a few times. ????
  4. Wow, 2.8gr, and in 4 packs. Hope that doesn't qualify as distributing ???? Not sure how such a huge bust in newsworthy. Talk about a slow day. DumbA$$
  5. My bad ... oops For some reason, thought I was on a Patts forum ???? See your location now.
  6. N. NJ ... nuff said ... ???? Huffing all those fumes from the chemical plants, I can see where they've become confused ???? Use to work at Newark airport, but lived down of Exit 8/Hightstown (Princeton area). When I got up to exit 11 ... Holy Buddha. Don't know how people lived in that area and above.
  7. DECO dealers up at Bang Saen: https://www.facebook.com/SWSPEEDMOTOR/?ref=page_internal https://www.google.com/maps/place/มอเตอร์ไซค์ไฟฟ้า+Deco+จักรยานไฟฟ้า+สามล้อไฟฟ้า+ชลบุรี+by+SW+SPEED+MOTOR/@13.2984816,100.9467283,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x3102b5e5856fcd29:0x7319eb9d60b3f21d!8m2!3d13.2984816!4d100.9467283?hl=th-TH
  8. Nice looking 'Sloppy' sandwich, nothing Joe about it. Sloppy Joe in my world, wife makes quite often: https://www.google.com/search?q=sloppy+joe&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALiCzsYK6e8-HdYC0rkJBsAU4LTkaWEU8g:1657004557085&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1qJCAl-H4AhVA-DgGHXHOCfsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1536&bih=664&dpr=1.25
  9. Plenty of rather positive reviews on the internet (Gmap), from strangers. Do you need more reviews from strangers from this forum. The fact that you found them, shows you're savvy enough to sort through the reviews. No experience myself, but they look fine ... ENJOY
  10. Don't care where the oil comes from, but can't see the petrol suppliers passing 'their' savings on to the end consumer / us. Just more profit for them. There is no 'oil crisis' now, just a gouging crisis ????
  11. If going by 'boomer's' photo of condos, with that many units, I'd expect to see a constant flow of delivery people in the lobby.
  12. Not suppose to. I think to avoid youngins from buying. Although, if your local 7-11 had dedicated delivery person, maybe having their cell phone number & a tip, would get better results than their app. Or even the local motocy guy on the corner. Someone lazier than me, that's reassuring ????
  13. Would these be the same folks lobbying the govt for subsidies to expand their network of chargers, maybe without tapping their billions in profit already made. hmm ...
  14. Agree, and think it will be a long time before any EVs in Thailand will be charging up 80% (of a 50kW battery) in less than 30 minutes. Also, constant superfast charging is not the best for battery life.
  15. This thread seems to fit the bill:
  16. Interesting vid, still watching, but implied better range with different tires, though would think wee bit more or size size wouldn't make that much, range wise. Other issues, ride, noise. Especially noise, as I've heard some cars and mainly trucks, 4X4s driving around and no way could I deal with some of the noise I hear coming from them. Few minutes into the vid and not much range difference. I'd go with ride & noise vs more range. I've been on different roads here/TH, with the Vios & Mazda 2, and some were quiet & smooth, other rough & annoyingly noisy.
  17. Yea, thinking the same, but should be one started already, if not ... think I will.
  18. HEY ... I'm not fat or unhealthy, just a LPOS at times ????
  19. No, haven't test drove any EV (car). Buying the EV version of our present car, which we quite like, MG ZS. Only difference the specs are telling me, is we'll have more torque, that we already don't need, and some electronic safety features, . Not expecting any surprises. Had one available to test drive, I just didn't bother. Other real option for us was the MG EP, which the wife didn't care for. GWM's Ora Good Cat, scratched due to no local dealership and unfamiliar with them. Going to stick with what we know & like already. Nothing else really interested us. Kind of like the tinker cars, but they're a bit silly priced for the specs.
  20. It will always be a never ending debate, which is more practical or eco friendly. Way too many variables especially taking into consideration of location of energy (raw materials) produces and where used. 'Renewable' speaks for itself, but not completely practical in all locations. You can go on & on, as you are, but you'll never agree, especially when the conversation is so generic and not location specific. Just a thought. But anyone looking for the pros & cons of ICE vs EV, this certainly isn't the thread for it any more. More about coal mining and where to put them transformers ????
  21. We seem to order online in Krung Thep more than anywhere else, during or after rush hour. Usually settled in after out & about all day, and usually had main meal earlier. Heavy snacking in the room if something isn't right outside the hotel. Even do it locally (Prachuap KK), rare, when feeling lazing. Thinking back, not a whole lot different when in my 20's, as how many times have you had pizza delivered in days past. At least twice a month for me when we all were sitting around sipping a few. Too easy & no DUI.
  22. I hope nobody wonders why the 'EV Thailand' thread is heavily moderated. Think someone should start a thread 'fossil vs renewable energy & practical application of' As 'ICE vs EV' is no longer about vehicles, pros or cons of ... ???? Parking space, transformers, coal ???
  23. KhunLA


    I always grab a few (6) when 2 for 1, as the freeze nicely. 1 box (6 pcs) goes fast with me & the dog, so no worries of going stale. Not up there with the 'Betty Crocker/Duncan Hines' chewy fudge brownies, easy enough to do yourself out of the box mix, but a quick & easy snack, and cheap enough.
  24. Location location location ... fresher air, live below Chumphon. The humidity 60-80% would be more an issue vs AQI of 50+. Thailand isn't for everyone, but neither is most other places if having health issues.
  25. Miserable is a state of mind, nothing to do with 'chosen' environment. I could be just as happy living minimalistic, as with a house & garden. All I need is a bedroom and decent kitchen (eat in is fine), as I enjoy cooking for myself. Balcony for fresh air, or nearby park/surf, for watching a bit of nature. Simplistic and inexpensive here. I've lived in some c r a p neighborhood, (USA) and highs and lows of life, but I really don't think I've ever been miserable. Easy to adapt & adjust to anything the affects your smile. We are talking about retirement (or close to it) ages and living. If you haven't figured it out yet, location isn't going help. Some welcome minimalistic, less expensive and hassle free. I've done both, and they both work for me.
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