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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. 'Brit Designed' is back ... ???? Good for them, and competition is a beautiful thing. Others will need to bring their silly pricing down.
  2. Yes, it is amazing, but yet, there they are, and most away to the hospital for isolation. System failure at the max, and why 16 day quarantine is the only way to go. Initially when having quarantine (before SB & T-G), testing positive on arrival/1st at hotel, 4th, 7th and catching positives, even a few on the 11th day test. Again, why 16 days worked.
  3. Yea them ... no argument here. Hey, easy on the rubber sandals. Some folks ain't got the back needed to put on socks or lace up the trainers.
  4. Here's me reading Thai script on laptop screen via phone / G Lens Laptop set for auto translate, so rarely use if ordering food delivery. Use at restaurant, if visiting first time, then simply remember the menu, and ask for familiar items with any following visits.
  5. Yes, you're suppose to have a script. High dose ??? 10 mg, starting dose for myself @ 80ish kgs. 20 - 30 & up, and I'm just starting to loosen up. Doc script was 10 mg / 4hr or as needed. Follow his advice and I'd be zombie most days. But when I really needed, rare, 10-20-30 was starting point for me. Wife (45 kgs), yes, 10 mg & sleep like a baby and wake up hungover ????
  6. Try here: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/112474645432594/search?query=kawasaki kx65
  7. Last time I went shopping for HP cartridge, coincidentally at TukCom (Udon Thani), it was about 1500 to replace both .... OR ... buy that new Canon printer, with better specs & refillable side mounted tank for 2500 baht ... hmm ... which one did I buy ???? Did keep the HP, as it was a scanner also.
  8. "She didn't blame the vaccine second dose he got a couple of days ago - she blamed the booze." Well, no need for autopsy, case solved ... ????
  9. Met a few, when I did associate with some expats, and have to say, I felt sorry for the wives. Then the ones crying in the beer about being 'taken' .... I can understand why they ended that relationship also, after about 5 minutes of their yakkin' away. Miserable lot.
  10. Not sure about millions (in Thailand), but it's a mutual respect thing with me. Accept the good and the not so good, as they do with us. We can both ignore the A-holes as not representative of either. Love / hate relationship. As long as there's more love going around, it's a beautiful thing.
  11. " I just finished my 14 days after a positive. Cleared non contagious from hospital. Just walked down the soi where the night life thrives." 'Jumping right back in the frying pan' ... comes to mind ????
  12. I did not say or imply that. Although ignorant, arrogant, reckless locals, expats, immigrant workers & tourist (dom & int'l) certainly added to the problem / #s. OP is about the T&G policy, or non 16 day quarantine. That's what I'm addressing. When having 16 day quarantine for all, clusters were manageable. Without the 16 day quarantine, arriving infections, and flat out stupid behavior of all, and the clusters were no longer manageable. Lack of quarantine, or the failed Sandbox & T&G schemes were for developing an already crushed tourism economy, for the benefit of the very few still invested in it. Nothing like feeding the fire. Went from 3000+ deaths back in July, call it August, when Sandbox opened to now 20,000+ death. Smart move. To your early comment, since covid is not endemic, or wasn't 2 yrs ago, yes, tourism is to blame. Now it's shared by all who act irresponsible. And yet, I've been called irresponsible & selfish, more than a few times by more than a few members, because I'm not vax'd and went out & about. Around the whole country a few times, matter of fact. And yet, listening and following 'most' of the practical advice, from smarter people than myself, I didn't get or spread the virus. BUT ... I simply practiced self distancing, without or with a mask when called for. Didn't attend crowded events, didn't Q up or visit crowded restaurants, ate off hours (my norm anyway). Simply practiced that very uncommon common sense. Want to save lives and stop the spread ... 16 day quarantine for all arrivals. International Tourism - DNR to safe to restart, develop domestic tourism in the meantime.
  13. Yea, solar would take a while to charge anything Ecar up, and a very expensive solar generator (2400w) at that. Saw one YT vid, and estimated 16hr to top up 50%, but on a 120v line. Still silly long.
  14. Yea, that's a bit strange, and seems to be just padding the bill. I've had surgery & invasive procedures done, without that test.
  15. The family & friends of the 21,600+ dead probably think it was a bad idea to cater to the 10 or 15 percent vested in international tourism, as the economic damage was already done after the 1st high season was lost. Now it's worst, and will take longer to recover. Along with more dying every day. But hey, as long as the hospitals and hotel hospitals are making money ... that's all that matters.
  16. Thanks for verifying what I stated. Notice how it's 'ripped' through the heavy tourist destinations. Less than 100 deaths, before Sandbox & T&G ... how many after ... nuff said
  17. Maybe they push RE investing in those countries, because 'owning' is easier. Which would make those countries a better option to retire. May also mean those countries have easier visa requirement for those buying in. Not everyone lives out of a hotel / condo room. I'm on my 3rd house build. And never owned any. Not a risk many are wanting or able to do, especially if 1st one was a failed endeavor. Many non-savvy expats have lost their life's savings because of it. Savvy and not so savvy expats will go where it's safer to buy into the economy. And that's not Thailand ... 11th place seems fitting. 1st in Asia, doesn't bode well for the rest of the Asian choices.
  18. Since 100s seem to be arriving infected daily, testing positive at the airport, you do have to wonder how many don't, but test positive on their 2nd test, although already out and among people for 5 days. Some snippets from elsewhere: "Jan 10 Flight details for yesterday haven’t been released yet. But the day before, there were 22 flights and 3,087 passengers. 219 of them tested positive. Which is around 7%. Which is above the national average for all airports this month so far." "Jan 10 Thai News Reports: Today, Phuket reported a two year record of 742 new cases, out of which 513 were local and 229 were from abroad. There are now 3,126 people in care. At this moment, the island only has 985 beds left" "Jan 4 Thai News Reports: The latest statistics show that this month so far, most international arrivals are coming from Russia (2,511), Sweden (1,359), Germany (1,143) and Kazakhstan (1,080). Most people testing positive are from the USA (7.91%) and the UK (7.35%)" They seem to want to hide imported infections #s, as if not detected on 1st test, then considered a 'local infection' ... hmm "Jan 10 Thai News Reports: Please note, although 412 international arrivals tested positive yesterday, this is NOT all from Day 0 of their stay in Thailand. It is for ALL tests up until Day 10. After that, if they test positive, they are treated as a local case."
  19. "Several provinces get routinely covered in water." Build on a flood pane, and you get flooded. Surprise. Sun can be brutal at times, and easier to manage then bitter cold. Fair trade.
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