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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You posted an op-ed that quoted a newly appointed politician, of the same party, trying to push a bill through Congress, presently a scenario that has never happened, in a system set up so it doesn't happen. I'd call that scaremongering, not news, or a possibility. cnbc... go figure. The only surprise is they didn't blame it on Trump ???? I'm pretty sure in the very unlikely possibility of it happening, Thai Imm would simply make an exception for any 1 month involved, and simply take the total of the 2 months. Just as all the overstayers of their visa during lockdowns, outside of the country, didn't end up in jail or fined. Actually got a carte blanche pass to avoid most immigration policies for over a year. I've found Imm to be very compassionate & understanding most times.
  2. If going to quote me / repeat what I stated, then at least be accurate ... " anyone who has ... died ... from the virus". Until yesterday, that conversation, no, I didn't know of anyone who has died of. Just strangers in the news, and actually, that kid is a stranger to me. Never met him or his father. Live in Thailand, so easy not know anyone who died from covid, since only < 0.25% of the population has died from covid, and yes, it's caused by a coronavirus, a flu, same as the normal yearly flu, but obviously with a bit of a bite. But still, a viral flu. That's 249 per million died of C19 or 25 per 100k or 2.5 per 10k or .25 per 1000, so yes, not even knowing 1000 people here, I don't know anyone who died of C19, the flu, or the common flu for that matter ... ???? Why is that hard to believe. Do know someone who had covid (not confirmed), my daughter, sick more than a few times last year or so, and hit hard a couple times. Her friends did get tested & positive, so safe to assume she did contract it.
  3. Yes, no argument here. The next decade will dictate what the future will look like .... and it doesn't look very promising. The acceptance of tyranny and the dumbing down is mind boggling.
  4. Nothing but 'scaremongering to get support' ... as same thing happens every time, and SS has never be delayed or stopped due to debt ceiling or budget conflicts / budget not passed.
  5. .... it wasn't weaponized in a lab. SARS - the sequel. The official name says it all ... "SARS-CoV-2"
  6. If people weren't forced to go to the hospital, with few or no symptoms, just because they tested positive, then they'd avoid the 'pressure on health services'. I'm not too concerned about a flu with a 99% recovery rate. TBH, the vaccine scares me (healthy person) more than the virus. I don't personally know anyone, or personally know of anyone who knows anyone who has died from the virus. Although, just yesterday, my brother told me his friend (an anti vaxxer also), got his son vaccinated, as mandated to attend school. And his son died from the vaccine. Not only does he have the loss of his son, but now lives with the thought, 'he knew better', and still let him get vaccinated. That's F'd up.
  7. "Top Thai virologist at Chulalongkorn University" .... ????
  8. Not growing up in this 'texting / twitter' age, I find myself googling acronyms quite often ... IYKWIM ???? Find it better than asking & appearing ignorant. Google ... Bob's your Uncle
  9. Yes, most cars work fine on 87-89 octane actually. We use E85 (MG ZS) and car actually designed for it. Did own km/liter test w/ E85 E20 91, and E85 was the best, thankfully the cheapest. I used to work for Amoco (USA), and the biggest scam was is the premium gases, up to 102 octane for 20% more price per gal in USA. Dealers paid almost the same price as regular gas. Biggest profit make for gas stations. Even funnier, lot of the gas came from the same refineries, as base fuel with additives for different brands. Just branded differently as so many products are. Sheep believe the marketing and people were so stupid back in the day. Like they are now with oil. Selling point used to be, oil last for long time. Now idiots change their oil every 10k kms ... ????????????
  10. Vax'd or unvax'd, you still can get & transmit the virus, so how is anyone safer ?
  11. Amazing you didn't know what it means, but Google would have answered that quicker than typing the query. Did someone mention lazy ? Strange you use "IQ" ... but apparently lack it.
  12. You mean what the USA funded and inflicted on the world. What country's phone manufacturing would you suggest ? USA, UK, France, top weapon sellers and providers of death, along with Russia & China, whom I'm assuming you are anti them also. Also the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council, keeping the world safe ???? I go with the best product for the best price. No country has any morals, as never did, never will. Are there any phones no made in China ? ???? ON TOPIC .... Xiaomi & POCO (Xiaomi) fan myself. Try to find one with replaceable battery. Though good luck with that. They can't really improve phones much more than now, so to get you to buy new one, batteries aren't replaceable, so when they die, your phone dies ... ????
  13. Ask the people on Phuket, Samui, at Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, and any other tourist spots now that requires / required being vax'd or testing to visit. Killed the domestic tourism market, which was keeping the few surviving businesses open. Been to Phuket 3 times in past year, guess I'll never being back there. Simply asking me for a test is enough to turn me away. Haven't been back to Krung Thep either, as don't like wearing a mask all day.
  14. I've also never had a 90 day report date later than my visa extension (expire) date at various Imm offices. Always ask to make sure the 90 days starts when you receive your extension if they didn't already do. I always do the 90 day after the due date, just to avoid the extra trip, since online 90 day has never worked for me. Luckily a local office is nearby the house, or I'll do when out & about.
  15. Around town and on the local highway, 125 or 150cc would be fine, and cheap enough. Long distance, depends how many hours on it you can tolerate and comfort level you want & wallet of course. If I was going to use for inter-province travel, I'd want at least a 750cc, and pricing on that, might as well get a car.
  16. Good Tax Revenue generator. That's all that matters. Good, tax the hell out of them. Give me a break on damn petrol, beer and other taxes
  17. Not in any order; Mexico, Czech Rep, Vanuatu, depending on mood. Too old & lazy to leave, besides, quite happy and no real complaints. If younger, I'd be gone, as 20 yrs is enough for any 1 place. Wouldn't live anywhere permanently again, probably an RV and stay on the road. Stay in the Americas, as used to be fluent in Spanish. Major plus about Thailand, can do that here, without the RV as hotels are cheap. Just the country is so damn small. Been around it more than a few times already, though do seem to find some new & interesting stuff every time. Out & about again very soon.
  18. Last, pretty much only real job I ever had, all of 13 yrs, via IAM union, and their stats state, 'on average', they issue 18 monthly retirement checks. 18 .... so much for life expectancy. Scarier, my work classification, they only issue 11 check on average. So they planned on my dying already ... ???? 65 yrs + 11 months ... I'll by 67 end of the year. Guess I'm on borrowed time ???? Why pension funds are under funded, they know they never need it.
  19. Beat me by a year ???? 46 and couple months. As soon as 1st house was completed, I left the USA permanently. Was actually commuting to work for 6 months prior, though more time here than USA in those 6 months. No way I could do 20 more, I'd be suicidal. Besides, I've out lived most of my hometown friends and more than a few working peers ???? Although partying was always just a hobby to me, not a lifestyle.
  20. I agree with that part, about your reply, as you obviously haven't a clue. RE is how I retired early, along with being able to live here basically rent free for 20+ yrs. Money you spent on house, you get back when you sell it, and then some. On my 3rd build here. 1st one paid for 2nd one, and 2nd paid for 3rd one with a lot left over, as we downsized considerably from the 2nd. 3rd build is worth 25% more than cost already, and it's not even finished yet ???? If staying anywhere for 3-5 yrs, building / buying is always better then renting, as long as you didn't overpay for the house. Land & RE, is and always will be one of the best hedges against inflation. Didn't mention anything about having homes in 2 countries, but that would be great, as rental income for living in the other country, and quite a few expats finance their stays overseas that way.
  21. Actually being used and produced already. The Yadea scooters come with Graphene lead acid batteries. Graphene also applied & produced in other batteries offered, but not on the level of Lithium Ion (Manganese or Phosphates) for scooters, cars, home ESS. Already a component in Panasonics 18650s, used in many applications. Samsung also using, I think, not sure about LG or BYD. I think Tesla (Panasonic, LG, CATL) getting ready to make the leap, full in, as saw a couple vids showing graphene batteries for their cars. Not sure if pass 'concept' phase yet. Haven't finished researching yet, as at least a month of so from buying in; scooter & home ESS
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