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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. A drunk dies, and they blame it on covid ... I'm 69, never vax'd, still alive, and don't have to worry about any vaccine related health issues.
  2. "J.K. Rowling, who has gained notoriety for her controversial views on transgender issues." What's controversial ? There's 2 sexes; male & female/man & woman. Her views are spot on. It's the other's views that are controversial. You have a penis, you're a male/man. You're not woman, you're not transitioning to be a woman, and you will never be a women. Same if you don't have a penis, you not a man, you're not transitioning to be a man, and you will never be a man. To think otherwise is controversial to biology. You can dress up as either and pretend, but that's about it.
  3. Yes ... make sure you're there on a Sunday, for the market. Get your Mojitos freak on at Kwang's 🍹
  4. Parking. Especially if having small factory across from your home. As I could park all my crap across the street from my first house. Even though having a 2 car garage, it just wasn't enough. Especially when I converted it to a triplex. And all in the photo, are mine And the Caddy is mine ...
  5. Yes, my Nissan Maxima was a fun little car to sport around in ... and ... dependable. As was my wife's Datsun 310. Even my Firebird was surprisingly dependable, for Detroit POS. My Nissan pickup, tasked with towing was also great. The only new vehicle I ever bought in USA.
  6. No problem keeping it going .. again and again and again. We, brothers and I, were mechanically inclined, since too poor to have other fix things, besides wanting it done correctly. It was just a POS from the get go. But he liked them, and actually owned 2. Not his primary transport, as not that stupid.
  7. To the title ... Why ... because now they are dependable MGs (B) from the past, nice looking, and fun to drive on a nice autumn day, but.... @transam ... don't go too far from the house, and make sure your brother is available for a tow home ... ... again
  8. Already mentioned, Chicken Caesar salad, and OK, as good to get some greens in your system. Brekkie (first meal) ... I'm partial to the Chicken GraPao (basil) spaghetti, as not a fan of rice. Had the Black Ink pasta w/Shrimp cream sauce recently, and a nice change. Alfredo is good for a change also. Some of the ones that are 'meatier', side portion of rice are decent. Fat noodle stir fries, OK. Hard to find, but the Curry Chicken Puffs, in a case on the counter, usually near the Bao buns are good. Actually some of the best. The BBQ pork Char Siu Bao buns are OK also. Hard to beat the Double Pork Burgers, assembly may be required when opening. Messy, but a bargain, and go down nicely. Away from the highway, and you might even be able to wash 'em down with a beer. Deserts ... partial to the 'Baked Cheese Cake' no topping, dark blue 'ribbon' on label. Black Forest cake & Chocolate Cake, latter being rich chocolate fix. 4 Pandan rolls in a pack, along with the chilled Pandan Eclairs are nice. Pandan fan that I am. Recently found the cream filled Croissant, half dipped in Chocolate, and a good sweet tooth fix, without being overly sweet. Washed down with a 'HazelNut' coffee never hurts. Options abound and as stated, consistent and never disappoint Going guess about half our munching when O&A might be from 7-11 or the food court/vendors at PTT Parks, since we charge up the EV almost every day, and it's usually during the lunch hours. Check out, 3+ hrs on the road, and we all got to P, and hungry, as not big morning eaters.
  9. For Thais, probably GraPao/fried basil pork (meat) & rice. For ding dong farangs, probably Pad Thai
  10. Not just EV, as remember when I bought my POS Vios (2), and Mazda 2, and they were like 25% cheaper in the USA, Yaris & Mazda 3 at the time. Made better in USA/Mexico; emissions & ride and at higher overhead; wages, taxes, energy cost, RE/more taxes. Mind boggle how sold cheaper but more cost to make in USA/Mexico. EV are silly priced in USA, as is solar if wanting. Solar cost 3X what we paid, for same system in Philadelphia area. CHINA ROCKS
  11. We used 101 going up through Phrae & Nan last last year.
  12. Main purpose to stop was for some shoes we liked, already have. I always peek at 'You Hunt We Cook', but they and Gourmet Market didn't have any steaks I liked. So we hit the Turkish kebab/Mexican Quesadilla vendor.
  13. So long ago, I forget. Could only use it on my one laptop, as a windows update wouldn't allow it, as windows updates go. Limit more & more with every update. Why I won't update to Win 11. Why I dislike windows, well, one of the reasons. If my laptops die, I may use Linux in the future, if Win 10 isn't available on anything. Which I don't think it is now, as any new computers have Win 11 preinstalled. Don't think I need to worry though, as don't use my PC for much any more, just photo & vid editing. Media storage and torrent watching.
  14. As much as I dislike windows, I don't have the to think about getting around anything. The amount of apps/programs written for windows & android are endless. No thinking or getting around to run and work properly. Already have cracking tool for pirated software. Think I've only purchased one app, and it was a one time thing, not a monthly subscription (Topaz DeNoise AI). Use pirated 'LightRoom' already. I use Andorid apps most, only a couple windoows apps. Need compatibility with my phone & PC, as much as possible anyway. Have no desire to run one system (ex: anbox or airdroid) just so I can run things on a different OS. I used open source programs when building drones, (programming fight controllers or GPS modules) and are fine, until they aren't, usually due to lack of support. Also why I'd never own any apple products, too proprietary, besides their silly pricing.
  15. I have no use for linux, as the 2 apps/programs I use most, won't run on it. Along with other apps/programs have limited use, or simply don't run as well. You shouldn't bring politics into such a discussion. Calling half the USA voters idiots doesn't help. Can't imagine an intelligent person voting for biden. Past 3 years has been a mess, across the board.
  16. That didn't go exactly as originally planned. About 4 hrs, with only a pit stop at Bluport Mall/Hua Hin, turned into almost 7 hrs. Changed route, to hit a coffee shop, then changed again, to find that elusive Spot-billed Pelican. Snaps taken yesterday posted on eBird, at location that I've search before when in the hood. So stopped at 2 on the way. The extra stops require a short 15 minute top up for the EV. Bluport Mall was a longer stop, for dinner. More than a for snaps, and added a few hours
  17. FINALLY ... a snap of the elusive Spot-billed Pelican - Pelecanus philippensis Actually saw more than a few 😎
  18. All location dependent. Certainly wouldn't be driving 3 wheeler (mobility) scooter on Sukhomvit rd, (bkk or patts)as might end up like the vid previously posted. Same with phetkasem rd @ Hua Hin. Common sense rules. I'll drive my ebike or E-MB anywhere locally, but limit my time on hwy #4. Just not pleasant, let alone safe if using often. Defensive driving keeps you safer, when surrounded be steel.
  19. Don't tailgate, and drive somewhere close to the speed limit when practical, makes for a relaxing drive. Chosing right locations, routes and timing helps. We spent the night at Ratchaburi. Not because it was planned, but because I didn't want to drive in the Saturday BKK to Hua Hin weekender's traffic. We'll do that today/Sunday, BKK - HH - Home, when they are all going the other way
  20. Location dependent ... finding parking for a full size car/truck can be a challenge. Not to mention, buy in, insurance, petrol, just for short local trips. Literally average ~1000's a month, if not 10+k, just to have, before even using.
  21. Favorites, hard to say. New spots, cutting through Doi Inthanon Nat Park to Mae Chaem and then exited a different route south to Sukhothai was really nice. As was parts of the trip down to Betong, Yala. Khao Kho is always nice. Drives through Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Krabi, Phangnga are always nice, though done so many times the past 20+ years. Try to take different routes. Along the coast or through the hills. Last year, driving through Nan, a first, and had spectacular views. G maps & timeline marks the map as we travel & stop. Seems anything more than 10 ish minutes, gets a dot. Hotel, coffee shop, restaurant, EV charging station, or just roadside, if I see some wildlife (usually birds) or a great view to take a snap or 50, or make a vid. Stopped Friday just before guesthouse, saw new species for me to snap, ended up taking 90 photos
  22. Only 2 'long' O&As so far for 2024, but seemed to cover some landscape in the process. This one, N, 2 weeks, and think the one S, shy of 2 weeks (March). Hotels and or coffee shops/restaurants while O&A, from G timeline.
  23. There's another similar thread, but I couldn't find it when searching. Then I started this one a while back, may interest some that get O&A. Some suggestions to start with, can add their own interests when researching.
  24. What would be the difference ? Same as in the 'west', you get what you pay for ... sometimes. Would expect any farang/Thai family to be the same as any middle class Thai/Thai family, income & educational opportunity wise. Not everyone needs or wants private schooling or Uni. Many succeed quite well, picking a a trade on their own and then going self employment. Same worldwide.
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