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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. KhunLA

    Makro Bread

    Where Ukraine may be exporting less, RU is filling the void, and had the largest jump of export to TH last year, of $65m. Thailand actually exports some wheat .. ????
  2. That didn't take long, so if passed, back to being 'in the closet' illegal again, instead of like prostitution, tolerated. As soon as they find a way to profit, like prostitution, then public sales will be 'tolerated' again. Hmm...
  3. KhunLA

    Makro Bread

    Doubt there's a wheat flour, flour shortage ... maybe an "I forgot to order enough' shortage.
  4. Didn't imply it doesn't happen, as you point out, it does. But ... these comments, seem a bit OTT ... or I'm just really lucky. Maybe time for me to buy lottery tickets. "It's all over Thailand, I find myself ducking and weaving" "there are wires and cables hanging down at main intersections. I drive through a couple just going to work.. It is a bloody mess and really needs sorting out asap."
  5. 22+ yrs here and I've yet had to duck for a wire or have one come near my head on a scooter, or touch the roof of my cars. hmm...
  6. Considering their customer base, most probably don't wake up till noon ...
  7. Stick these here, seems appropriate, rather than yet another thread. My daily stroll at the park today, taking the wonder dog for a sniff. Not that I needed one, as I realize it quite often. But got a reality check how fortunate most of us are. Must have been 'no, one or short limbed folks' day out, as more than few folks strolling around the circuit, with no, one, or shortened limbs (arms) today, and assuming most from birth. I myself have an 'annoying' bad back (discs) which keep me from committing suicide, as simply can't do the extreme physical, stupid things I've made a habit of doing in the past, and somehow lived through. Actually, I only have a noticeable hobble, more from floating hip than back, although the back is what restricts extreme physical activity. Running / jogging being too much impact, though pedal bike and no problem, as long as not a 'bend over' racer. Walking and endurance, again, not an issue, as wife & kid can't seem to keep up. Appreciate that you are alive, can actually read this, have sight, troll me, have fingers, without assistance. Many can not. Appreciate that I have all my parts, and they all still work, abet, limited range on the back, but nothing to fret about. I have a hobble, but 2 legs to hobble with, and not one or none, or wheels. Can shower, dress and feed myself. Too many can not. Things I suspect a few take way to lightly at times. Be Safe out there.
  8. Quite surprised I've seen that on a few 'menus'. I was in a 'hash only' smoking mode for about decade ????, until good buds were available. I'm waiting for the 'restricted selling hours' to be announced soon, in line with alcohol sales hours. If not a total ban on flower / buds sales forth coming. Think the gov't got caught off guard, and their ignorance shows on how little they knew, and how many 'farmers' were already out there. Maybe they were basing the 'farmers per capita' on convictions & incarcerations for ganga, and not living in the real world. oops ... ???? Now how to overly tax it, like everything else. If they can figure that out, they may not ban the 'buds' sales completely.
  9. Morning chuckle ✅
  10. Did they sell out the Thai allotment ? Or simply need to order one ? A bit of good business, along with supply & demand with practical delivery date sort of. Within 6 months is a bit vague ???? Annoying having to wait, but if helps them control inventory & price, guess it's worth it. Actually surprised it didn't happen earlier. Never understood the ol' USA auto manufacturers forcing dealers to take so many units every year. Meant selling leftovers from previous year at little profit, just to make way for new inventory. Proved to be a failed system. I even had to wait for my e-scooter (DECO) as they didn't have one in red. When I went to the manufacturer/importer's showroom in Nakhon Pathom, they didn't even have any of the SUSU models to test ride, and actually test drove a customer's scooter around the parking lot. All I really needed to do, to test torque and that sold me. Had 50+ sold scooters sitting in shipping area waiting to go to dealers.
  11. So ฿500 for 1 doobie, 2 if you like toothpicks. As much as I enjoy smoking one every once in a while, that's a silly price. Sorry, nothing can be that good. Unless you get 5 good buzzes out of 1 joint. Don't think so, unless I'm missing something, and 1 good hit will last an hour or 3.
  12. Worst script for made for TV movie. Keep your day job.
  13. Please post opinions of your pros & cons of owning your new car purchased in Thailand. For 'Truck Review' ... https://aseannow.com/topic/1256020-truck-reviews-personal-thai-experience/ Our present car, MG ZS (ICE), purchased Sept 2020, new, and very happy with it. Promo at the time was mid level (3) for price of entry level, with top level price at ฿100k more, for a few more electronic & sunroof, which we didn't need, want, or would use. We racked up 20k kms within first 6 months, with no issues, except dash cam acting up. Taking it for the 30k kms oil change / maintenance tomorrow, at the dealer. 5 yr free 'labor' for maintenance, I think. 5 yr warranty / 120 kms, though I believe that has changed to 4yr / 100k kms. Pros; ... 1.5 L engine is more than enough power & torque, as been on some very steep inclines, along with, I seem to lead the pack from red lights, without a heavy foot. I actually drive very conservative speed wise, so a bit surprise to see all in the mirror when I leave a red light. Though I will cruise 100-120 when able to on inter-province roads. Which it does nicely & quietly. ... more than roomy enough for us (2+dog). 4 adults would be comfy, and have driven with, and still plenty of power. ... Plenty of cargo space, as when out & about, we fill it up with way too much, utilizing the back seat also, but not blocking view of back window, so not really need to use back seat, if all trunk space to ceiling used. We actually take our coffee machine with us, a cooler full of camera equipment (3 kits), along with a small cooler, besides clothes ... nuff said. Cons: ... no spare tire, though available for purchase 6+K, or full tire/mag wheel for 7+k, which we got, and will pay for itself when needing new tires. Don't need the extra space the 'spare' would provide, using lower tier deck in trunk/boot. No spare seems to be the standard now, so not really a con, but thought I'd mention. ... Dash cam cra pped out, outside warranty (6 months), although we did cry about it acting up, prior to, and asked about it after the 20k kms oil change, when taking car in for software update. Finding out then, out of warranty. MG replaced for free, since crying prior to warranty expiring. ???? ... mini air compressor cra pped out, though not sure if my fault or not, since using on house current more than a few times. Performed flawlessly from car port, but struggled from house current adaptor, so I may have killed that. Non-issue, since we have spare, and air compressor at house. ... not a fan of the app, as it 'reloads' about every 10th time starting the car, which means you can't adjust any electronics until loaded, all of <30 seconds. So must remember to set AC on high before turning off ???? Really don't use the app / 'Smart' features, and just a marketing thing IMO. Just a minor annoyance if hot & you're an impatient person as myself, and forgot to turn up the AC before turning off ... dumb a$$. Overall, loving it, and would purchase again, unless an oops down the road, or something else caught our eye. Actually eyeballing the EV version as our next purchase, if one in the future. Previous new cars bought here were Toyota Vios (2), entry level. and Mazda 2 sedan, entry level, and very happy with them also. For a few baht more, or about same price as their top end version of those models, we got the MG ZS, after peeking at them and a few others, Honda, Nissan, Suzuki & Mitsubishi. I'm a spec shopper first, before even going to the showrooms. This site has decent compare specs; https://www.zigwheels.co.th/en/compare-cars Hope this helps anyone in the market. A car to me, is a machine that gets me from point A to B, so dependable & inexpensive works, along with, as comfy as possible. The ZS out classed the Vios & Mazda2 just on road noise alone, as a pet peeve of those models when out & about. Anyone looking for somehing very inexpensive, then take a peek at the Suzuki Celerio @ ฿330k to start. It is what it is, but it may surprise you, if just needing to knock around town. For me ฿700k ballpark pricing (ZS) for 4 wheel is just silly, but that also, is what it is, for something comfy to cruise on the highway in. Happy shopping, or, let us know what you have & how you like it. Would you buy it again ???
  14. You're welcome ... have at it.
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