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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I've never had a problem, and driven many times with red plated, interprovince and at night with 4 different vehicles. All parts of the country, at one time or another with red plates, and at night.
  2. I think any 'smart' new TV will check almost all of those boxes. Mine will and it's 3 ish years old. Only one that might be an issue, though TBH, not sure, would be if they had a hard drive for storage. I don't think mine has, though again, TBH, haven't looked as don't need. I use mine basically as a monitor, but it will conx to the internet (plugged or wifi), has a browser, and pre-loaded apps for just about everything.
  3. Not sure about that, as 200m is pretty far, and he'd have to be traveling fairly fast to need that much road to stop loaded down or not. Which begs to ask, how fast was the victim's vehicle traveling if able to impale itself, that much, at high speed. Awaiting the vid ...
  4. I've yet to see one vid, of anyone inside the building, being threatening. Just the crowd outside yelling silly c r a p. Hang him up BS. That's cherry picking ... empty verbal threats at that. Outside the building. Scary stuff ... not forty feet away ... ????
  5. Not sure about 'serious' vs preventative visit. I've visit ENT, and excellent, issue sorted 1st visit. Same with a dermatologist, excellent & inexpensive vs anywhere else. Uses liquid nitro, to remove skin growths. Inexpensive <300 baht, to treat a couple of, to no charge, when not finding during inspection. Those in Udon Thani. Much better than BumCrap charging 1000 baht to peek, and told to make another appointment to treat ... W T F, and that 15 yrs ago. Only Buddha knows what a peek cost now.
  6. Apparently you did not read the posted article: "On top of that, there was no trace of THC, the chemical compound in cannabis that makes you high, in his system."
  7. I'm expecting to be 'off grid' - cost wise, but for < ฿50 a month to stay conx w/PEA, it really doesn't make sense to be 'technically' off grid. Simply conx doesn't mean you have to use. With hybrid system, you get to control import, export, battery use/charging. If your inverter or other part of your system has an oops, nice to have something to hold you over till sorted. That diesel genny that has been idle for over a year, might not be cooperative when needed. Then again, if you have way more money to play with than myself, and your solar generator is fully charge, well done. Or your EV has V2L capabilities, just break out those extension cords.
  8. Some stimulants simply bring out your 'good or suppressed bad' side. If not very happy with one's self, definitely do NOT do any 'thinking' stimulants; LSD especially, and other acronyms drugs, or peyote, shrooms, PCP. Never do any drug, especially first time, by yourself. A designated experienced mentor should always be present. Someone you trust, that can talk you 'down' if having a bad experience.
  9. Agree & disagree with OP. Guess it depends what you actually seeking at the clinic. The fact that they are a 'clinic' can leave a bit to be desired. Credentials and what they know and are actually allowed to do. Visited a couple, excellent, and a couple, that think Amoxy & SaRa cure everything. Not just the clinic, same 'excellent' service at some hospitals, private & public.???? Went to one recently, just for a tetanus shot, and no prob with that, except cost a bit more than most, I think. Ask if he could write a script, and said yes, until I told him the med, which he then said no. Kind of surprised me, but it is what it is. Apparently limited in what he is certified for. Script writing being a surprise. Definitely disagree about the dentists opinion, being as good or better than USA. 1 out of 5 I've seen here, that I would return to. 5 dentists I've used in the USA were all excellent.
  10. Good = what ? The overprice 4-5-600 baht a gram vendors (in the news), or 50 baht a bag vendor, not brick & mortar, and selling 'Squirrel Tail / Thai Sticks (not dipped)", and not in the news.
  11. A little tidbit for you first times smokers, (in the past), with NO experience, are you sure it was ganga you were smoking and not 'angel dust / PCP' ? It's actually a horse tranquilizer. And comes in many forms. From white crystal (almost pure sometimes/deadly) to resembling ganga, to the inexperience eye. I've smoked the pure kind (99%) from the chemist, and not to messed with by anyone inexperience. When people bought, most stepped on it 4-10X, and it was still amazingly powerful. One summer had high numbers of ODs, some fatal. Huge difference on negative side effects, from paranoia, to hallucinations, to death. I know a few personally who have ended up in hospital, and have experienced the side effects myself, (aside from death, obviously) and 99% enjoyable, One of the most deadly drugs out there, and many first timers think they as smoking ganga, when not. Just a thought for those that freaked out the first & only time they thought they were smoking ganga. The taste difference was quite distinguishable to anyone experienced, but wouldn't be noticed by a first & only time smoker.
  12. Plenty of road hazards out there, and one really has to drive defensively, and be aware of everything in front and to the side of them. Even checking that rear view, when slowing down. Always allow yourself an avenue of escape, if possible. Just hanging wires 'everywhere' isn't one I've notice, to the point of ducking on my scooter, or worrying about the antenna on a car being taken out. Not saying there aren't plenty of, and seen enough vids of trucks taking out wires, along with losing electric out in the village for same reason. Some sugar trucks have a rider atop the load with a bamboo pole for a reason. Other hazards are more of a concern; deep pot holes on the road at night, that black cow laying in the road at night. Non illuminated road hazard warning at night. One time they resurfaced a local road, and simply put barrels on the one side to warn people not to proceed. Fine during the day. Barrels stained black with tar at night time, didn't work well. Damn near killed one resident, and took him years to recover from brain surgery. Myself broke a mag on my scooter hitting a deep pot hole so hard at night, and broke a section of. How I didn't wipe out was amazing, and almost became a Christine again, that 'God is Co-pilot' thingy ???? Part my fault, as was overdriving the headlight. I've hit some massive pot holes in the car at night on unfamiliar road, and shutter to think if I was on a motorbike and didn't know they were there. I replace 2 struts / shocks in cars while living here, because of. Something that never happened 30 yrs driving in USA. I won't even drive motorbike at night any more, and not even locally. Be safe out there.
  13. "By Wednesday evening, the autopsy report was released. It showed that the 51-year-old had an underlying disease that resulted in death from heart failure. Dr Suksan Kittisupakorn, the director of the BMA’s Medical Office, even noted that it cannot be determined whether the marijuana he smoked an hour before hospitalization had anything to do with the cause of his death. On top of that, there was no trace of THC, the chemical compound in cannabis that makes you high, in his system." https://www.thaienquirer.com/40967/opinion-stop-spreading-misinformation-about-marijuana-educate-the-public/
  14. Adding battery will depend on the inverter. Is it the SUN2000-3KTL-L1 model ? Which case it will accept Huawei compatible battery. Though not sure about any other. "- Support to connect Huawei Battery without changing to Hybrid - Support 2 MPPT"
  15. Haven't a clue what 'correspondence' means in this context. Try looking on Thai Embassy / Immigration website to see what your requirements will be for living here.
  16. MG for example accepts both, AC & DC charging. My motorcycle does not. https://www.zap-map.com/charge-points/mg-zs-ev-charging-guide/
  17. Terrifying ... ???? https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/capitol-police-hold-door-for-pro-trump-protesters-video-shows/ https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/capitol-footage-police-trump-insurrection-mob https://www.nbcnews.com/video/protesters-walk-around-on-senate-floor-after-breaking-into-capitol-building-98948677663
  18. Moving to rentals ... oh please, piece of cake. On my 3rd house build ... never again.
  19. Possibly the same with Shopee, as one vendor was out of, then restocked yesterday, at even sillier prices (150 now 250 per seed) and now showing no products. Put the 'hammer' to sales already.
  20. You can buy 'Squirrels Tail', local weed, and used days past in 'Thai sticks' Couple FB Marketplace sellers, 20 seed (10+10 (free), COD @ ฿99 Thai Stick / Squirrel Tail (Sativa THC: 15% - 20%): https://www.allbud.com/marijuana-strains/sativa/thai-stick I sent you a link of vendor, via PM
  21. If you're not growing your own, the prices they're selling it for, you need a 1 hit bong = no waste up in smoke
  22. Could just take a stroll outside, every other day for about 15 mins, (less in TH) and should give you all you need. Doesn't get any easier, and ... FREE "How much sun is needed for vitamin D?" "While there is no one-size-fits-all guideline for sun exposure, between five to 15 minutes, three times a week at moderate ratings from spring to fall, should be sufficient for most individuals." https://www.imaware.health/blog/vitamin-d-from-the-sun
  23. Yes, try to keep up, he has tested positive. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/niaid-director-fauci-tests-positive-covid-19
  24. KhunLA

    Makro Bread

    TH's import of, along with a bit going out. First link explains a slight drop in demand for wheat, and I guess without 30m ish tourist, makes sense: https://www.world-grain.com/articles/16225-thai-wheat-imports-forecast-to-decline https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/wheat/reporter/tha#:~:text=Thailand imports Wheat primarily from,United States (%2420.7M).
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