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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. My advice is stupid ???? And you really don't think the house, or especially the land, won't be worth anything 20 yrs from now ... who's stupid. Land appreciates silly here. Obviously someone has never invested in either here....nuff said But keep giving advice.
  2. Avoid the 'gift tax', as it's only a gift if you say it is. In my world, it would be a loan, 0% interest, no monthly payments, balloon payment in 20 yrs. Yea, you can write that up anyway you want. Contract can be cancelled by either party at any time. I've actually written one similar to that, as needing a reason to move a large sum once. No limitation what you can or can't put in any contract between 2 people. As far as buying for a 4 yr old ... you're asking the wrong people at the wrong place. LAWYER, and not just one, ask a couple. Many options to secure her future, housing, livelihood. I'm assuming the 3 of you are living in the same house now. I can understand not wanting to be married, again. I've been 4 times ???? and escaped 3 times, unscathed, though I seem to be the exception, or no kids made it easy. Aside from married, common law relationships exist here, and if paperwork drawn up properly (LAWYER), then no issues, though if contested, the usual legal hassle of court intervention. Before anyone chimes in .... "Thais always win" ... that's nothing but BS. Good Luck
  3. I'm hoping ... ???? Planning on buzzin' around the country a couple more times before the hordes of tourist return. The way things are going, don't think we have much to worry about. Maybe high season 2023, they may start to trickle, barring any oops and new silly pandemics. Although ... I suspect the 'war of viruses' will be here for many decades. They'll be milking this like the 'war on drugs' & ' war on terror'. Fear has already proved to be a multi billion dollar market. It will continue ... endlessly.
  4. OP needed to read the not so fine print a wee bit better, before buying. But as stated, normal, 1 yr ins. / labor only. Massage seat, haven't a clue. On dealers, yea, franchises, so everyone's experience may be different. Toyota / Udon Thani was steller. Mazda / Udon Thani, also excellent. Mazda / Hua Hin, very good Mazda / Pranburi ... avoid at all cost, drive the extra to HH. MG / Hua Hin, OK, new dealer, techs, learning process, but satisfied. Now have one closer to home.
  5. Being he wants to put it in daughter's name, implies a bit of uncertainty in relationship with mother. He / she can always add daughter's name to deed when an adult. Buying for a 4 yr old....let that sink in. I've had nothing but good, or shall I say safe experiences here with 1st & now present 2nd wife. Actually sold the house without the 1st wife, as had POA drawn up and signed by her. Ended that relationship couple years before selling the house, and she wasn't, and didn't need to be at the land office, when sold. Advice already given for ignorant people, don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
  6. Stay because this is now my home w/family (wife, daughter). If I had same back in birth country, I would be there. Have 3 brothers w/family, and all living their lives back there, which I didn't visit much anyway, as preferred not to live where they do. Don't see the miserable folks, as I don't seek them or visit bars where misery enjoys company. Using avoid threads on forums touching the 'crying about' topics. When first arriving here, met many expats, those that planned well, with the finances are quite enjoying themselves. Those that didn't or don't have, I learned to avoid, oh well ... som naa na Personally, I can live almost anywhere, home is where the heart is, everything else is just a location. It's big planet, if you can't find one that suits you, then location isn't the problem.
  7. White elephants are a turn on for me also. Stations down the whole Southern are lining the pockets of those vested. Too bad it's not the people.
  8. Probably just conserving electric, since all the EVs are sucking the grid dry.
  9. Tax payer finances the R$D and gets screwed again. Your politicians once again using YOUR money for their's and big pharm's benefit. WAKE UP
  10. I understand, do you understand how silly it is ? Obviously you're not to confident in your relationship with the mother, since not married, and don't want to put it in her (mother's) name. So why risk the finances at all. Are you living in Thailand, or just a regular visitor ? Long distances relationships usually fail. Just a thought. Mother is legal guardian, so daughter will not really own anything, in reality. Mother tells the kid to sell the house, it's going get sold. If mom wants to use it as collateral for a loan, that's going to happen also.
  11. Silliest thing I've read in a long time. Buying a house for a 4 yr old. Buy yourself a condo, and if she is still in your life when she is 20 yrs old, give it to her.
  12. Answer to the OP's title - vendors who fail to satisfy the domestic tourism market. Fool's folly to target seasonal int'l tourism for your survival when there's 70 million locals to cater to....everyday.
  13. I checked out the list for Thai available VOA, or exempt stamp a couple times. Can't say there's many places on the list I'd care to visit.
  14. Since OP is looking at Patts, you can forget privacy. Need to go rural, which can be 15 minutes out of any metro. In Udon Thani, we were 20 minutes out of congested downtown, blue dot in center and no neighbors for 1/2 km, felt very safe. New house in PKK province. less than 10 mins from main town & surf, and the same, very private, and closest neighbor couple 100 meters away, and again, will feel safe. Brown square area, as house is almost done. Gmap not updated yet. Plenty of places to rent in rural areas, if not buying or building. Rent for 1 or 2 years, before buying into anything. As some areas, or Thailand, isn't for everyone. Renting makes moving easy.
  15. If only happening with inclement weather, I'd suspect old transformers c r a pping out (getting wet / shorting out), or wires down because of wind, either directly or tree branches taking them out. Had that problem living rural outside Udon Thani. Good news, as it happens more & more, the replacement/repairs eventually are upgrading the system, and will happen less & less as time goes on. Simply report the outages ASAP, and they'll sort the problem and fix asap. I find the locals don't report outages as much. My wife use to report outages due to brown outs, and within 15 mins, power was restored. Sad for the other village that probably got turn off for our benefit. But if she didn't call, the power would be off for hours. I can just image the 'receptionist' taking her calls .... " oh cr ap, it's her again" ????
  16. https://www.mgcars.com/th/innovation/ev/charging-station
  17. Apparently that info is top secret. Searching Google and lots of info, except for charges at stations. So went to youtube and searched, read a few MG EP reviews, and saw this reply: " Championship Station 5 months ago Oh, Pea Volta, it was in front of the festival. The charging fee will be the Off Peak price of the station which is 4.16 baht, compared to the normal home electricity meter is still cheaper. So the station is not expensive at all." MG EP has 50kw battery, so 50 X 4.2 ish, and looking at 210 baht. Which is almost the same MG promo says about home charging - price about 200 baht but using 3.96 as a price per kw Also noticed in reply on youtube, some stating they have meter install at house, assuming exclusively for EV charging, and the overnight rate is 2.16 per kw. All just a fraction of petrol cost, along with minimal yearly maintenance. I found MG to be fairly honest with the promos, and if scrolling down, it breaks what to expect over 5 or 8 years; https://www.mgcars.com/th/mg-models/new-mg-ep/overview Actually got me thinking about swapping my ZS for one of the EVs. Although only 1 yr old, so not the most economical time to change. Be nice if I could squeeze into the EP, though I really do like the ZS.
  18. I sit corrected. MG in association the expected PEA & Egat, along with a few others, names not familiar with, have an extensive fast charging station (CS) network countrywide. Not showing up on Gmap. Matter fact, there's 2 a few kms from my house, 3 in HH, widest gap I noticed was between PKK & Chumphon, but since the thinnest part of the country, not much of a concern. Even better, their app allows you to reserve charging slot, so far with the 353 CS now, and projected to have a station every 150 kms, if not already. MGs charge up from 0-80% in 40 mins. Plug in, grab a coffee / pastry, hit the internet, for some out & about exploring and you're charged up. Takes away the last 'excuse' not to go EV..... hmm
  19. Ford also investing heavily in few new plants ... but not in overtaxed, expensive utility cost, and crappy weather at Detroit Michigan area, though. Can attest to low utility (electric) and taxes for Tennessee, as one reason I lived there 5 yrs before coming to Thailand. No income tax was a plus, and an instant 10% raise on my salary. TVA (hydro) electric, one of the cheapest in the country. My 3 bdrm townhouse, all electric, central heat / ac, monthly bill <$100. Michigan governor (bitch) caught completely off guard and wasn't even given an opportunity to sway them from leaving the state.???????????? https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/news/2021/09/27/ford-to-lead-americas-shift-to-electric-vehicles.html ???????????????????????????? https://www.autonews.com/executives/ford-didnt-give-michigan-real-opportunity-win-ev-battery-plants-governor-says-bill-ford
  20. Nothing humans do, will have a significant impact on climate change / global warming, one way or the other. Climate change / warming is a natural phenomenon, and been cycling warm / ice age, for millions of years. Seems to warm up to 40-60 ish C, then ice age kicks in, then repeats. Man's impact is so miniscule, it's not worth mentioning, but IS big business. Matter of fact, the sulphur aerosol pollution actually decreased the temperature ???? , maybe; " Since 1880, global mean temperature has risen by 0.8°C (1.4°F). However, this increase in temperature was not linear. Between the 1910s and the 1940s, temperature increased and then decreased until the 1970s. Scientists think that aerosol (airborne-particle) pollution may have caused the cooling effect shown in the temperature anomaly data between the 1940s and 1970s. Aerosols scatter visible light from the sun, thus cooling the earth. In the early 1970s, aerosol pollution decreased because of the sulfur filters placed on power station smoke stacks, and temperatures began to rise. " http://www.ces.fau.edu/nasa/impacts/warming-planet/index.php People should worry about the ice age that is going to follow, not the warming trends. Enjoy that while it lasts. Am I going solar & EV because I care about being eco-friendly, hell no. Its just cheaper all the way around for me, I'll save a sh*t load of money, with a minor investment. Along with getting to proclaim the usual ... "if you're not part of the solution, then YOU are the problem". ???????????? Can't wait till I spew that BS on someone. When in reality, I could give 2 sh*ts. OK, I do feel better about not contributing to the air pollution, as I refuse to buy diesel vehicles. AQI #s are quite annoying when > 50.
  21. At least EVs aren't adding to the local air pollution via exhaust. With the ongoing practical home solar cost getting lower all the time, topping up batteries at home for local driving is about as eco as one can get. A work in progress until the fossil fuel corporations surrender their grip on politicians.
  22. I only buy higher end stuff from the authorized / official LAZ site of the product. Xiaomi has one, which I linked earlier.
  23. Thanks. One kid, one dog at a time ... save the planet ... ???? Too old, 67, to take in another, as the heartache of losing a parent may be a bit traumatic to a youngin'. Not for everyone, but worked great for me. Stay safe
  24. Tropics, 60-80% RH all day, everyday. And that's not even rainy season. Sounds like you'll need a dehumidifier or 3. Along with running the AC, even if just on dehumidifier setting. Daughter had that problem in one of the condos she stayed at. Bought her a dehumidifier, and she was pulling 1/2 liter a day out of the air. ???? Moved to another unit is same bldg, and was much better. Spray / wipe everything down with a bleach solution may give you a 'fresh' start. If your apt. is adjacent to a common wet wall, that could be an issue. Also if furnished with the cheap pressed particle board, that could be a problem area. Hard to get rid of once in, and be careful with hanging clothes them, as will get in them also. Good Luck
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